Dr Angela Hadjipanteli
Dr Angela Hadjipanteli is an Assistant Professor in the School of Education at the University of Nicosia. She has recently completed her doctoral studies in Arts Education at the University of Warwick, UK (2016) and, notably, in Drama and Theatre Education. She obtains a Master degree with distinction in the same field and, also, a degree of Εquation of Primary Education by the Kapodistrian University of Athens. She is a graduate of the Pedagogical Academy of Cyprus and, moreover, possesses a diploma of educational training by the Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus. At first, she began her
professional career as a teacher in public primary education and, subsequently, worked as an associate headmaster and as a headmaster in private primary schools.
She teaches two circles of courses in the undergraduate programme of the Department of Education. Specifically, she teaches the two courses of Drama and Theatre Education, in both programmes of pre-primary and primary education. In addition, she is the teacher of the three courses of School Experience for primary education and coordinates the practicum of the student primary teachers.
During the last two years, she has given talks about drama and theatre education in educational conferences both in Cyprus and Greece. In parallel, she has designed and implemented workshops of drama and theatre education for students and teachers of pre-primary, primary and secondary education.
Her research interests focus on the epistemology of virtue and, notably, on the dialogical, interpersonal and intrapersonal virtues in relation to the field of Drama and Theatre Education. Furthermore, the notions of good teaching, aesthetics of teaching, teacher artistry and the pedagogy of teacher’s body lie at the heart of her research