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The Department of Architecture [ARC] and the Embassy of Spain in Cyprus cordially invite you to the lectures and discussion with Pla estel* and Urbanins, on Monday April the 10th @ 19:00.

Pla estel*  lecture: “Transforming the collective spaces through a collaborative urban diagnosis involving citizens, technician and administration”.

Urbanins lecture: “Children, City, School, Processes, Experiences, Learning…”

Venue: To be announced

Limited seats Available

For reservation please reply back by Friday 7th  April 2017, 10:00 am, to [email protected]


Pla estel* initiative, will present the global methodology that is followed for the establishment of urban project processes for the analysis, design and construction of the public realm. Following the current social cutbacks and the economic austerity, the need to rethink the urban transformation procedures and the relation between citizens, administration and technical workers, emerges for renegotiation. 

The presentation, aims to raise questions about participatory processes, alternation of the top-down to bottom-up strategies, and the new role of the city’s agents (i.e citizens, administration, technicians) in a wider sense: from public realm observation to decision-making agreements. The dialogue, that will be held, focusing on the two sides of the Mediterranean, has as a purpose to exchange ideas and experiences,  since dialogue is, in fact, our main tool to approach the projects.

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