
(PhD, 3 Years)


3 years

Qualification Awarded

Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing

Level of Qualification

Doctorate Degree (3rd Cycle)

Language of Instruction

English and Greek

Mode of Study

Full-time or Part-time

Minimum ECTs Credits


Request Information

Nursing (PhD, 3 Years)

Duration 3 years
Qualification Awarded Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing
Level of Qualification Doctorate Degree (3rd Cycle)
Language of Instruction English and Greek
Mode of Study Full-time or Part-time
Minimum ECTS Credits 180

Request Information

Profile of the Programme

The doctoral Program in Nursing is an accredited academic program that students are awarded the title Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing. The program offers the student advanced courses that will set foundations to continue with the implementation of their research in innovative topics throughout all the stages. Furthermore, they develop skills, to design, implement, compose and disseminate the research data, taken into account ethics and deontology.

The purpose of the Ph.D. in Nursing program is to prepare doctorate students to achieve advanced knowledge and skills using theory and knowledge from both the nursing and public health fields and prepared them for positions in management and administration of nursing practice and education. Over the course of the program students will have time to reflect upon the changing nature of Health Care, nationally and internationally, giving each participant time to critically analyze  and judge the context in which they provide care to patients. This course contributes towards the revision and the evaluation of Knowledge and appraisal skills of students to enhance action and decision making skills, providing a solid attainment of lifelong learning.

The program acknowledges the diversity of learning needs required by professionals working in health and social care.

Career Prospects

Graduates will be able to design and implement research studies in order to create new knowledge and information in the science of nursing to apply in nursing practice and improve the quality of nursing care. They will also be qualified for proper decision-making in their field of science to solve problems.

Graduates from the Doctorate of Nursing will be able to be employed as:

  • Leaders in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions of public and private sector
  • Self-employed professionals
  • Post-doctoral researchers
  • Academics in universities/colleges
  • Leaders in government and non-governmental organizations(NGO’s)

Access to Further Studies

Upon graduation, students would have obtained the highest academic title possible and can proceed to post-doctoral studies.

Student admission requirements:

Doctoral positions for the PhD in Nursing program will be announced annually on specific thematic areas, based on the availability of supervising faculty from the program, the Department of Life and Health Sciences and the Medical School.

The requirements for admission to Doctoral Program in Nursing are:

  1. Master Degree (MSc) in Nursing or other Health Sciences
  2. Bachelor Degree (BSc) in Nursing or other Health Sciences
  3. Accredited  Apolyterion of Secondary Education
  4. Registered in the registrar of the profession they belong
  5. If first degree is not in English, candidates must prove their proficiency in English Language as determined by the Academic Policy of the University:
    • GCSE or IGCSE, O’ Level in English with lowest grade “C”,
    • Computer – based TOEFL 173 – 212 or 550
    • TOEFL Exam
    • IELTS 6.5
  6. Positive feed-back after the Interview
  7. Two (2) Letters of recommendation from academics
  8. Curriculum Vitae
  9. A research proposal (1000 – 2000 words) on the announced thematic area stating the research case, the purpose and objectives of the research, the research questions and the possible methodology.

Additional are taken into account:

  • The quality of the research proposal
  • Publications in scientific journals
  • Valuable scientific activities in originality or innovation

In case of prior study from another university, the student must submit the following for the transfer:

  • Certificate of analytical program from the university from which the student originates
  • Certificate from the University that the student has completed all the required procedures of the course
  • A recommendation from his/her main supervisor and approval for the transfer
  • All progress reports until then and the stage of the development of the research

Αssessment comprises of the examination of the thesis proposal, the thesis, the presentation of the thesis as an oral examination (viva) and the candidate is assessed by a committee consisting of internal and external evaluators.

The student must complete 180 ECTS and all programme requirements.

A minimum cumulative grade point average (CPA) of 2.0 is required. Thus, although a ‘D-‘ is a PASS grade, in order to achieve a CPA of 2.0 an average grade of ‘C’ is required.

Upon successful completion of this program, the students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge in a specialized area consisted with the focus of their graduate programme.
  • Demonstrate qualitative and quatitative skills in the use of data gathering and data analysis methods and data analysis tecnhiques used for a typical analysis in conducting research that is consistent to the students focus of interest
  • Construct and create research questions and hypotheses, in order to design original and innovative research approaches in order to deal with scientific issues relevant to his research
  • Design and Construct independent research protocols which could contribute to previous empirical and theoretical nursing work
  • Conduct independent research, resulting in an original contribution to knowledge consistent to the graduates field of interest.
  • Produced written and oral communications of quality, consistent with the focus of their graduate programme.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the professional skills needed to participate in intellectual and organizational apects of their profession as applicable to their major area of study including ethical conduct research uct research.
Section: A – Courses
Min. ECTS Credits: 180  Max. ECTS Credits: 180
Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
NURS-701E Research Methodology 10
NURS-702E Biostatistics 10
NURS-703E Philosophy of Care 10
PHDF-100 Doctoral Course – Fall semester 30
PHDS-100 Doctoral Course – Spring semester 30
Section: B Unallocated Courses
Α/Α Course Name Course Code Number of ECTS  Lecturer
Α’ Semester
1 Methodology of Research NURS-701 10 Dr Maria Noula – Associate Professor
2 Biostatistics NURS-702 10 Dr Stavros Pouloukas – Associate Professor
3 Philosophy of Care NURS-703 10 Dr Zoe Roupa – Professor
The above semester breakdown is an indicative one. A few of the courses are electives and can be substituted by others. Students may contact their academic advisor and consult their academic pathway found on this website under “Schools & Programmes”.

Dr Costas Constantinou

Dr Maria Noula

Professor Constantinos Phellas

Senior Vice Rector
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
Member of the Council
Member of the Senate

Professor Zoe Roupa

Professor Edna Yamasaki

School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Health Sciences

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