International Relations and Eastern Mediterranean Studies

(MA, 3 Semesters) – E-Learning/Distance Learning (Online)


3 semesters

Qualification Awarded

Master of Arts in International Relations and Eastern Mediterranean Studies

Level of Qualification

Master Degree (2nd Cycle)

Language of Instruction

English and Greek

Mode of Study

E-Learning/Distance Learning (Online)

Minimum ECTs Credits


Request Information

International Relations and Eastern Mediterranean Studies (MA, 3 Semesters) – E-Learning/Distance Learning (Online)

Duration 3 semesters
Qualification Awarded Master of Arts in International Relations and Eastern Mediterranean Studies
Level of Qualification Master Degree (2nd Cycle)
Language of Instruction English and Greek
Mode of Study E-Learning/Distance Learning (Online)
Minimum ECTS Credits 90

Request Information

Profile of the Programme

General Objectives of the Program

The program gives the opportunity for specialization in the particular fields of International Relations and Eastern Mediterranean studies, both at a theoretical and at a practical level. It provides postgraduate education to holders of a Bachelor in political science or of some other relevant field (International Relations, European Studies, Governance, Public Administration, Law etc.). It mainly, but not exclusively, addresses itself to individuals who (intend to) work on fields relevant with the Eastern Mediterranean and international relations (diplomats, consular officials, security and military personnel, energy security personnel, general employees of companies and of other private sector entities or organizations, members of the public service or of some other public or semi-public agency or organization, members of non-governmental organizations etc.)

It is expected that the program will provide its graduates with additional qualifications and that it will enhance their cognitive as well as their managerial capacities; this will help them enrich their career opportunities. Graduates of the program also have the opportunity to pursue further studies at a PhD level. The program particularly highlights special issues that are of great theoretical and practical importance, encouraging a comparative approach, within the contemporary international and regional context, with the aim of confronting contemporary problems and challenges in a theoretically informed, while practically efficient, way. The program aims to provide postgraduate education and skills to conduct independent research on the relevant fields and achieve a deep understanding of the complexity of international affairs, as well as of the paramount importance of theoretical and methodological competence when dealing with them.

Special Objectives of the Program

The main academic aims of the program are (a) the deepening of knowledge in specialized fields of international relations and Eastern Mediterranean Studies with theoretical and practical importance, as well as (b) the broadening of the understanding of political science and of its implementation in a comparative regional and international context. Emphasis is given both to the theoretical parameters and practical implementation, with an overall view to enhancing the capacity of students to confront current challenges and problems, especially those that may be encountered in the regional and international environment. Students are given the opportunity to engage with academic research and the application of good practices and models, gaining well-founded specialization in fields of particular importance. In this respect, students are called to make effective and theoretically sound application of related concepts in the fields of International Relations and Eastern Mediterranean Studies and to develop an in-depth approach to complex issues such as the interstate relations, regional affairs, conflict, international law, terrorism, energy dependence and energy security etc. The program provides specialized knowledge and the ability to self-reflect and critically assess the theoretical and research tradition pertaining to a series of relevant fields and aims to provide the students with deep understanding of the evolution of the international system in the 20th and 21st centuries as well as the new regional environment in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.

Career Prospects

The program applies to individuals who intend to work in fields relevant with international affairs (e.g. in the public sector, especially in services under Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defence or Commerce, in multinational firms, in international organisations such as the UN and the EU, in academic institutions and research centres, in non-governmental organisations etc).

Access to Further Studies

Graduates of the programme can be accepted into Third Cycle degrees (Doctorate Degree)

Admission Criteria

The minimum general requirement for admission to the post-graduate degree programme is a Bachelor Degree from a recognised university.

In addition to the above, applicants must also satisfy the following requirements/submit the following documents:

  • A CV of the prospective student.
  • Τwo recommendation letters.
  • A personal statement by the prospective student expressing his/her interest in following the program.
  • Proficient knowledge of English (see below)
  • Knowledge of more than one foreign language will be considered an advantage.

English Language Proficiency

Students satisfy the English requirements if their first degree was taught in English. Otherwise, they would need to present a minimum TOEFL score of 550 and above, or Computer-based TOEFL score of 213 and above, or Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) score 79-80 and above, or GCSE (or GCE) English Language “O” Level of “C” or above or IELTS of 6.5 and above or Cambridge Exams (First Certificate with Grade B and above, as well as Proficiency with Grade C and above or a score placement at the ENGL-100 level of the University English Placement Test. The University offers English courses at various levels to help students reach the required standard for admission to a graduate program.

Course assessment usually comprises of a comprehensive final exam and continuous assessment. Continuous assessment can include amongst others, weekly interactive activities, projects, positive online forum participation etc.

Letter grades are calculated based on the weight of the final exam and the continuous assessment and the actual numerical marks obtained in these two assessment components. Based on the course grades the student’s semester grade point average (GPA) and cumulative point average (CPA) are calculated.

The student must complete 90 ECTS and all programme requirements.

A minimum cumulative grade point average (CPA) of 2.0 is required. Thus, although a ‘D-‘ is a PASS grade, in order to achieve a CPA of 2.0 an average grade of ‘C’ is required.

The intended earning outcomes involve both practical and theoretical knowledge, skills and qualifications that will enhance students cognitive as well as managerial capacities, when dealing with tasks and challenges in relevant professions. Upon successful completion of this program, students are expected to:

  1. Advance knowledge of basic concepts, principles, notions, theories and models and apply them in special contexts within the cognitive field of international relations and Eastern Mediterranean Studies.
  2. Advance specific theoretical schemes and models, related to the content and to the particular objects of the cognitive field.
  3. Combine theoretical and empirical knowledge, so as to be able to treat simple or complex issues that arise in professional areas of interest.
  4. Analyze and evaluate issues, problems and proposals in specific areas of international relations and Eastern Mediterranean Studies (normative and empirical approach).
  5. Evaluate procedures that aim at confronting problems in the field.
  6. Identify priority issues, which deserve analysis and evaluation at national, regional or international level.
  7. Conduct independent research and combine in an interdisciplinary manner the methodological and cognitive tools of political science, in order to deliver innovative approaches and proposals.
  8. Implement necessary analytical and communication skills required in order to get involved in professional fields of interest, either on a regional or international level.
  9. Develop analytical skills, in accordance with the requirements of the profession.
  10. Utilise the necessary supplies and the associated culture in the pursuit of continuous improvement of their individual skills and competencies after the completion of their studies.
  11. Independently identify, analyze and evaluate complex issues relating to International Relations and Eastern Mediterranean Studies by using a variety of theoretical approaches and methodological tools.
  12. Critically evaluate key developments within the fields of international relations and Eastern Mediterranean studies.
  13. Independently analyze, interpret and reflect upon key trends and developments in world politics and engage in related debates.
  14. Effectively utilize research methods used in the fields of International Relations, Political Science and Area Studies.

Section: A Core Requirements
ECTS: Min. 60 Max. 60

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
MIR-500DE Theory of International Relations 10
MIR-515DE Eastern Mediterranean History and Politics 10
MIR-520DE International Political Economy 10
MIR-535DE Law of the Sea and International Law 10
MIR-545DE Eastern Mediterranean Energy Geopolitics 10
MIR-695DE Thesis I/Research Methodology 10

Section: B Electives
ECTS: Min. 30 Max. 30
Notes: The Thesis is equivalent to 30 ECTS, and requires the completion of MIR-695DE Thesis I/Research Methodology (10 ECTS) and MIR-696DE Thesis II (20 ECTS).

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
MIR-551DE Politics in the Middle East 10
MIR-612DE Case Studies in Conflict Analysis 10
MIR-616DE Case Studies in Political Sociology 10
MIR-627DE Greek-Turkish Relations and Cyprus 10
MIR-655DE The EU and the South-Eastern Mediterranean 10
MIR-660DE Special Topics 10
MIR-688DE Terrorism and Other Forms of Asymmetric Threats 10
MIR-696DE Thesis II 20

Section: C Unallocated Courses
ECTS: Min. 0 Max. 0

Section: A – Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα
Min. ECTS Credits: 60  Max. ECTS Credits: 60

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
MIR-500DG Θεωρία Διεθνών Σχέσεων 10
MIR-515DG Ιστορία και Πολιτική της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου 10
MIR-520DG Διεθνής Πολιτική Οικονομία 10
MIR-535DG Δίκαιο της Θάλασσας και Διεθνές Δίκαιο 10
MIR-545DG Γεωπολιτική της Ενέργειας στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο 10
MIR-695DG Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία Ι/Μεθοδολογία Έρευνας 10

Section: B – Μαθήματα Επιλογής
Min. ECTS Credits: 30  Max. ECTS Credits: 30
Notes: Οι συνολικές πιστωτικές μονάδες της Μεταπτυχιακής Εργασίας είναι 30 ECTS και απαιτείται η συμπλήρωση των MIR-695DG Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία I/Μεθοδολογία Έρευνας (10 ECTS) και MIR-696DG Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία II (20 ECTS).

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
MIR-551DG Πολιτική Μέσης Ανατολής 10
MIR-612DG Μελέτες Περιπτώσεων στην Ανάλυση Συγκρούσεων 10
MIR-616DG Μελέτες Περιπτώσεων στην Πολιτική Κοινωνιολογία 10
MIR-627DG Ελληνοτουρκικές Σχέσεις και Κύπρος 10
MIR-655DG Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και Νοτιοανατολική Μεσόγειος 10
MIR-660DG Ειδικά Θέματα 10
MIR-688DG Τρομοκρατία και Άλλες Mορφές Ασύμμετρων Απειλών 10
MIR-696DG Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία II 20

Section: C – Unallocated Courses
Min. ECTS Credits: 0  Max. ECTS Credits: 0

Semester 1

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
MIR-500DE Theory of International Relations 10
MIR-515DE Eastern Mediterranean History and Politics 10
MIR-695DE Thesis I/Research Methodology 10

Semester 2

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
MIR-520DE International Political Economy 10
MIR-545DE Eastern Mediterranean Energy Geopolitics 10
MIR-535DE Law of the Sea and International Law 10

Semester 3

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
MIR-551DE Politics in the Middle East 10
MIR-655DE The EU and the South-Eastern Mediterranean 10
MIR-688DE Terrorism and Other Forms of Asymmetric Threats 10
The above semester breakdown is an indicative one. A few of the courses are electives and can be substituted by others. Students may contact their academic advisor and consult their academic pathway found on this website under “Schools & Programmes”.

Semester 1

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
MIR-500DG Θεωρία Διεθνών Σχέσεων 10
MIR-515DG Ιστορία και Πολιτική της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου 10
MIR-695DG Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία Ι/Μεθοδολογία Έρευνας 10

Semester 2

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
MIR-520DG Διεθνής Πολιτική Οικονομία 10
MIR-545DG Γεωπολιτική της Ενέργειας στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο 10
MIR-535DG Δίκαιο της Θάλασσας και Διεθνές Δίκαιο 10

Semester 3

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
MIR-551DG Πολιτική Μέσης Ανατολής 10
MIR-655DG Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και Νοτιοανατολική Μεσόγειος 10
MIR-688DG Τρομοκρατία και Άλλες Mορφές Ασύμμετρων Απειλών 10
The above semester breakdown is an indicative one. A few of the courses are electives and can be substituted by others. Students may contact their academic advisor and consult their academic pathway found on this website under “Schools & Programmes”.

Dr Constantinos Adamides

Associate Head of Department
Associate Professor
School of Law
Department of Politics and Governance
Member of the Senate

Dr Giorgos Charalambous

Associate Professor
School of Law
Department of Politics and Governance

Dr Odysseas Christou

Associate Professor
School of Law
Department of Law

Professor Hubert Faustmann

School of Law
Department of Politics and Governance

Dr Christina Ioannou

Associate Dean
Associate Professor
School of Law
Department of Politics and Governance

Dr Giorgos Kentas

Associate Professor
School of Law
Department of Politics and Governance

Dr Michalis Kontos

Associate Professor
School of Law
Department of Politics and Governance

Professor Andreas Theophanous

Head of Department
School of Law
Department of Politics and Governance

Professor Theodoros Tsakiris

School of Business
Department of Management

Andreas Karyos

Adjunct Faculty

Victoria Pistikou

Victoria Pistikou

[email protected]

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