THE BOLD BUT RATIONAL POLICY APPROACH OF GREECE (by Andreas Theophanous). The international media are justified in being preoccupied with the challenging of the legitimacy of the Troika and its economic philosophy by the new Greek government. Regardless of the result of the emergency Eurogroup meeting on Wednesday February 11, ahead of the European Council … MORE
THE POLITICAL RISK AND THE CONFLICT BETWEEN SURIZA AND THE CREDITORS (by Theodore Pelagidis). The troika, by enforcing wage cuts for everybody during the last four years and accepting “tax anything that moves policies,” has pushed even educated voters to the extremes of the political spectrum. The result is not only that a radical party of the left has taken … MORE |
THE DAY AFTER THE ELECTIONS IN GREECE: EMERGING CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES (by Antonia Dimou). The national parliamentary elections in Greece highlighted the victory for the first time ever of left-wing Syriza party which gained 36.3 percent of the voter turnout securing 149 seats out of 300, short of an absolute majority. The election outcome prompted the … MORE
THE EUROZONE’S PHILOSOPHY OF ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT (by Soteris Kattos). The process of economic readjustment in the EU is taking place in a period where the European bloc is undergoing a structural transformation itself. This transformation has been necessitated by the Maastricht criteria. Their main intent was to reestablish a balance of politico-economic power on … MORE | |
THE RISE OF THE TURKISH REICH (by Robert Ellis). Totalitarian leaders of the 20th century were known variously as Der Führer (Germany), II Duce (Italy), Generalissimo (Spain) and El Maximo Lider (Cuba), and now neo-Ottoman Turkey has its Reis (leader), Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan. One definition of democracy … MORE |
HOW EUROPEANIZED HAVE SMALL STATES’ FOREIGN POLICY BECOME? (by Alison Camilleri). Although, the making of EU foreign policy (EFP) knows its origins from the purely intergovernmental European Political Cooperation set up in 1970, a lot of scholars still question whether in reality EFP exists, as till today member states still undertake their own foreign policy actions and national … MORE |
PARIS ATTACK AND THE RISE OF EUROPE’S FAR RIGHT (by Jai Menon). A large number of prominent people, around the world, recently took up the “Je Suis Charlie” rallying cry in support of the massacred cartoonists and staff of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. As a show of solidarity, it is well meaning, well intended and utterly useless. It reaffirms that the people of … MORE
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