1st Synthetic Biology Conference in Cyprus
‘SynBio’ will take place on 29-30 March at the UNESCO Amphitheatre of the University of Nicosia
The first Synthetic Biology Conference in Cyprus, ‘SynBio’, will take place on 29 and 30 March, at the UNESCO Amphitheater of the University of Nicosia. The conference is co-organized by the International Genetically Engineered Machine – iGEM, the University of Nicosia, the Cyprus School of Molecular Medicine, the Institute of Neurology and Genetics and the European University of Cyprus.
The conference is dedicated to the advancement of the sector of synthetic biology, as well as to the development of an ‘open community’ culture in topics related to it. It aims to give the Cypriot scientific and business ecosystem the opportunity to network and discuss current developments, potentials and challenges affecting the sector’s advancement on an international and a local level.
In the framework of the conference, presentations and speeches will be given by esteemed speakers from Cyprus and abroad.
For more information and registration visit: https://synbiocyprustc.com