Keep your distance; new study on coughing shows masks help, not perfect

Keep your distance; new study on coughing shows masks help, not perfect Several Port Aransas business owners are happy about the facemask order that will become law on Wednesday. As the debate about mask mandates [...]

Keep your distance; new study on coughing shows masks help, not perfect

Keep your distance; new study on coughing shows masks help, not perfect As the debate about mask mandates continues in some states, a new study reportedly shows social distancing is just as important to reduce [...]

La tos persistente merma la eficacia de filtrado de los cubrebocas, revelan investigadores

Un trabajo previo de este grupo de investigación mostró que las gotas de saliva pueden viajar más de cinco metros en cinco segundos cuando una persona sin mascarilla tose. Este nuevo trabajo utilizó un modelo [...]

Corona: Dieser Fehler macht die Mund-und Nasenmaske weniger sicher

Corona: Dieser Fehler macht die Mund-und Nasenmaske weniger sicher Mund- und Nasenmasken sollen die Gefahr einer Corona-Tröpfchenübertragung verringern. Doch diese (schwer zu verhindernde) Sache macht das Tragen weniger sicher Das Tragen einer Mund- und Nasenmaske [...]

2020-06-29T10:48:19+03:0025 Ιουνίου, 2020|COVID-19 UNIC in the Press, COVID-19 Use of Masks, UNIC IN THE NEWS|

Can Covid-19 spread when someone coughs through a mask? This is what the science says | Health24

Can Covid-19 spread when someone coughs through a mask? This is what the science says | Health24 By now, Covid-19 is synonymous with facemasks, and even though the use of facemasks was still questioned earlier [...]

Se viene el verano en la Sierra; con el viento el virus viaja más lejos : País : La Hora Noticias de Ecuador, sus provincias y el mundo

Las medidas actuales de separación física, que obligan a guardar dos metros de distancia entre personas para evitar el contagio del coronavirus, podrían ser insuficientes en determinadas condiciones ambientales, como la velocidad del viento, que [...]

As Coronavirus Cases Spike, Here’s Where Masks Are Now Required

As Coronavirus Cases Spike, Here's Where Masks Are Now Required Eleven states now require every resident to wear a face covering while in public to help limit the spread of coronavirus, as the number of [...]

Coronavirus: People wearing masks standing three feet apart can transmit the disease

Coronavirus: People wearing masks standing three feet apart can transmit the disease Researchers have found that the coronavirus is able to flow between two people standing up to three feet apart even if one of [...]

Estudo alerta: Tossir pode reduzir eficácia da máscara

Estudo alerta: Tossir pode reduzir eficácia da máscara Perante a pandemia da Covid-19, o uso de máscara é fundamental para evitar a disseminação do novo coronavírus SARS-CoV-2. Além de que a utilização do acessório é obrigatória [...]

COVID-19: Coughing makes face masks ineffective |

COVID-19: Coughing makes face masks ineffective | The COVID-19 pandemic is here to stay for some time to come. With no cure or vaccination in sight, it is imperative that you take the proper [...]

Toilets could be flush with coronavirus, masks struggle to contain repeated coughs – Physics World

Toilets could be flush with coronavirus, masks struggle to contain repeated coughs – Physics World Here is another very good reason to wash your hands after using the facilities – and you might also want [...]

Nova simulação: é assim que o coronavírus se espalha, mesmo com uso de máscara – Canaltech

Nova simulação: é assim que o coronavírus se espalha, mesmo com uso de máscara - Canaltech Buscando controlar infecções do novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2), o uso de máscaras de proteção é recomendado por autoridades da saúde e [...]

Tosse repetitiva pode diminuir eficácia da máscara, alerta estudo

O uso da máscara facial de tecido é essencial para evitar a propagação e infecção pelo novo coronavírus. No entanto, segundo estudo da Universidade de Nicósia, no Chipre, tossir muito ao usá-la pode acabar desgastando seu material, tornando-a [...]

Προστατευτικές μάσκες: Τα δύο σημαντικά ευρήματα έρευνας για τη χρήση τους

Δύο σημαντικά ευρήματα ήρθαν στο φως της δημοσιότητας από επιστημονικής έρευνα που είχε ως επίκεντρο τη χρήση προστατευτικής μάσκας.Ο Καθηγητής της Ιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστήμιού Λευκωσίας, Δρ Δημήτρης Δρικάκης, σε παρέμβαση του στην εκπομπή του [...]

Filtering capacity of face masks “adversely affected” by repeated coughing, study says

Filtering capacity of face masks "adversely affected" by repeated coughing, study says London: While facial masks reduce the spread of COVID-19, their filtering efficiency is adversely affected by repeated coughing, according to a new study [...]

Estudio afirma que el Covid-19 puede transmitirse entre personas estén a un metro de distancia aunque usen cubrebocas » Intriper.

Si has estado sentado en tu casa desde marzo comiendo nada más que queso y esperando que se abran los bares, involuntariamente has estado entrenando para este trabajo soñado. Whisps, una compañía de papas fritas, [...]

Study says if you do this with your mask on, the protection rate drops dramatically

Study says if you do this with your mask on, the protection rate drops dramatically Most reasoned analysis elects face masks as our most effective countermeasure against the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, there are a [...]

Tosse repetitiva pode diminuir eficácia da máscara, alerta estudo – Revista Galileu | Ciência

Tosse repetitiva pode diminuir eficácia da máscara, alerta estudo Com tosse constante, gotículas podem se acumular no tecido e escapar, atingindo até um metro de distância. Sem a máscara, o alcance dobra. Proteção deve ser [...]

2020-06-29T12:45:33+03:0018 Ιουνίου, 2020|COVID-19 UNIC in the Press, COVID-19 Use of Masks, UNIC IN THE NEWS|

Repeated coughing seriously degrades face mask efficiency. | Infosurhoy

Repeated coughing seriously degrades face mask efficiency | Infosurhoy Face masks are thought to slow the spread of viruses, including the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, but little is known about how well they work. [...]

Face masks: Small droplets of saliva can emerge with some droplets traveling up to 1 meter: Study

Face masks: Small droplets of saliva can emerge with some droplets traveling up to 1 meter: Study Face masks are thought to slow the spread of viruses, including the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, but [...]

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