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CSC Guest Speaker Series | Online Webinar: Ceranext – Leading Innovation and Building Ideas

The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market.

Ceranext’s key role is to provide smart, tailor-made, communication solutions combined with advanced technology, accurate high-quality products, featuring innovative design that provide cutting-edge operational advantages. The company’s mission is to provide communication when one is not available, and to prevent communication when needed. The presentation will be given by Yuval Carmel, General Manager of Ceranext.


Yuval Carmel,
General Manager of Ceranext

About Yuval Carmel

Yuval Carmel has been the General Manager at Ceranext Limited since 2018, a Cypriot company located in Nicosia, Cyprus. Ceranext is a technological company in the field of telecommunications solutions for homeland security applications. Yuval graduated in 2005 from the Israel Institute of Technology with a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering and in 2011 from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev where he received his MSc degree in Electrical Engineering. After having worked at Qualcomm for 16 years, Yuval has gained a broad experience in the field of telecommunications. He also served in the Israeli Defense Forces intelligence corps for more than 5 years as a soldier and officer.

For more info:

Career Success Centre
Tel.: 22 84 2150
Email: [email protected]

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