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Seminar 9: “Publishing – Why, Where and How”

Publications are the most important goal of research-oriented academics and the best measure of their scientific output and standard. Publications are often the primary criterion in decisions affecting the professional life and advancement of academics, including hiring, ranking, research time release, research support, organizational/institutional posts, editorial roles and more. And yet, many scholars, even experienced ones, sometimes lack proper knowledge on and/or understanding of the reasons to publish. More frequently, they understand the need to publish, but are unsure of the ‘where’ and the ‘how’. And these are critical questions, whose answer significantly affects the probability of a work being published and of gaining the highest possible recognition in the scientific community. This seminar will present the key questions of “why, where and how to publish”, and will also discuss internationally acceptable/customary ways of evaluating individual publications, as well as scholars’ collective output. Through a presentation and open discussion, we shall also advise on the best avenues for personal scholarly development on and through research publications.


Prof Alkis Thrassou
Marketing Department, School of Business

Dr. Alkis Thrassou is a Professor at the School of Business, University of Nicosia (Cyprus, EU). He holds a Ph.D. in Strategic Marketing Management from the University of Leeds (UK), as well as a B.Eng. (LU) and an M.Sc. (UNIC) in Engineering. He is also a Chartered Marketer and Fellow (FCIM), a Chartered Construction Manager and Fellow (FCIOB), a Chartered Management Consultancy Surveyor (MRICS), and a Senior Research Fellow of the EuroMed Academy of Business (SFEMAB / EMRBI). He is an Associate Editor of the EuroMed Journal of Business (Scopus citescore 3.7) and the Managing Editor of the Palgrave Studies in Cross-disciplinary Business Research book series. He has extensive academic and professional/industry experience, and he has undertaken significant research in the fields of Strategy, Management and Marketing. He has published over 160 works in numerous internationally esteemed scientific journals, books and conferences; he has edited/guest-edited many journals and books; and he retains strong ties with industry, acting also as a consultant

This seminar is part of the Research Skills Development Programme (RSDP) series. For more information visit https://www.unic.ac.cy/research-skills-development-programme/ 

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