ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility | European Mobility

Call for Applications (Teaching and Training) 2024-2025

FOR FACULTY STAFF (Staff for Teaching Assignment – STA)

Only full-time faculty members are eligible for the STA.

Staff mobility for Teaching (STA) can be in any subject area/academic discipline relevant to the area of expertise of the faculty member. The receiving institution (Host Institution) must agree on the Program of activities of the visiting faculty member, through the co-development and signing of the Mobility Agreement prior to the start of the mobility period. The teaching assignment should be integrated in the curriculum of the receiving institution.

It is highly recommended that faculty actively engage in dissemination activities at the receiving institution through presentations regarding the University of Nicosia, meeting potential students and discussing joint research programs or future collaborations.

Specifically, and of importance regarding teaching assignments, is that the receiving institution in any of the Program Countries, should be a holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and must have a signed bilateral agreement with the University of Nicosia.

List of EU Inter-Institutional Agreements

Duration for European -STA mobility: Minimum two (2) days and provisionally maximum four (4) working days which must include at least eight (8) hours of teaching.

Erasmus+ STA funding opportunities are open to all full-time faculty of the University of Nicosia. Applicants are required to submit a completed application form, including all the listed documents in the guidelines which consist of a recommendation from the Head of Department, a short CV and a detailed Program (if applicable), within the set deadline.

The Erasmus+ Selection Committee of the University of Nicosia will evaluate all applications based on predefined selection criteria.

A teaching grant consists of the Individual Support (daily per diem) and  the Travel Grant that is determined by the Erasmus distance calculator and bands, as outlined in Annex III.

  1. Expected Outcomes and Benefits for Faculty
    • Anticipated benefits of the mobility for faculty, including teaching, teaching materials, methods, and procedures.
  2. Expected Output for the School/Department/Program
    • Potential additional value through the specific mobility such as joint research projects, joint degrees, joint funding applications, conference organization, and Erasmus+ bilateral agreements.
  3. Alignment with University Strategic Aims
  4. Identification of Host Institutions
    • Applicants must clearly identify specific higher education institutions in a participating country.
  5. Priority for New Applicants
    • Priority will be given to applicants who have not received an Erasmus+ grant (either European or International) within the last three (3) years.
  6. Application Limits
    • Only one (1) application for European mobility and one (1) for International Credit Mobility can be accepted.
  7. Disqualification for Excessive Applications
    • Anyone submitting more than two (2) applications under the ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility Call for Applications (EU and ICM: Teaching and/or Training) 2024-2025 will be disqualified.

The deadline for this round of the call for applications is Monday 30 September 2024.

All planned European mobilities should be undertaken and finalized by the 30 September 2025.

To complete the Application form: APPLY HERE

For additional information required for submission, please feel free to refer to the following:


Only full-time administrative staff and faculty members are eligible for the STT.

STT supports the professional development of both administrative staff and faculty in the form of training actions abroad (excluding conferences), staff training weeks (see: IMOTION), seminars, workshops, courses, job shadowing and observations in a HEI (including non-partners Universities) or a relevant institution/enterprise. The sending institution and the receiving institution/enterprise must agree on the Program of activities to be undertaken by the visiting administrative staff and faculty member (through the Mobility Agreement) prior to the start of the mobility period.

Minimum two (2) days and provisionally maximum four (4) working days.

Erasmus+ STT funding opportunities are open to all full-time administrative staff and faculty members of the University of Nicosia. Applicants are required to submit a completed application form, including all the listed documents in the guidelines which consist of a recommendation from the Head of Department, a short CV and a detailed program (if applicable), within the set deadline. The Erasmus+ Selection Committee of the University of Nicosia, will evaluate all applications based on predefined selection criteria.

Please note that only 10% of the STT budget is allocated to faculty STT mobility. Faculty members are urged to apply under STA.

A training grant consists of the Individual Support (daily per diem) and Travel Grant determined by the Erasmus distance calculator and bands, as outlined in Annex III.

  1. Expected Personal Outcomes and Benefits
    • Anticipated benefits of the mobility for faculty and administrative staff members, such as training material, methods, procedures, know-how, and best practices.
  2. Expected Output for the Department/Office/Program
    • Potential additional value to your job – new methods of working, know-how, best practices, joint research projects, joint degrees, joint funding applications, conference organization, and Erasmus+ bilateral agreements.
  3. Identification of Host Institutions
    • Applicants must clearly identify specific host enterprises or higher education institutions in a participating country.
  4. Priority for New Applicants
    • Priority will be given to colleagues who have not received an Erasmus+ grant within the last three (3) years.
  5. Application Limits
    • Only one (1) application for European mobility and one (1) for International Credit Mobility can be accepted.
  6. Disqualification for Excessive Applications
    • Anyone submitting more than two (2) applications under the ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility Call for Applications (EU and ICM: Teaching and/or Training) 2024-2025 will be disqualified.

The deadline for this round of the call for applications is Monday 30 September 2024.

All planned European mobilities should be finalized 30 September 2025.

To complete the Application form: APPLY HERE


Only full-time faculty and administrative staff are eligible to apply.

Please note that Invited Speakers can only be experts from an EU based industry/enterprise.

In the case of staff mobility from an enterprise/industry to the University of Nicosia, the mobility is arranged by an invitation from the University of Nicosia to the staff member of the enterprise/industry. The grant is managed by the University of Nicosia directly. If you are interested to apply for this type of mobility, you need to submit the application on behalf of the Invited Speaker. The applicant should include the name of the Invited Speaker, expertise, objectives of the training, target group and potential benefits for the University of Nicosia and its students.

This type of activity is eligible only for invited speakers visiting from enterprises/industry based within the EU.

Minimum one (1) day and provisionally maximum four (4) working days.

An Invited Speaker grant will consist of the Individual Support (daily per diem) and Travel Grant determined by the distance calculator and bands as outlined in Annex III.

An Invited Speaker grant will consist of the Individual Support (daily per diem) and Travel Grant determined by the distance calculator and bands as outlined in Annex III.

  1. Expected Outcomes and Benefits
    • Anticipated benefits of the mobility for faculty members and students such as internships and work placements, access to real-world case studies and practical examples that complement theoretical knowledge, access to career guidance and mentorship from industry experts, encouragement and support for innovation and entrepreneurial activities through industry partnerships, ensuring that academic curricula remain relevant and aligned with industry needs and expectations etc
  2. Expected Output for the Department/Office/Program
    • Potential added value expected from the specific mobility:
      • Enhanced Research Opportunities
      • Professional Development
      • Increased Visibility and Reputation
      • Resource Sharing
      • Curriculum Development
      • Enhanced Learning Experience
      • Internship and Job Placement Opportunities
      • Skill Development
      • Networking Opportunities
      • Curriculum Relevance
  3. Alignment with University Strategic Aims
    • Compliance with the Strategic Aims of the University as outlined in the University of Nicosia Erasmus Charter.
  4. Identification of Host Institutions
    • Applicants must clearly identify a specific invited guest from industry from a Program country.
  5. Priority for New Applicants
    • Priority will be given to applicants who have not received an Erasmus+ grant within the last three (3) years.
  6. Application Limits
    • Only one (1) application for European mobility and one (1) for International Credit Mobility can be accepted.
  7. Disqualification for Excessive Applications
    • Anyone submitting more than two (2) applications under the ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility Call for Applications (EU and ICM: Teaching and Training) 2024-2025 will be disqualified.

The deadline for this round of the call for applications is Monday 30 September 2024.

All planned European mobilities should be finalized by 30 September 2025.

To complete the Application form: APPLY HERE