Professor Philippos Pouyioutas re-elected as Rector of the University of Nicosia

Professors Cοnstantinos Phellas, Panayiotis Angelides, and Demetris Vrontis were re-elected to the positions of Senior Vice Rector, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, and Vice Rector for Faculty and Research, respectively

The election process for the Rectorate of the University of Nicosia was completed on October 30, 2023, with Professor Philippos Pouyioutas being re-elected as Rector.

In the elections for the Vice Rectors, Professor Constantinos Fellas was re-elected as Senior Vice Rector, Professor Panagiotis Angelides was re-elected as Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, and Professor Dimitris Vrontis was re-elected as the Vice Rector for Faculty and Research.

Both the Rector and the Vice Rectors were re-elected without any opposing candidates.

The term of the re-elected Rectorate extends until 1 April, 2028.