Dr Sorvatzioti ICCC Collaborator at the University of Montreal

Dr Demetra Fr. Sorvatzioti, Associate Professor, has been formally nominated and invited to become a research collaborator with the International Centre for Comparative Criminology [ ICCC-CICC] at the prestigious Université de Montréal [UdeM] in Canada. Graduates of the University of Montreal include one Nobel laureate, four Justices of the Supreme Court of Canada and one Canadian Prime Minister.

As a collaborator, she will have the opportunity to work with the Centre’s researchers and to participate in the Centre’s scientific activities in many ways including collaborative projects, conference presentations and as an invited scholar. She has already given two lectures at the CICC one in 2016 and one in 2018 both regarding comparative sentencing.

The CICC was created in 1969 to bring together researchers seeking a multi-disciplinary understanding of the processes by which criminal behaviour is regulated and the control mechanisms put in place by the public, private and community institutions. It is the largest francophone body of researchers in the study of criminal phenomena, control and security, and one of the leading Centres worldwide.