First Aid

Important Note: The First Aid room is in the Europa Building (level -1). 

Accidents vary in their nature and severity, and it is not possible therefore to lay down rules to be followed in all cases. Common sense and speedy action should be applied, and if the injury is considered minor, first-aid treatment should be carried out (e.g., washing and dressing). 

In more serious cases the first action should be to summon help. Only if it is necessary, remove the injured person away from the cause of the accident if there is likely to be a further hazard. In appropriate cases an ambulance should be called, using the University emergency procedure. When calling the ambulance (112), an indication of the nature of the injury should be given. 

First Aid boxes are positioned throughout the University, under the control of the First Aiders. Faculty, staff, and students should familiarise themselves with these locations (see Table below). 

Floor Location
-1 Level Kitchen and Art Studio 
Ground Floor Main Reception and Cafeteria
First Floor Faculty Common Room, Biology Lab, Aesthetics Lab
Second Floor Reception (Kitchen) 
Floor Location
Ground Floor  Reception 
Floor Location
-2 Level Lobby
First Floor Reception
Floor Location
-1 Level Library
First Floor Student Affairs
Floor Location
2nd Floor Reception
1st Floor Secretary’s Office
Floor Location
Ground Floor Reception
Floor Location
1st Floor Reception
Floor Location
Ground Floor Reception
Floor Location
Ground Floor Reception
Floor Location
Ground Floor Reception
Floor Location
Ground Floor Reception
  • Most serious injuries or illness can be treated during normal working hours by trained First Aiders. 
  • Outside normal working hours help can be summoned by dialling 112. 
  • An ambulance can also be summoned at any time by calling at 112 (if you are using a University Land Line, please dial 0 for an external line and then 112). 
  • Remember to give the operator the full postal address of the building the ambulance should attend. Also, inform the Receptionist in the buildings concerned so they can be prepared to receive the ambulance. 

University Policy for Transportation to Hospital 

In the event of a harmful chemical being ingested for which treatment is not immediately available, the hospital to which the person is to be sent, normally the General Hospital, should be telephoned in advance and the following information given: 

  • Person’s name and age 
  • Address, if known 
  • Substance ingested, common name and manufacturer’s name 
  • Condition of the person. 

In the event of an accident involving electric shock, the casualty should not be touched by anybody until the person is isolated from the supply. The person should then be removed from any further danger and the appropriate first aid given. 

In all cases the person must be taken or advised to attend the hospital, and the Health & Safety Officer must be informed immediately to fulfil the statutory duty to report to the relevant authorities, the police and the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance.