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The Department of Languages and Literature invites you to


"Teacher Development Day in TESOL"


at the University of Nicosia on Saturday 24th January 2015, from 9:00 to 14:00




We are very pleased to announce that Dr Martin A. Phillips, a well-known UK educational consultant and psychologist, will be giving the keynote address on Dyslexia and teaching English to students where English is the second language.


In addition, specialist TESOL workshops will be run on the following themes: Teaching Phonics to young learners; Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL); Teaching culture; Motivation and attainment; Bilingualism and multilingualism; Reflective Journals. 


   Registration is free and certificates of attendance will be given to participants. 
RSVP at [email protected] by 20th January 2015.





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