Mr Michalis Petrides

Associate Lecturer
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Health Sciences
Member of the Senate

Dr Vicky Nicolaidou

Associate Professor
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Life Sciences
Member of the Senate

Professor Kyriakos Felekkis

School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Life Sciences
Member of the Council
Member of the Senate

Dr Loizos Papaloizou

Assistant Professor
School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Engineering
Member of the Senate

Professor Ioanna Dionysiou

Associate Head of Department
School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Computer Science
Member of the Senate

Dr Costas Stratilatis

Associate Professor
School of Law
Department of Law
Member of the Senate

Dr Vagia Polyzoidou

Programme Coordinator
Assistant Professor
School of Law
Department of Law
Member of the Senate

Professor Nuno Ferreira

School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
Member of the Senate

Professor Klimis Mastoridis

Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Design & Multimedia
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Member of the Senate

Professor Nicholas Nicoli

Associate Head of Department
Department of Communications
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Member of the Senate

Dr Marina Rodosthenous

Head of Department
Associate Professor
School of Education
Department of Education
Member of the Senate

Professor Elena Papanastasiou

Dean of the School of Education
School of Education
Department of Education
Member of the Council
Member of the Senate

Professor Natasa Economidou

Associate Head of Department
School of Education
Department of Music and Dance

Professor Demetris Vrontis

Vice Rector for Faculty and Research
School of Business
Department of Management
Member of the Senate
Member of the Council

Professor Haritini Tsangari

School of Business
Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance
Member of Senate

Dr Epaminondas Epaminonda

Associate Head of Department
Programme Coordinator
Associate Professor
School of Business
Department of Management
Member of the Senate

Dr Christos Petrou

Head of Department
Associate Professor
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Health Sciences
Member of the Senate

Professor Ioulia Papageorgi

Associate Dean
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
Member of the Senate

Ms Yianna Orphanidou

Associate Lecturer
School of Business
Department of Management
Member of the Senate

Professor Angelika Kokkinaki

Dean of the School of Business
School of Business
Department of Management
MBA Director
Member of the Senate

Professor Maria Evagorou

School of Education
Department of Education
Member of the Senate

Professor Achilles Emilianides

Dean of the School of Law
School of Law
Department of Law
Member of the Senate

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