Computer Science – Concentrations: 1. Cyber Security, 2. Mobile Systems, 3. Blockchain Technologies

(MSc, 1.5 Years or 3 Semesters)


1.5 years or 3 semesters

Qualification Awarded

Master of Science in Computer Science, Master of Science in Computer Science – Cyber Security, Master of Science in Computer Science – Mobile Systems, Master of Science in Computer Science – Blockchain Technologies

Level of Qualification

Master Degree (2nd Cycle)

Language of Instruction


Mode of Study

Full-time or Part-time

Minimum ECTs Credits


Request Information

Computer Science – Concentrations: 1. Cyber Security, 2. Mobile Systems, 3. Blockchain Technologies (MSc, 1.5 Years or 3 Semesters)

Duration 1.5 years or 3 semesters
Qualification Awarded Master of Science in Computer Science
Master of Science in Computer Science – Cyber Security
Master of Science in Computer Science – Mobile Systems
Master of Science in Computer Science – Blockchain Technologies
Level of Qualification Master Degree (2nd Cycle)
Language of Instruction English
Mode of Study Full-time or Part-time
Minimum ECTS Credits 90

Request Information

Profile of the Programme

The Master degree in Computer Science advances the students’ knowledge in core areas of computer science beyond the undergraduate level and exposes them to current and emerging trends.

The program provides an introduction to research within the field while strengthening the candidate’s effective application of computer science methods. The proposed Master degree in Computer Science is designed to have the learning outcomes related to: knowledge and understanding, application of knowledge and understanding for the analysis, design and development of computer systems. The curriculum prepares the student for a wide variety of computer-oriented careers, such as research, development, management, and teaching. The degree constitutes an independent and terminal study in addition to providing the basis for acceptance to, and continued studies towards, a doctoral degree in computer science.

The program aims of the specialization in Cyber Security focus on the impact of cyber warfare in the contemporary digital era and the analysis of threats, vulnerabilities and risks in a network environment. It also focuses on penetration testing principles and approaches to mitigate potential network attacks.

The program aims of the specialization in Mobile Systems focus on the fundamental concepts of Mobile Computing and wireless technology as well as on the development of software and applications for mobile platforms.

The program aims of the specialization in Blockchain Technologies focus on the fundamentals of digital currencies and the underlying blockchain technology. It also focuses on programmable smart contracts and the associated architectures such as Ethereum. It aims to prepare students on the possible impact of these technologies on various applications including those based on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Internet of Things.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

Graduates of the MSc programme should be able to:

  • hold managerial positions in the ICT industry or government offices;
  • become senior technical developers or administrators in the ICT marketplace;
  • become entrepreneurs and establish their own enterprises;
  • continue studying towards a doctoral degree.

In addition, graduates of the Cyber Security concentration will be well-suited for positions within government and private industry and should be able to:

  • work as Chief Information Security Officers
  • become System, Network, and/or Web Penetration Testers
  • become Computer Network Defense Analysts
  • hold positions such as Security Consultants as well as System and Application Developers

The specialization in Mobile Systems, will enable graduates to:

  • become senior technical developers and Mobile Systems Experts providing Mobile computing solutions
  • hold managerial positions in the Mobile Systems industry
  • hold critical positions in Mobile industry operators

Alternatively, the specialization in Blockchain Technologies, will enable graduates to:

  • work as senior Blockchain engineers developing new decentralized solutions
  • work as Blockchain Architects designing new blockchain systems
  • hold positions like Blockchain Advisors or Consultants

Access to Further Studies

Graduates of the programme can be accepted into Third Cycle degrees (Doctorate Degree)

General Admission Criteria:

Applications for admission to the program will be considered only from candidates that fulfill the minimum entrance criteria as described below:

  • A Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or any other related field from a recognized university (i.e. American, European, or another recognized equivalent qualification) with a CPA of at least 2.0. Applicants with lower CPA will be considered on an individual basis. Applicants with a non-computer science background may be admitted into the program but they may have to take preparatory foundation courses (the list of courses depends on the applicant’s background).
  • Proficiency in the English Language: Students satisfy the English requirements if their first degree was taught in English. Otherwise, they would need to present at least a TOEFL score of 550 paper-based or 213 computer-based, or GCSE “O” Level with “C” or IELTS with a score of 6.0 or score placement at the ENGL-100 level of the University of Nicosia Placement Test.

Specific Admission Criteria:

  • A completed application form
  • A Curriculum Vitae indicating the student’s education, academic and professional experience, any publications, awards, etc.;
  • Letters of Recommendation: Two recommendation letters from academic or professional advisors.
  • Personal Statement: A letter highlighting the applicant’s individual competences and strengths and providing his/her reflections regarding the expectations and value of the program as well as to his/her personal advancement and career development.

Course assessment usually comprises of a comprehensive final exam and continuous assessment. Continuous assessment can include amongst others, mid-terms, projects etc.

Letter grades are calculated based on the weight of the final exam and the continuous assessment and the actual numerical marks obtained in these two assessment components. Based on the course grades the student’s semester grade point average (GPA) and cumulative point average (CPA) are calculated.

The student must complete 90 ECTS and all programme requirements.

A minimum cumulative grade point average (CPA) of 2.0 is required. Thus, although a ‘D-‘is a PASS grade, in order to achieve a CPA of 2.0 an average grade of ‘C’ is required.

Upon successful completion of this program, the students should be able to:

  1. Critically evaluate computer-based systems, processes and programs, and apply theory, practices and tools for their specification, design, implementation and maintenance;
  2. Critically analyze and evaluate software solutions from the perspective of software architecture and design patterns;
  3. Demonstrate initiative and originality in the specification, design and implementation of computer-based systems, processes, and programs, as well as in the implementation of software project management to meet desired functional and quality requirements;
  4. Critically analyze and evaluate the security risks that may be involved in the operation of computing equipment within a given context;
  5. Deploy effectively the tools used for the construction and documentation of software, and in particular in the process involved in using computers to solve practical problems;
  6. Communicate clearly and analytically using techniques derived from scientific practice in group meetings, presentations, lectures, written reports, and research papers;
  7. Exhibit such skills that are required to participate in research and development work or to independently work in other qualified areas as well as be able to continue studies towards a doctoral degree

Specific Learning Outcomes per Specialization

Cyber Security

Upon successful completion of this concentration, the students should be able to:

  1. Employ advanced skills to conduct attacks on networks and systems in a controlled setting to gain practical experience with attack methodologies;
  2. Integrate complex key technologies to formulate a set of strategic approaches to defend and countermeasure attacks on networks and systems;
  3. Critically analyze and evaluate the cyber warfare landscape, including targets, attack techniques and tools, defense tactics, legislations, and ethical dilemmas;
  4. Innovatively practice security as an integral part in the system development lifecycle rather than an add-on feature.

Mobile Systems

  1. Upon successful completion of this concentration, the students should be able to:
  2. Act with initiative in decision-making for the most appropriate methodology in analyzing and critically assessing existing Services and Protocols in Mobile environments;
  3. Employ critical thinking for the key issues in designing applications in cross-platform operating systems and achieve a deep and systematic understanding of the technical aspects for platform dependent and platform independent applications;
  4. Synthesize novel implementations for the efficient utilization of components across platforms, which facilitates scalability and extensibility of mechanisms and applications on different platforms;
  5. Design and undertake substantial investigations to address significant areas of theory and/or practice, synthesize and construct new knowledge for various Mobile and Wireless networking issues and assess the key methodologies for monitoring Mobile Systems’ performance;
  6. Build, test, and critically evaluate Mobile software solutions collaboratively (in a group) or autonomously, in order to develop a project in the area of Mobile Systems.

Blockchain Technologies

Upon successful completion of this concentration, the students should be able to:

  1. Systematically analyze decentralized digital currencies and the underlying blockchain technology;
  2. Analyze and critically assess the architecture of the bitcoin system, including the data structure used for the bitcoin blockchain;
  3. Use the Bitcoin Script language to develop different type of scripts using the provided API;
  4. Systematically analyze the horizontal and vertical application areas of blockchains, beyond digital currencies;
  5. Envision the disruptive potential of blockchains in combination with other technological developments (IoT, AI, etc.), in the field of money and commerce;
  6. Provide a deep understanding of smart contracts and their role in the emergence of decentralized applications;
  7. Critically assess and develop innovative DApps (Decentralized application development).

Section: A Major Requirements
ECTS: Min. 34 Max. 34

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
COMP-500 Research Seminars and Methodology 4
COMP-513 Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things 10
COMP-514 Cryptography and Network Security 10
COMP-515 Distributed Systems 10

Section: B Concentration 1: Cyber Security
ECTS: Min. 26 Max. 36

Notes: Concentration course credits: 26 ECTS for THESIS option or 36 ECTS for NONTHESIS

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
COMP-527 Cyber Warfare 10
COMP-529 Network Defense and Countermeasures 10
COMP-535 Ethical Hacking 10
COMP-595 Project in Cyber Security 6

Section: C Concentration 2: Mobile Systems
ECTS: Min. 26 Max. 36

Notes: Concentration course credits: 26 ECTS for THESIS option or 36 ECTS for NONTHESIS option.

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
COMP-525 Mobile Computing 10
COMP-528 Mobile Platforms and Software Development 10
COMP-531 Mobile and Wireless Networks 10
COMP-596 Project in Mobile Systems 6

Section: D Concentration 3: Blockchain Technologies
ECTS: Min. 26 Max. 36

Notes: Concentration course credits: 26 ECTS for THESIS option or 36 ECTS for NONTHESIS option.

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
COMP-537 Digital Currencies 10
COMP-538 Blockchain Applications 10
COMP-539 Smart Contracts 10
COMP-594 Project in Blockchain Technologies 6

Section: E Elective Courses
ECTS: Min. 0 Max. 56

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
COMP-511 Advanced Database Systems 10
COMP-512 Software Engineering 10
COMP-521 Cloud Computing 10
COMP-522 Machine Learning and Data Mining 10
COMP-523 Game Programming 10
COMP-524 Visual Software Development 10
COMP-597 Project 6
COMP-598 Special Topics in Computer Science 10
COMP-599 Thesis 30

Section: F Unallocated Courses
ECTS: Min. 0 Max. 0

Semester 1

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
COMP-513 Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things 10
COMP-514 Cryptography and Network Security 10
COMP-515 Distributed Systems 10

Semester 2

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
COMP-500 Research Seminars and Methodology 4
COMP-527 Cyber Warfare 10
COMP-535 Ethical Hacking 10
COMP-595 Project in Cyber Security 6

Semester 3

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
COMP-599 Thesis 30
The above semester breakdown is an indicative one. A few of the courses are electives and can be substituted by others. Students may contact their academic advisor and consult their academic pathway found on this website under “Schools & Programmes”.

Dr Dmitry Apraksin

Head of IT Department
IT Department
Assistant Professor School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Computer Science

Professor Ioanna Dionysiou

Associate Head of Department
School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Computer Science
Member of the Senate

Professor Harald Gjermundrod

School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Computer Science

Professor Ioannis Katakis

School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Computer Science

Professor Constandinos Mavromoustakis

School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Computer Science

Professor Philippos Pouyioutas

School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Computer Science
Member of the Council, Member of the Senate

Dr Andreas Savva

Associate Professor
School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Computer Science

Professor Athena Stassopoulou

Head of Department
School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Computer Science

Dr Demetris Trihinas

Assistant Professor
School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Computer Science

Dr Nicholas Loulloudes

Adjunct Faculty

Dr Christopher Zolotas

Adjunct Faculty

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