University of Nicosia in the Top 40 Universities in the World for Quality Education

The University also shares the #1 position in Cyprus and Greece for its overall social and economic impact, according to the 2022 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings

The 2022 Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings once again rank the University of Nicosia (UNIC) in the Top 40 universities globally, recognising it as the number 36 university in the world in Quality Education. Moreover, the results place UNIC in the #1 position in Cyprus and in the #2 position in Cyprus and Greece, and among the Top 15 universities in the European Union, in this core area.

The Impact Rankings is the only ranking to measure the progress of universities globally in terms of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), viewed as increasingly important given the critical action they stimulate in varied and essential areas for humanity and the planet. In this respect, UNIC shares the top position in both Cyprus and Greece and ranks among the Top 75 in the EU and among the Top 301-400 universities in the world in terms of its overall social and economic impact – advancing its standing in this expanded fourth edition, which featured more than 1,400 universities from 106 countries and regions, including strong representation by the UK, the USA, Japan, and Australia.

Universities have an essential role in contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through research and education”, noted Professor Dimitris Drikakis, UNIC’s Vice President for Global Partnerships and Executive Director of Research and Innovation. “UNIC’s consistently excellent results in the Impact Rankings reflect our commitment to the SDGs and attest to our innovative strategies for sustainability on campus, as well as on a national and global scale, undertaken in collaboration with our expanding network of international academic and industrial partners”, he added.

Continuing in that vein, the Senior Vice Rector, Professor Constantinos N. Phellas, underlined the University’s strong and committed strategic focus on supporting environmental, social, and economic sustainability: “Going sustainable for us means actively and heartily heeding that call to action, fully embracing that prudent and critical roadmap laid out in the UN SGDs, to enact a much-needed agenda for global change in combating the most pressing societal challenges we are all communally facing”.

UNIC’s status as an agent of positive change is reflected in its multifaceted University Social Responsibility (USR) campaigns and initiatives, which include scholarship programmes for refugees and immigrants in collaboration with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), an award-winning Youth Guidance Programme for children from underprivileged families, and enacting CSR Europe’s New Deal for sustainable growth and inclusive prosperity. Such activities tie in with and reinforce the University’s positive impact on sustainability in the core pillars connected to the SDGs, namely: Research, Operations, Student Learning, and Community. They also reflect related results in several key areas, including that of Reducing Inequalities (SDG10) and Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG11), the latter of which goes hand in hand with the development of UNIC City, the University’s constantly evolving campus.

Commenting on the latest THE Impact Rankings, the Rector, Professor Philippos Pouyioutas, underscored the University’s continuing impressive position in the Top 40 universities in the world in the area of Quality Education (SDG4): “The results reflect our consistency and care in this core area, attesting to our commitment and efforts towards offering inclusive quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all”.

Rector Pouyioutas stood especially on the tangible impact the University is making through its teaching, research, and engagement activities, which he attributed to the combined efforts of teaching, research, and administrative staff, as well as students and alumni across all departments. “We are proud to be contributing to the achievement of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. More than that, we are committed to acting as catalysts for change, mindful that we can and should play a role, both locally and internationally, in transforming our world into a better, more inclusive, and peaceful place, in line with the broader Sustainable Development Goals”.

The Impact Rankings results represent the latest in a succession of distinctions bestowed on UNIC by Times Higher Education, possibly the best-known and most influential university rankings in the world. Indicatively, the flagship THE World University Rankings for 2022 rank UNIC among the Top 601-800 universities in the world. UNIC was also recognised by the 2022 THE Young University Rankings (number 179 in the world and Top 70 in the EU among the universities that are 50 years old or younger) and by the 2022 THE Emerging Economies Rankings (number 122 among the universities in the countries or regions classified by the London Stock Exchange’s FTSE Group as “Emerging”).