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EMSI Video Podcast Series – Episode 5: COVID-19 and the Middle East Security: A Challenge and/or an Opportunity?

COVID-19 will have several lasting impacts on the world. Firstly It will more than ever before emphasize the importance of technological advancement in coping and thwarting threats. Secondly the significance of secure borders will be further highlighted. Thirdly and arising from that the question of self-sufficiency in strategic goods will assume new significance. Fourthly vulnerability to the environment, whether natural or man-made, will concentrate minds. Lastly the outbreak of COVID-19 will ask for a broader and deeper assessment of human security in general and national security. In episode 5: COVID-19 and the Middle East Security: A Challenge and/or an Opportunity?, Professor Farid Mirbagheri at the Department of Politics and Governance and Ambassador (Egypt) Hesham Youssef, Senior Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace, discuss the above in the context of the Middle East and the political implications therein.

Watch the online discussion live and submit your questions and comments via the Eastern Mediterranean Studies Initiative (EMSI) Facebook page

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