Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

The Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (RPF), founded in 1996, was established at the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, to promote the development of scientific and technological research in Cyprus due to the fundamental importance of research in contemporary societies. The mission of the Foundation is the promotion and development of scientific and technological research in Cyprus. The upgrading of research activities in Cyprus is targeted by the Foundation through a wide range of initiatives, such as the development of funding programmes for financing of research projects in Cyprus, the promotion of networking between the Cypriot and international research communities and the development of high level research infrastructure in Cyprus.


National Contact Points in Cyprus

In order to facilitate the participation of Cypriot organisations in Horizon 2020, National Contact Points (NCPs) have been appointed for all thematic and other areas the Programme. NCPs have the following responsibilities:

  • Providing systematic and in-depth information for the area they are in charge of,
  • Systematically disseminating information to the research community of Cyprus regarding the specific area they are responsible for,
  • Organising training and other seminars/Info days,
  • Assisting proposers and resolving queries at the stage of proposal preparation, including a pre-screening service
  • Supporting proposers in terms of finding partners abroad

A list of the NCPs for Cyprus can be accessed at:



Email: [email protected]