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The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) has teamed up with the End FGM European Network and the United to End FGM European Knowledge Platform (UEFGM) to offer a free 1.5 hour webinar next Friday, 26 October, tailor-made for journalists and media & communications professionals and students on how to talk about and responsibly report on female genital mutilation (FGM).

Register on Eventbrite here

The objective of this webinar is to strengthen the understanding of the impact language can have with the regard to perceptions around FGM and how insensitive wording can potentially reverse progress in ending FGM. We would like to engage press and media & communication professionals as well as students and offer helpful resources for journalists writing or working with FGM content.

Participants will have the opportunity to engage with the web-knowledge platform on FGM (www.uefgm.eu) specifically, the course focusing on media, as well as “How to talk about FGM”, a publication which will be presented by experts in the field. You can access the position paper here, in both English and Greek.

For any inquiries, please contact:

Christina Kaili
Project Coordinator
Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies [MIGS]
Tel: +357 22 795152
Email: [email protected]
website: https://www.medinstgenderstudies.org

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