Professor Dimitris Drikakis

Professor Dimitris Drikakis

Vice President for Global Partnerships
Executive Director of Research & Innovation Office
Member of the Council

Professor Dimitris Drikakis is the Vice President for Global Partnerships and Executive Director, Research and Innovation at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, and the President of the Defence and Security Research Institute. He has a joint professor’s appointment in the School of Sciences and Engineering and Medical School. Before that, he held academic and executive posts as Professor, Executive Dean, and Head of Department at various UK universities for over 24 years; he has also held senior academic/research posts in Germany and France. He has obtained his Meng (Mechanical Engineering) and PhD from the National Technical University of Athens (Greece). His multidisciplinary research covers topics of engineering science and emerging technologies, including fluid mechanics, acoustics, materials, and computational science with applications to aerospace and mechanical engineering, defence, energy and biomedical sectors. He has received the William Penney Fellowship Award from the UK’s Atomic Establishment in recognition of his contributions to multicomponent flows and the Innovator of the Year Award (2014) by the UK’s Innovation Institute for a new-generation carbon capture nanotechnology device.

He has published 480 papers and two books and has extensively worked with industry, research laboratories, and hospitals in Europe and the USA. According to a recent publication by Stanford University, he has been classified in the 2% of top-cited scientists internationally. has classified him first in Cyprus and among the top 500 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Scientists worldwide. He has graduated 45 PhD students who now hold positions in academia and industries worldwide. He has also been an Assoc. Editor of Computers and Fluids; Journal of Fluids Engineering; The Aeronautical Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society; Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience; (advisory board) Physics of Fluids; as well as serves on editorial boards in several journals in the fields of Engineering (Aerospace, Biomedical, Energy, Defence), Computational Science, Applied Physics, and Nanotechnology. He has also served on the Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; the Board of Directors of the European Aeronautics Science Network; the European Research Council (Engineering – Deputy Chair); European Commission (evaluator), UK’s Oil and Gas Technology Centre (OGTC), as a Chair of the academic panel.