Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment

Staff Mobility

All full time faculty and administrative staff have the opportunity to travel to more than 300 European and non-European Partner Institutions, in order to teach or receive training abroad. The minimum period of mobility is 2 days and the maxiumum up to 2 months depending on the available budget of the running academic year. All staff can apply for European Mobility or International Mobility during an open Call for Applications are opened at the beginning of each academic year. The relevant information for each call is distributed via e-mail to all in order to be able to apply. Following the decision of the Erasmus Committee the approved participants receive a grant for their traveling and subsistence expenses, depending on the type and the duration of mobility.

Staff Teaching Assignment (STA)
Only full-time faculty members are eligible for the STA. The receiving institution must have agreed on the programme of activities to be undertaken by the visiting faculty, by completing a Mobility Agreement, prior to the start of the mobility period. The teaching assignment should be integrated into the curriculum of the receiving institution. Staff mobility for teaching can be in any subject area/academic discipline. It is highly recommended that while staff are on a mobility, they should engage in activities at the host country such as giving presentations regarding the University of Nicosia, meeting potential students and or future collaborations. In the case of teaching assignments in Programme Countries the receiving institution should be a holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and must have signed an inter-institutional agreement with the University of Nicosia.

European Mobility
Staff members interested in a teaching mobility in one of the partner Universities located in Europe should refer to the list of Universities with which UNIC has an established bilateral agreement. Currently, UNIC cooperates with 27 different European countries and has over 300 bilateral agreements signed with different higher education institutions for academic exchanges.


  • Teaching Assignment: Minimum 2 days and provisionally maximum 2 months which will include at least 8 hours of teaching.

International Mobility
The UNIC Erasmus Office provides funding for teaching and training mobilities to the Partner Countries all over the world. Staff members interested in experiencing a non-European academic environment and culture should refer to the Erasmus Office in order to receive the Partner List of the current academic year.

  • Duration for International Mobility: minimum 5 days of mobility. More details about the days and places available can be provided by the Erasmus Office

Please contact the UNIC Erasmus Office for more information.