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The UNIC “Management and MIS” Department fights against Cancer!

On Saturday the 7th of December, the Anti-Cancer Society Organizes The Christmas Fiesta at the Headquarters of the Cyprus Electricity Authority!

The University of Nicosia community supports The Christmas Fiesta:

  1. Medical School: Booth- “Blood Pressure Measurement”
  2. Interior Designing Program: Booth “Christmas crafts for kids”
  3. Mediazone: Booth- “Make your 3D Christmas Wish”
  4. UNIC Library: Game- “Do you Know Europe?”
  5. School of Education: Distribution of Leaflets & Volunteers
  6. Facilities Department: Support services
  7. “Management and MIS” Department: Event Coordinator

Download the Christmas Fiesta leaflet as a pdf here


  1. Read the leaflet and forward it to your contacts
  2. Help for the distribution of the leaflets to the schools of your children
  3. Visit the event with your friends and family

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