Project Description

Training for trainers and action-research in the field of pedagogical methods used in the training and education of adult learning staff.

The main activities of the project consist in:

1) An initial training for trainers (trainers of ALS) about the reciprocal maieutic approach.

2) On a second moment those trainers will have to implement a training course to ALS using the RMA method they learned during the initial training. This course is not about the RMA but use this approach as the main pedagogical approach.

3) After it will follow the creation of the prototype of the RMA and on a second stage (after evaluation of impact) the final version of it.

4) ALS will have to put in practice the new learning achievements in their daily practice in order to make possible the evaluation of the impact of the method.

The quality of the whole process will be ensured by the implementation of a quality plan and the impact will be monitored and evaluated by an external evaluator.