Department of Communications2024-12-07T20:53:05+02:00

Department of Communications

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Communications

With academic and professional strengths across the fields of media and communication, the Department of Communications offers structured and versatile programmes of study, preparing you to achieve your career objectives in your chosen fields. Taught areas include digital/social media studies, journalism, radio, television and digital broadcast media, film and creative media production, and public relations and promotion. These are structured around practical courses, delivered by leading industry professionals. Focusing on current and emerging theories, methods and practices, the department has been at the forefront of programmes in communications for decades and aspires to continue to lead in the area through its innovative and industry relevant Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees.

Why Study Communications at UNIC

  • Innovative curriculum offering specialisation in all major areas of communication and media

  • The first MA in Digital Media and Communications in Cyprus

  • Innovative research based in the Department through Centre of Communication Studies and Research (CCSR)

  • Mediazone, the audiovisual hub of UNIC, provides an opportunity for hands-on practical experience, working alongside media industry professionals

  • Fully-equipped digital media production labs, with 16 video editing post-production workstations

  • The first university-level pathway specialising in digital media convergence and content creation
  • Strong ties with the local and international media including collaborations with television, radio, journalism, web portals and public relations

What our Students say

“Studying at UNIC gave me an amazing opportunity to develop knowledge while discovering a different culture and new perspectives. I felt very satisfied with the level of education, the attitude of the lecturers and the entire friendly community. I also enjoyed UNIC for being involved in students’ lives and organizing many cool events. I’m glad I had a chance to be a part of it!”

Agata Wdowiak, ERASMUS exchange student from the University of Lodz, Poland

“A place where ambition came to life and hopes and dreams took centre stage. Great, modern and adequate facilities rendered the learning experience a quality high class standard. The fusion of nationalities and cultures made the University of Nicosia a second home and a place where humanity was embraced.”

Pam Dube, Social Media Strategist at Business Connection Aberdeen, UK

“Completing an MA degree with the communications department of the University of Nicosia was one of the most thrilling educational experiences I’ve ever had. Through engaging and interactive learning methods, the faculty were passionate about introducing the students to the world of social science. I am forever in gratitude for the knowledge that was passed to me by my professors, whom I consider my mentors.”

Adonis Michael, Account PR Manager at Action Global Communications, Cyprus

“My studies enabled me to have hands on and theoretical knowledge in an era that digital media is so prominent, and I would say necessary for all TV channels and other businesses. My studies helped me to build up my brand, promote my TV programs on social media platforms whilst engaging with the audience. It also taught me how to draw in new audiences using different theories and skills as well as always having a plan ready to handle a production crisis. It was great to be part of this study, meeting new people and learning from my professors and other people who share our passion for this field.”

Parastoo Poortaheri, Broadcast Officer, Producer and Presenter SAT-7 Media Services Ltd, Cyprus

“Risk and Crisis management allowed me to gain new knowledge about crisis management with a focus on the role of social media, interactive communication and increasing the competencies of the people involved. I’m thankful to my course professor and my classmates for welcoming me and including me from the first days which were very hard as I was scared about this new reality. They inspired me to grow up and I enjoyed the lessons and various debates on current topics. I will return to Italy with a beautiful memory.”

Xheneta Lekiqi, ERASMUS exchange student from the University of Verona, Italy

“Since day one I felt that the campus was the ideal place to study for my Master’s degree. The instructors knew how to bring the best out of a student and that kept me focused on my goals while studying. The hands-on practices taught me differentiation between the media and how to use each one of them. The program covers various perspectives about social media and it is the reason I chose to be where I am today!”

Constantinos Tsiartas, Account Supervisor at, Cyprus

“I remember the struggles, stress and the challenges I faced during my studies and my experience of traveling and living alone, it is all worth it now. It has prepared me for my dream job in the field of digital Public Relations and branding. The program and UNIC supported me all the way from the start to achieving my career goals. I hope more people will realize the career-importance of having an MA in Digital Media and Communication.”

Manar Wehbe, Manager at Influencers Relations, Lebanon


Student Showreel 2020

Department News

Department Events

The Department of Communications at the University of Nicosia will host its annual PhD Symposium, presenting doctoral research in media and communications.

Each year, the University of Nicosia Graduation Ceremonies are broadcast live online.

Το Τμήμα Επικοινωνίας και το Τμήμα Εισδοχής Φοιτητών του Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας σας προσκαλούν σε ένα Διαδραστικό Εργαστήριο με θέμα Make Media, την Τετάρτη 26 Ιουλίου στις 18:00 στις εγκαταστάσεις του Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας.

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