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Block.co’s sixth LIVE webcast: Intellectual Property Rights and Blockchain Solutions for Book Publishing

In this Block.co webcast, Block.co CEO, Alexis Nicolaou is joined by the international Publication experts Mr. Byron Russell (Director of Woodstock Publishing Services Ltd.), Mrs. Jane Tappuni (Business Development Lead at Pottermore Publishing), and Mr. Phill Jones (Director for Digital and Technology at the MoreBrains cooperative) to discuss the enormous potential of Blockchain technology for Intellectual Property Rights. This webcast will shed light on how blockchain and DLT are shaping the Intellectual Property Rights and Publications Industries. How are academic institutions, publishers, producers impacted by the introduction of blockchain technology in managing IP? Join the webcast to get all the answers!

Block.co is a pioneer in Blockchain Credentialing applications and aims to raise awareness about the latest blockchain technology developments as well as current industry trends and opportunities. To do so, we are proud to announce Block.co’s 6th Live Webcast “Intellectual Property Rights & Blockchain – Blockchain Solutions for Book Publishing”. This webcast is a great opportunity for all people working in the publications sector as well as for everyone interested in innovative solutions currently applied in registering and maintaining Intellectual Property Rights. Register for our Intellectual Property Webcast and receive a Self-Verifiable certificate of Attendance, powered by Block.co’s open-source solution.

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