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Day of the event: 16th of October 2015

Time: 6.00 p.m.

Venue: University of Nicosia, Room: -2 in Millenium Building


The event is organised by the European Commission and the University of Nicosia.


We will have the first official screening of the short film which was translated by students of the University of Nicosia.

We will also show another short video where the students are talking about the process (which tools they used, whether it was a positive experience for them etc.)

At the end, we will have a presentation about film translation and subtitling which will be offered by Dr Dionysios Kapsaskis from the University of Roehampton, UK.

The Rector of the University of Nicosia and the Head of the European Commisssion in Cyprus will address the audience. 


Download the detailed programme here

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