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Good health starts from In Utero-Life

by Vasilios Tanos, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, UNIC Medical School

Introduction by Prof Adonis Ioannides, Dean, UNIC Medical School


The uterus develops from embryogenesis to adulthood, influenced by genetic and epigenetic factors that impact its function and variability. Novel technologies such as the ElectroUteroGram (EUG) provide insights into uterine contractility and menstrual cycle phases, aiding in the early detection of gynecological conditions, including endometriosis and cancer, using advanced methods like Computer Assisted Tissue Image Analysis (CAETIA).

Research in embryo implantation employs hysteroembryoscopic methods to study early miscarriages and explore gene therapy for thalassemia embryos. A multinational study using trans-vaginal endoscopy is in progress for ovarian cancer patients, aiming to reduce unnecessary surgeries and investigate chemoprevention strategies.

The development of Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) and Gynaecological Artificial Intelligence Diagnostics (GAID) systems are underway to enhance medical decision-making and improve patient care in Gynecology.


Vasilios Tanos MD, PhD, is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Nicosia Medical School, where he serves as the OBGYN Lead for the MD programme. He holds a consultant position as a Gynaecologist and heads the Reproductive Medicine and Surgery department at Aretaeio Hospital in Nicosia. Prof Tanos specializes in reproductive medicine and surgery, bioinformatics, as well as training and education.

He plays a pivotal role as the Chair of the Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery Education and Assessment (GESEA) programme, under the European Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE). Additionally, he is the Scientific Director of the European Academy for Gynaecological Surgery (EAGS), and a committee member of both the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) Certification for Reproductive Endoscopic Surgery (ECRES) and the ARTCC inspector.

His prior roles include serving as the Secretary General of ESGE, Coordinator of ECRES, Vice President of the Middle East Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy (MESGE), and Coordinator of the Reproductive Surgery Special Interest Group in ESHRE. Since 2016, he has been the Director of Research and Development at OMAM Hospital in Cairo, Egypt, overseeing the IVF unit and Endometriosis surgery.

Prof Tanos is the founder of the MASTER University Hospital Project, an initiative aimed at enhancing medical services in Cyprus. He has published over 300 articles in international scientific journals and books, along with numerous web video presentations. Since 2004, he has organized and participated as a head instructor, instructor, and surgeon in over 200 workshops globally. For more information, his detailed CV is available on his website at www.womana.com.cy.

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