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Dear All,

The Department of Architecture [ARC], cordially invites you to the Catalyst Student Presentations

on Friday Nov the 22nd @ 18:00 @ [ARC] main amphitheater. 

“At a point when I was stuck in my work, he asked me, ‘What is your guiding intuition?’ I replied on the spur of the moment, ‘Making is thinking.’ Richard Sennett ‘The Craftsman’

[ARC] Catalysts are elective, intensive one week courses that change every semester depending on the interests of faculty and visiting specialists. With the catalyst in place, the faculty are able to respond to newly developing research or design practices offering motivating and exciting opportunities to students and participants. The outcome of Fall 2013 [ARC] Catalysts will be presented as follows:

Friday Nov. 22nd @ 18:00 Understanding Breathing Envelopes

Coordinator: Dr. Stefanos Anastasiou

Friday Nov. 22nd @ 18:15 Home Gym Unit

Coordinators: Mr. Vassilis Christodoulou

Friday Nov. 22nd @ 18:30 Digital Design – Rhino Level Training I

Coordinators: Mr. Odysseas Georgiou

Friday Nov. 22nd @ 18:45 Contemporary Bookbinding Workshop

Coordinators: Ms. Theresa Kwok

 Friday Nov. 22nd @ 19:00 Reception

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