Project Description

The project aims to explore the purpose of forced labour and labour exploitation in 4 EU member states with particular focus on female domestic workers through qualitative and quantitative research methods by using gender equality perspective.


– Analyze legislation, policies and processes in relation to the recruitment, entry and employment of migrant women in 4 EU member states;

– Explore, understand the exploitative work situations under which migrant women live and whether these situations include elements of trafficking;

– Gain in-depth understanding of the push and pull factors in relation to trafficking in women for the purpose of labour exploitation, with particular focus on demand; -Raise awareness among relevant stakeholders including front line officers, NGOs and the media on trafficking in women for forced labour and labour exploitation in domestic work

-Raise awareness and increase knowledge among employers on trafficking in women for labour exploitation


1.Research study using quantitative and qualitative methods on the phenomenon of trafficking in women for the purpose of forced labour and labour exploitation with particular focus on female domestic workers in 4 member states;

2.One national information workshop in all partner countries for frontline officers including immigration and social welfare officers, the police, labour officers, health professionals and based on research results;

3.Press conferences in partner countries and final conference in Cyprus in order to raise awareness among relevant stakeholders, the media and the wider public on trafficking in women for forced labour and labour exploitation and to secure wide dissemination of the research results;

4.Publication of information leaflet for employers aiming at raising awareness and preventing trafficking in women for labour exploitation 5.Publication and wide dissemination of research results.