Κορωνοϊός: Τι ρόλο παίζει ο καιρός στην εξάπλωση της πανδημίας – Τι λέει νέα έρευνα 

Κορωνοϊός: Τι ρόλο παίζει ο καιρός στην εξάπλωση της πανδημίας - Τι λέει νέα έρευνα «Η μάσκα και η κοινωνική απόσταση είναι αποτελεσματικές, αλλά δεν είναι αρκετές για την εξάλειψη του παθογόνου», αναφέρουν οι επιστήμονες [...]

2021-02-08T21:32:44+02:004 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021|COVID-19 Seasonality, COVID-19 UNIC in the Press|


KLIMA-EPIDEMIOLOGISCHES MODELL: CORONA IST EIN WINTERVIRUS Das wollen nun zwei Physiker der Universität Nikosia auf Zypern ändern und präsentieren ein Modell, das die klimatischen Schwankungen auf der Erde miteinbezieht. Talib Dbouk und Dimitris Drikakis berichten [...]

Temperature, humidity and wind could be used to predict another wave of coronavirus

Temperature, humidity and wind could be used to predict another wave of coronavirus Air temperature and humidity play a key role in determining when and where a second wave of the pandemic will strike, new [...]

Fale pandemii mogą być powodowane zmiennością pogodową. Każdego roku będą dwie fale?

Fale pandemii mogą być powodowane zmiennością pogodową. Każdego roku będą dwie fale? Autorzy badań, Talib Dbouk i Dimitris Drikakis z Uniwersytetu w Nikozji, wykorzystali symulacje dynamiki płynów do obliczenia koncentracji wirusa w zakażonej ślinie. Na [...]

Könnte ein Lockdown mit Wetterdaten vermieden werden?

Könnte ein Lockdown mit Wetterdaten vermieden werden? Wenn man das Wetter beim Verlauf der Corona-Pandemie mehr berücksichtigen würde, könnte man eher Vorhersagen für eine neue Welle treffen und somit gezielter Massnahmen treffen, um harte Lockdowns [...]

Airborne Infection Rate index predicts timing of second wave of pandemic

Airborne Infection Rate index predicts timing of second wave of pandemic The "second wave" of the coronavirus pandemic has placed much blame on a lack of appropriate safety measures. However, due to the impacts of [...]

Temperature, humidity, wind predict second wave of pandemic

Temperature, humidity, wind predict second wave of pandemic The 'second wave' of the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in much blame placed on a lack of appropriate safety measures. However, due to the impacts of weather, [...]

Temperature, humidity, wind predict second wave of pandemic

Temperature, humidity, wind predict second wave of pandemic Though face masks, travel restrictions, and social distancing guidelines help slow the number of new infections in the short term, the lack of climate effects incorporated into [...]

Temperature, Humidity, Wind Predict Second Wave of Pandemic

Temperature, Humidity, Wind Predict Second Wave of Pandemic The “second wave” of the coronavirus pandemic has placed much blame on a lack of appropriate safety measures. However, due to the impacts of weather, research suggests [...]

Temperature, Humidity – Wind Predict Second Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic

Temperature, Humidity – Wind Predict Second Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic Weather parameters, typically excluded from pandemic modeling, improve prediction capabilities. The “second wave” of the coronavirus pandemic has placed much blame on a lack of [...]

Temperature, humidity, wind predict second wave of pandemic

Temperature, humidity, wind predict second wave of pandemic Though face masks, travel restrictions, and social distancing guidelines help slow the number of new infections in the short term, the lack of climate effects incorporated into [...]

Temperature, humidity, wind predict second wave of pandemic

Temperature, humidity, wind predict second wave of pandemic The “second wave” of the coronavirus pandemic has placed much blame on a lack of appropriate safety measures. However, due to the impacts of weather, research suggests [...]

Temperature, Humidity, Wind Predict Second Wave of Pandemic

Temperature, Humidity, Wind Predict Second Wave of Pandemic The “second wave” of the coronavirus pandemic has placed much blame on a lack of appropriate safety measures. However, due to the impacts of weather, research suggests [...]

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