Electrical Engineering

(MSc, 1.5 Years or 3 Semesters)


1.5 years

Qualification Awarded

Electrical Engineering (MSc,1.5 years or 3 semesters)

Level of Qualification

Master Degree (2nd Cycle)

Language of Instruction


Mode of Study

Full-time or Part-time

Minimum ECTs Credits


No enrolments for current semester

Electrical Engineering (MSc, 1.5 Years or 3 Semesters)

Duration 1.5 years
Qualification Awarded Electrical Engineering (MSc,1.5 years or 3 semesters)
Level of Qualification Master Degree (2nd Cycle)
Language of Instruction English
Mode of Study Full-time and Part-time
Minimum ECTS Credits 90

No enrolments for current semester

Request Information

The Master’s degree advances student’s knowledge in core areas of Electrical Engineering beyond the undergraduate level and introduces them to current and emerging trends and technologies. The program provides the students with the opportunity to carry out research within the field, while strengthening the candidate’s effective application of methods and techniques to tackle challenging technological problems. The curriculum prepares the student for a wide variety of Electrical Engineering careers, such as design, research, development, management, and teaching. The degree constitutes an independent and terminal study in addition to providing the basis for acceptance to, and continued studies towards, a doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field. The content of the program is focused on four very hot thematic areas, namely, (a) Signal Processing & Communications, (b) Electromagnetics, Antennas & Microwave Engineering, and (c) Renewable Energy Sources and Power Systems, and (d) VLSI & Embedded Systems and allows the students to choose those courses that will meet their future career goals.

The general objectives of the program are to:

  • Prepare students to succeed in a constantly growing, highly demanding and competitive technological world;
  • Create an academic environment conducive to learning new technologies and engineering concepts;
  • Introduce students to research on advanced engineering topics;
  • Cultivate analytical skills and critical thinking;
  • Provide specialization and extensive knowledge on the areas of concentration;
  • Promote engineering ethics and moral practices.

The specific objectives of the program are to:

  • Provide specialized advanced knowledge and tools to our graduates in order to cope successfully in a technologically challenging environment;
  • Facilitate learning in areas of electrical engineering that are directly linked to industry and current state-of-the-art technology;
  • Provide the theoretical and computational skills necessary for the solution of both theoretical and practical engineering problems;
  • Provide practical and experimental hands-on experience that allows the students to link directly to fundamental knowledge and theory;
  • Prepare graduates to work alone or in groups in order to provide engineering solutions;
  • Prepare graduates to design/implement systems and processes towards the solution of engineering problems;
  • Promote research, develop research skills and provide fundamental knowledge to support a successful career in research and development;
  • Develop the ability of the graduates to write technical reports and scientific papers as well as to present their work before an audience;
  • Provide the graduates with the opportunity to develop a greater technical competence in their area and become successful professionals throughout their lifetime;
  • Prepare graduates for admission to a PhD program in electrical engineering.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

Graduates of the Masters’ program can be employed in a number of sectors including:

  1. Private companies;
  2. Public organizations;
  3. Semi-government organizations;
  4. Universities and colleges;
  5. Research institutions;
  6. Technical high schools and professional training schools;
  7. Telecommunications companies;
  8. Army, navy, and defense companies;
  9. Radar and monitoring system facilities.

Access to Further Studies

Graduates of the programme can be accepted into Third Cycle degrees (Doctoral Degree)

The program admits students in the Fall and Spring semesters.  Applications for admission to the program will be considered only from candidates who fulfill the minimum entrance criteria as specified below:


Eligible applicants must hold a Bachelor degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering or related field granted by an institution recognized in the country where it operates. Applicants who do not hold their Bachelor’s degree at the time of application, but will hold such a degree before the commencement of the graduate studies, are also eligible to apply. However, such applicants must submit a letter from their University’s Registrar verifying that they are indeed eligible to graduate before the commencement of the graduate program. The decision on their admission does not become official until they have successfully obtained their Bachelor’s degree. It is desired that applicants have a cumulative point average (CPA) of 2.5/4.0 in their undergraduate work (or equivalent according to the academic system followed in the country of study).  Under special circumstances, students with marginally lower CPA may still be admitted.  English Proficiency is also required as described below.

Students who are admitted into the MSc program in Electrical Engineering and do not hold an undergraduate degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering must possess fundamental knowledge of basic concepts in the following courses/areas: Circuits and Electronics, Signals and Systems, Electromagnetics and Microwaves, Telecommunications and Networks, Digital Systems Design and Testing. The student’s Academic Advisor is responsible to guide the student in acquiring the missing knowledge. This can be achieved by assigning a maximum of four (4) additional courses from the above areas (possibly from the corresponding undergraduate program of the Department).


Each application for admission should include:

  1. A cover letter clearly stating the graduate degree the candidate wishes to apply for;
  2. A completed application form;
  3. A Curriculum Vitae indicating the student’s education, academic and professional experience, any publications, awards, etc.;
  4. A short statement stating the reason the candidate wishes to join the program, the candidate’s professional experience, future goals, etc.;
  5. At least two recommendation letters from academic or professional advisors;
  6. Copies of representative publications, if any;
  7. Copies of all degrees and transcripts. If applicable, a letter from the Registrar of the student’s current university verifying the expected graduation date should be included;
  8. Copies of any other supporting material, such as results of exams, honors, awards, etc.;
  9. Evidence of proficiency in English language in case the official language of instruction during the undergraduate studies was not English (at least a TOEFL score of 550 paper-based or 213 computer-based, or GCSE “O” Level with “C” or IELTS with a score of 6.5 or score placement at the ENGL-100 level of the University of Nicosia Placement Test).

The application material should be submitted in English.

The criteria for the evaluation of the candidates are the following:

  1. Academic and other relevant qualifications;
  2. Professional experience;
  3. Recommendation letters;
  4. Knowledge of the English language;
  5. Research potential.

Course assessment usually comprises of a comprehensive final exam and continuous assessment. Continuous assessment can include amongst others, mid-terms, assignments and projects.

Letter grades are calculated based on the weight of the final exam and the continuous assessment and the actual numerical marks obtained in these two assessment components. Based on the course grades the student’s semester grade point average (GPA) and cumulative point average (CPA) are calculated.

The student must complete 90 ECTS and all programme requirements.

A minimum cumulative grade point average (CPA) of 2.0 is required. Thus, although a ‘D-‘ is a PASS grade, in order to achieve a CPA of 2.0 an average grade of ‘C’ is required.

Upon successful completion of this program, the students are expected to:

  • Apply fundamental knowledge of science and engineering;
  • Identify, formulate and solve complex electrical engineering problems;
  • Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyse and interpret data;
  • Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints;
  • Develop solutions that meet the desired needs within the economic, manufacturing and sustainability borders;
  • Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice and research;
  • Function and communicate effectively in multidisciplinary teams.
Section: A – Core Requirements
Min. ECTS Credits: 48  Max. ECTS Credits: 48
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ECE-532 Probability and Random Processes 8
ECE-544 Antennas for Wireless Communications 8
ECE-546 Fiber Optics 8
ECE-552 Digital Communications 8
ECE-566 Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution 8
ECE-567 Renewable Energy Sources and Technologies 8
Section: B – Signal Processing and Communications
Min. ECTS Credits: 0  Max. ECTS Credits: 40
Notes: ECE-593 may also be included in this section.
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ECE-524 Advanced Computer Networks 8
ECE-526 Optical Networks 8
ECE-530 Adaptive Signal Processing 8
ECE-533 Detection and Estimation Theory 8
ECE-534 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 8
ECE-535 Speech Processing 8
ECE-536 Digital Image Processing 8
ECE-550 Information Theory 8
ECE-553 Communications Management 8
ECE-554 Wireless Communications 8
ECE-556 Satellite Communications Systems 8
Section: C – Electromagnetics, Antennas and Microwave Engineering
Min. ECTS Credits: 0  Max. ECTS Credits: 40
Notes: ECE-593, ECE-554 and ECE-556 may also be included in this section.
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ECE-540 Microwave Circuits 8
ECE-541 RF Circuit Design 8
ECE-542 Electromagnetic Waves and Guided Structures 8
ECE-543 Electromagnetic Compatibility/Electromagnetic Interference 8
ECE-545 Applied Electromagnetics 8
ECE-547 Computational Methods in Electromagnetics 8
Section: D – Renewable Energy Sources and Power Systems
Min. ECTS Credits: 0  Max. ECTS Credits: 40
Notes: ECE-593 may also be included in this section.
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ECE-561 Photovoltaics 8
ECE-562 Power Electronics 8
ECE-563 Smart Power Grid Management 8
ECE-565 Wind Energy Technology 8
ECE-568 Power System Protection 8
ECE-569 Electrical Design, Planning and Regulations 8
Section: E – VLSI and Embedded Systems
Min. ECTS Credits: 0  Max. ECTS Credits: 40
Notes: ECE-593 may also be included in this section.
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ECE-520 Introduction to VLSI Design 8
ECE-521 Fault Tolerant Computing 8
ECE-522 Advanced Computer Architecture 8
ECE-523 Testing and Diagnosis for VLSI Systems and Circuits 8
ECE-525 Computer Aided Design for VLSI 8
ECE-527 Electronic Properties of Materials 8
ECE-528 Embedded Systems 8
Section: F – Seminars, Thesis and Special Topics
Min. ECTS Credits: 2  Max. ECTS Credits: 34
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ECE-590 Graduate Seminars 2
ECE-591A Thesis Research I 6
ECE-591B Thesis Research II 6
ECE-591C Thesis Research III 12
ECE-593 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering 8

Option 1: Thesis option

Semester 1

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits Lecturer(s)
ECE-532 Probability and Random Processes 7.5 Dr George Gregoriou, Associate Professor
ECE-544 Antennas for Wireless Communications 7.5 Prof Anastasis Polycarpou,Professor
ECE-546 Fiber Optics 7.5 Dr Antonis Hadjiantonis,Associate Professor
ECE-566 Electric Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution 7.5 Dr Andreas Michaelides,Assistant Professor

Semester 2

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits Lecturer(s)
ECE-552 Digital Communications 7.5 Dr Ioannis Kyriakides, Associate Professor
ECE-567 Renewable Energy Sources and Technologies 7.5 Dr Marios Nestoros, Associate Professor
ECE-591A Thesis Research 15 Prof Anastasis Polycarpou, Professor

Semester 3

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits Lecturer(s)
ECE-554 Wireless Communications 7.5 Dr Antonis Hadjiantonis, Associate Professor
ECE-550 Information Theory 7.5 Dr Ioannis Kyriakides,Associate Professor
ECE-591B Thesis Research 15 Prof Anastasis Polycarpou, Professor

The above semester breakdown is an indicative one. A few of the courses are electives and can be substituted by others. Students may contact their academic advisor and consult their academic pathway found on this website under “Schools & Programmes”.

Dr George Gregoriou

Academic Vice President for Regulatory Affairs, Rectorate
Associate Professor
School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Engineering
Member of the Senate

Dr Antonis Hadjiantonis

Associate Professor
School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Engineering

Dr Andreas Michaelides

Associate Professor
School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Engineering

Dr Stelios Neophytou

Head of Department
Associate Professor
School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Engineering

Professor Marios Nestoros

Associate Dean
School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Engineering

Professor Anastasis Polycarpou

School of Sciences and Engineering
Department of Engineering

Dr Stelios Hirodontis

Adjunct Faculty

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