Architecture – Concentrations: 1. Sustainable Architecture, 2. Interior Architecture

(MA, 1.5 Years or 3 semesters)


1.5 years

Qualification Awarded

Master of Arts in Architecture

Level of Qualification

Master Degree (2nd Cycle)

Language of Instruction

English and Greek

Mode of Study

Full-time or Part-time

Minimum ECTs Credits


No enrolments for current semester

Architecture – Concentrations: 1. Sustainable Architecture, 2. Interior Architecture (MA, 1.5 Years or 3 semesters)

Duration 1.5 years
Qualification Awarded Master of Arts in Architecture
Level of Qualification Master Degree (2nd Cycle)
Language of Instruction English and Greek
Mode of Study Full-time and Part-time
Minimum ECTS Credits 90

No enrolments for current semester

Request Information

Profile of the Programme

The Master of Arts in Architecture is a multidisciplinary postgraduate course that deals with and debates contemporary design issues. The course places particular emphasis on experimentation within the framework of the design, engineering and humanities professions. Two concentrations are offered through this MA programme which will give prospective students the opportunity to develop mature analytical and creative methods of working while redefining and extending their individual study areas. Students may select between two concentrations: (a) Sustainable Architecture and (b) Interior Architecture.

Sustainable Design and Interior Architecture is already a key element of the Architecture programme. Sustainability as a principle is been taught throughout the Bachelor programme (both of Architecture and Interior Architecture) and the Professional Diploma (Architecture). Both programmes consider the principles and practice of designing architecture suited to climatic and physical specifics anywhere in the world and it explores the profound impact of local and regional site analysis and understanding to the practice of sustainable design. Students become aware of design factors affecting large-scale components such as ecosystems and smaller scale ones such as indoor comfort and they subsequently explore concepts, structures and techniques that lay behind the realisation of energy-conscious design. One purpose of this MA programme is to operate as a cross-disciplinary experience and to bring its participants in familiarity with other design specialisations. The post graduate courses are open to architects, engineers, including urban planning and design, landscape architecture, engineering, construction and property development, interior design and interior architecture, and suitably qualified candidates from other disciplines.

Architecture is of critical importance to designers and engineers, whose work determines much of the environmental impact of the objects, buildings and systems around us. It also shapes the social behaviours responsible for our on-going environmental crisis. Knowledge of the principles and practices of a more sustainable approach to design therefore has become an essential component of design education in all fields.

The principal objectives of the programme are for students:

  1. To build upon their existing disciplinary knowledge, examining, reviewing and developing progressive approaches to design within ever-changing social, environmental and economic contexts.
  2. To instill in future practitioners the knowledge and ability needed to design healthy, comfortable and secure environments that place a minimal strain on global resources.
  3. To provide a practical and scientific understanding of the impact of climate on design and to use of energy efficient design principles.
  4. To acquire a systematic understanding of knowledge and a critical awareness of current problems and new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of their academic discipline, field of study, or area of professional practice.
  5. To investigate social and political processes and ramifications that are triggered by inhabitated and uninhabited environments, and their affect on our perception, attitude and actions.
  6. To be visually sensitive, socially aware, environmentally responsible, technically competent and with an appreciation for the arts and humanities.
  7. To be respectful and responsible to cultural roots and sensitive to human needs.
  8. Plan and bring to closure large-scale research and, therefore, to generate new knowledge and thus contribute to the further development of the sciences in sustainable design.

Career Prospects

Students who complete successfully the master programme will be able to:

  1. Work in their chosen fields with higher knowledge and competency by applying values and principles of different aspects within their specialised field.
  2. Have a competitive edge in a more demanding job market and at the same time enhance their professional and/or academic skills for their future development.
  3. Be appointed in various departments/services of the Government or decision making bodies.
  4. Exercise an administrative and/or supervisory role in consulting units, private institutions of higher education or in research centres.
  5. Engage in research projects or research projects undertaken by either nonprofit (such as NGO) or profit institutes in the fields of either sustainable design or in their specialised field or work as Research Faculty Members in higher education institutions.
  6. Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level.
  7. Continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level and will have the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring: the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility; decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations; and the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development.

Graduates of the programme will also be able to pursue doctoral studies within their relevant area, should they wish.

Access to Further Studies

Graduates of the programme will also be able to pursue doctoral studies in their own field or any other relevant area, should they wish. The design of this programme makes provision for these students, through the offering of a Thesis option. By selecting to complete a Thesis, students will have the opportunity to work on a substantive piece of research work and they will be positioned in an advantageous position to be accepted into a doctoral programme over graduates with no experience in Thesis writing. Upon completion of the master programme students may have direct admission to the Ph.D. programme in Architecture offered by the department, or be prepared for a PhD or other practice based doctorate degree work in their specialised area. This will offer a valuable gateway into a career in academia.

The minimum general requirement for admission to the post-graduate degree programme is a Bachelor Degree from a recognised university (eg. American, European), or another recognised equivalent qualification.

English Language Proficiency

Students satisfy the English requirements if their first degree was taught in English. Otherwise, they would need to present a minimum TOEFL score 550 and above, or Computer-based TOEFL score of 213 and above, or Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) score 79-80 and above, or GCSE (or GCE) English Language “O” Level of “C” or above or IELTS of 6.5 and above or Cambridge Exams (First Certificate with Grade B and above, as well as Proficiency with Grade C and above or a score placement at the ENGL-100 level of the University English Placement Test. The University offers English courses at various levels to help students reach the required standard for admission to a graduate program.

Course assessment usually comprises of a comprehensive final exam and continuous assessment. Continuous assessment can include amongst others, mid-terms, projects, and class participation.

Letter grades are calculated based on the weight of the final exam and the continuous assessment and the actual numerical marks obtained in these two assessment components. Based on the course grades the student’s semester grade point average (GPA) and cumulative point average (CPA) are calculated.

The programme for the MA in Architecture for both concentrations is structured around three academic semesters. In each semester students are required to take 30 ECTS (i.e. three courses), completing 90 ECTS after 3 semesters of full-time tuition. Concentration 1: Sustainable Architecture Concentration 2: Interior Architecture.

To successfully complete either concentration of the programme students must complete 90 ECTS. 30ECTS are required courses which are common for both concentrations.

30ECTS are also required courses but are different for each concentration.

30ECTS are Elective Courses (common for both concentrations, students must select any course not taken as concentration requirement).

Students can elect whether they want to complete a Thesis or Design Project as part of their elective courses. The selection of the Thesis Option or Design Project should be made by the end of the first semester of study and by the end of their third semester.

A minimum cumulative grade point average (CPA) of 2.0 is required. Thus, although a ‘D-‘ is a PASS grade, in order to achieve a CPA of 2.0 an average grade of ‘C’ is required.

Upon the successful completion of the programme, the students of both concentrations should be able to:

  1. Have acquired deep knowledge of the new trends (subject- and research-wise) on sustainable design and the specific concentrations
  2. Understand the problems associated with innovation in sustainable design both on a micro- and macro-level of the sustainable design world.
  3. Undertake and exercise successfully leadership role(s) in the area of their concentration/work environment.
  4. Designing, maintaining and operating all scales and formats of the built environment, social and otherwise, in an environmentally sensitive and climatically suitable manner.
  5. Manage resources while tackling socio-economic and political issues and relationships.
  6. Invest in knowledge and experience of architecture practices that will help bring forth a paradigm shift in a global attitude towards the natural environment.
  7. Pursue career development in the building industry and/or secure high-level employment in related profession.
  8. Critically evaluate work in their field, including their own work, using professional terminology.
  9. Combine creative and innovative skills to produce work suitable for seeking opportunities in their chosen field and take responsibility for their own professional and academic development.
  10. Demonstrate the expertise, independent skills and competence required to solve creative problems and be in charge of complex design processes.
  11. Recognise and assess the ethical challenges and the influence of major historical and contemporary cultural trends on sustainable design.
  12. Communicate and cooperate efficiently with others either in the practical or theoretical or in design-related development processes, within and outside their own subject area.
  13. Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level.
  14. Demonstrate knowledge & understanding of essential notions, principles, theories and concepts .
  15. Demonstrate the ability to research appropriate material and analyse the structure and content of research material through written and drawn documents.
  16. Demonstrate time management and organisational skills. Demonstrate the ability to organise information and apply a hierarchy/ structure to information in written and drawn work.
  17. Keep well informed and in tune with current developments in the discipline to continue individual professional development
  18. Expand their knowledge of processes, building materials, construction and technologies appropriate to the design and representation of architectural space.
  19. Be able to use appropriate criteria and sound argument to support, discuss and evaluate design proposals.
Section: A – Major Requirements
Min. ECTS Credits: 30  Max. ECTS Credits: 30
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-511 Contextual Analysis 10
ARCH-512 Critical Practices 10
ARCH-513 Ecological Thinking and the Built Environment 10
Section: B – Concentration: Sustainable Architecture
Min. ECTS Credits: 30  Max. ECTS Credits: 30
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-521 Bioclimatic Architecture 10
ARCH-522 Advanced Integrated Systems 10
ARCH-523 Energy Efficient Buildings 10
Section: C – Concentration: Interior Architecture
Min. ECTS Credits: 30  Max. ECTS Credits: 30
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-531 Sustainable Practices in Interior Architecture 10
ARCH-532 Innovative Materials and Technologies in Interior Architecture 10
ARCH-533 Advanced Systems in Interior Architecture 10
Section: D – Elective Courses
Min. ECTS Credits: 30  Max. ECTS Credits: 30
Notes: The courses of ARCH-521, ARCH-522, ARCH-523, ARCH-531, ARCH-532 and ARCH-533 are also included in this section.
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-561 Approaches to Historic Preservation 10
ARCH-562 Landscape Design Technologies 10
ARCH-563 Alternative Building Systems 10
ARCH-590 Research Methodology in Design 10
ARCH-591 Project 20
ARCH-592 Thesis 20

Semester 1

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-511 Contextual Analysis 10
ARCH-512 Critical Practices 10
ARCH-521 Bioclimatic Architecture 10

Semester 2

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-513 Ecological Thinking and the Built Environment 10
ARCH-522 Advanced Integrated Systems 10
ARCH-523 Energy Efficient Buildings 10

Semester 3

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-531 Sustainable Practices in Interior Architecture 10
ARCH-591 Project 20
The above semester breakdown is an indicative one. A few of the courses are electives and can be substituted by others. Students may contact their academic advisor and consult their academic pathway found on this website under “Schools & Programmes”.

Professor Petros Lapithis

Department of Architecture
School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr Kika Ioannou-Kazamia

Associate Professor
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Architecture

Dr Anna Efstathiou

Associate Professor
Department of Architecture
School of Humanities and Social Sciences

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