Dr Avra Xepapadakou

Associate Professor
School of Education
Department of Education
Programme Coordinator

Dr Avra Xepapadakou is a researcher of performing arts and Associate Professor at the University of Nicosia. She is the author of the books: Pavlos Carrer (Athens: Fagottobooks, 2013) on the Ionian opera composer, and Interspersed with musical entertainment. Music in Greek Salons of the Nineteenth Century (Athens: Hellenic Music Centre, 2017), co-authored with Alexandros Charkiolakis. She has widely published and has given numerous lectures on topics related to her research interests.

Since 2012 she has worked on the processing of the archive of the Italian theatre director Romeo Castellucci. Currently she is collaborating with Greek theatre director Dimitris Papaioannou, as curator of his archive. She has conducted research as a grantee visiting scholar at CSU-Sacramento (2015). In 2016 she was awarded a research grant as part of the Balzan Prize in Musicology. Within this framework, she has conducted research at the University of Oxford (2016), and at the Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, Universität Zürich (2017).