Τμήμα Γλωσσών και Λογοτεχνίας2023-10-23T14:20:09+03:00

Τμήμα Γλωσσών και Λογοτεχνίας

Σχολή Ανθρωπιστικών Σπουδών και Κοινωνικών Επιστημών

Τμήμα Γλωσσών και Λογοτεχνίας

Όσοι και όσες επιλέξετε να σπουδάσετε Γλώσσα και Λογοτεχνία στο Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας θα γίνετε μέλη μίας ολοζώντανης διεθνούς κοινότητας φοιτητών.
Θα εκπαιδευτείτε από καταξιωμένους διδάσκοντες, με μακρά λίστα δημοσιεύσεων στο αντικείμενό τους και συμμετοχή σε επιστημονικές έρευνες υψηλού επιπέδου. Το Τμήμα μας προσφέρει πτυχία τα οποία παρέχουν άρτια κατάρτιση σε τρεις βασικές ενότητες: στη διδασκαλία ξένων γλωσσών και γλωσσολογίας, στην ανάλυση θεμάτων ανθρωπιστικών σπουδών, όπως η λογοτεχνία, ο πολιτισμός, η φιλοσοφία και η ψηφιακή γραφή, καθώς και στη διαχείριση περιεχομένου, την επιμέλεια και τη δημοσίευση στα αγγλικά. Θα εφοδιαστείτε με δεξιότητες που είναι πολύτιμες σε πολλά επαγγέλματα, όπως στη διδασκαλία ξένων γλωσσών, τη λογοτεχνία, τη διαχείριση μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης, την έρευνα αγοράς, τη μετάφραση και τη διερμηνεία, τις πολιτιστικές υπηρεσίες και τις εκδόσεις. Ως απόφοιτοι του Τμήματος θα βρεθείτε άμεσα σε πλεονεκτική θέση στην αγορά εργασίας σ’ ένα ευρύ φάσμα επαγγελματικών κλάδων.

Γιατί να σπουδάσετε Γλώσσα και Λογοτεχνία στο UNIC

  • Πρωτοποριακά προγράμματα σπουδών με ειδίκευση στη Διδασκαλία Ξένων Γλωσσών, τη Γλωσσολογία και τη Λογοτεχνία

  • Διδάσκοντες που δημοσιεύουν το έργο τους σε εκδοτικούς οίκους εγνωσμένου κύρους, όπως οι Cambridge University Press, Routledge και Macmillan

  • Διδάσκοντες που υπηρετούν στις Επιτροπές Σύνταξης περιοδικών όπως το Teaching English with Technology

  • Διδάσκοντες που έχουν εξασφαλίσει σημαντική χρηματοδότηση από την ΕΕ για τη συμμετοχή τους στο Πρόγραμμα Εγγύησης Ποιότητας Διδασκαλίας της Αγγλικής

  • Ολιγάριθμες τάξεις και εξατομικευμένη διδασκαλία για κάθε φοιτητή

  • Ευκαιρίες πρακτικής άσκησης στη διδασκαλία ξένων γλωσσών, τη μετάφραση, τις εκδόσεις, τις πολιτιστικές υπηρεσίες, την τουριστική βιομηχανία

  • Περισσότεροι από το 90% των αποφοίτων μας εργάζονται στο αντικείμενο σπουδών τους εντός ενός έτους μετά την αποφοίτησή τους

Τι λένε οι Φοιτητές μας

Having been an EFL teacher for almost 10 years, I came to realize that continuing professional development is of key importance in our profession. Teaching a language is not a solid process; a teacher needs to realize it and keep up with the changes teaching a language involves. During my career I have earned other relevant diplomas, too but I always knew I wanted to continue research in TESOL, so the choice for the MA in TESOL at the University of Nicosia was an easy one. The courses of the MA TESOL coffered me the possibility to gain more depth in my field of interest and more importantly reflect on my current teaching practices. Moreover, with the constant support and expertise of the professors I developed on skills that I felt less confident about. Above all, it is important to mention that the Masters in TESOL has made my CV more competitive and opened a lot of career opportunities for me in the teaching profession. I now feel a lot more confident about my profession and myself as an EFL teacher, something which is reflected on my teaching.

Anna Karapanou

I graduated from the University of Nicosia in 2010 with a BA in English Language and Literature and have only fond memories of my time there. The academic staff was always supportive, energetic and very hands-on.  The student community is diverse and vibrant and there is always something extracurricular going on. During my final year dissertation the support of the staff and especially my personal tutor who allowed me to explore my somewhat unconventional research interests – the literary relations between Shakespearean texts and graphic novels – was invaluable. I now work as an English Language teacher at a private afternoon school and am pursuing an MA in English Literature at the University of Cyprus. My experiences at UNIC gave me the skills and the confidence to stand in front of a classroom full of pupils and impart knowledge, as well as to continue with my own graduate studies.

Georgia Theoklitou

After graduating from the BA in English Language and Literature in the summer of 2010, I began working as a freelance translator for the Cyprus Public Information Office (PIO). The course at the University of Nicosia was challenging in all the best ways and offered a rich and diverse curriculum. What impressed me the most was the wide variety of academic opportunities available to me as an undergraduate. During my second year I was employed by the Student Affairs Office as Writing Lab Tutor, which gave me valuable experience in dealing with students and looking beyond my own studies. Furthermore, during my final year I was able to collaborate with one of my lecturers on his research which was later published. Not only was this an important learning experience,it also allowed me to graduate from the course not only with a degree, but with work experience and a publication under my belt.

Marios Constantinou

Being a student at the University of Nicosia has offered me a unique experience of learning. I have studied English Language and Literature, a hugely dynamic degree which provides a stimulating introduction to the way the English language is used in different contexts and includes an in- depth study of literature in diverse settings. The degree is taught by a group of highly-skilled teachers who are extremely passionate about teaching and concentrate on their students’ needs and expectations. The breadth of study of this programme has helped me acquire all the basic skills and competences to continue my studies by doing an MA in TEFL and a PhD in Literature and Language Teaching.

Neophytos Mitsigas

The reason I registered for a degree in the Department of Languages and Literature at the University of Nicosia was because I received good feedback from people who had studied there. The quality of education exceeded my expectations. I appreciated the lecturers’ professional guidance and invaluable support throughout my academic studies.  Being one of their students was both a pleasure and a great privilege. After completing my studies I began teaching English as a Second Language at Education First in Nicosia where I am also one of the owners.

Vassos Hadjivasiliou

The BA programme in English Language and Literature offered at the University of Nicosia is enthralling because one gets to study in a multicultural and diverse environment. The faculty is unique in its own righ. There is a vast accummulation of knowledge in the fields of Linguistics and Literature and a powerful eagerness on the professors’ behalf to transmit this knowledge.
Studying English Language and Literature at the University of Nicosia was a wonderful experience. Students are constantly challenged to craft the skills needed in order to be able to teach in the future or further continue their studies.

Yiota Andoniou

The various modules I took during my four year course at the University of Nicosia prepared me for my Masters Degree. I learnt how to write an academic essay, how to research and how to cite sources. These skills and my teachers’ support got me a place at Essex University, UK, where I studied for a Masters Degree in English Syntax. I now work as an English teacher at a private institute. Without the modules and the teachers’ guidance at the University of Nicosia I would not have been able to fulfill my dream of becoming an English teacher.

Demetres Demetriou

The programme teaches a variety of topics, which range from Phonetics to World Literature. It is broad enough to capture multiple aspects of Linguistics and Literature, whilst at the same time maintaining a steady, homogeneous and educationally stimulating learning environment. The teachers’ broad knowledge of the diverse topics has never ceased to amaze me. It was very motivating to see how much enthusiasm they all had, not only in teaching the various subjects, but also in listening to students’ scholarly arguments and opinions, and always being ready to further explain or analyze a topic of interest. I’ve had an amazing experience throughout my four years in the program and have not regretted one moment of it. Most importantly, I’m eager to put my education into practice as the course has opened many career pathways for me.

Emilia Hillides

The reason I applied here was because it was important to me to study in an internationally accredited university, while being close to home; this way, I was able to combine both my studies and a job position, relevant to my future career.  The course was great with high quality teaching. I would recommend this program to my friends.  It brought the best in me, and gave me the confidence to succeed in any teaching environment.  Everyone is also assigned a personal tutor, who helps on a regularly basis, not only with regards to academic issues one might have, but also personal problems.  The time spent at the University of Nicosia was very creative and productive. This experience really met all my expectations.

Evelina Hadjigeorgiou

Being a student here gives you the opportunity to study in a friendly environment with very experienced lecturers. It also gives you the opportunity to interact with students from all over the world. Courses aim to explore both practical and theoretical aspects of the subject, maximising the opportunity for future employment. Studying English at the University of Nicosia is a smart choice for any student who chooses to pursue their studies in this particular field.

Anthi Athanasiou

English Language and Literature at the University of Nicosia combines two fields of study, Linguistics and Literature. In Linguistics, we are encouraged to learn the process of why our language is structured in a specific way and how that is differentiated from other languages. The study of linguistics opens our minds to ambiguities of meaning, giving language depth and endless possibilities. In our literature modules, we are encouraged to explore ethical and psychological complexities and how these come into conflict with culture, society and beliefs. We learn the meaning of judgment and empathy. Not only can we appreciate the contributions literature has made to history, we are also able to expand our grasp on the artifice of history. We’ve read shorts stories consisting of six words; we’ve explored the process of how speech sounds are produced and and lots lots more – all this combined with a warm environment. I invite you all to see for yourselves…

Gregoria Erasmia Thomadakis

Τα νέα του Τμήματος

Στον Δρα Γιώργο Γεωργίου του UNIC απονέμεται το «Κυπριακό Βραβείο Έρευνας – Νέος Ερευνητής 2023» από το ΙδΕΚ

Ο Δρ Γιώργος Γεωργίου από το Τμήμα Γλώσσας και Λογοτεχνίας του Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας τιμήθηκε με το σημαντικό «Κυπριακό Βραβείο Έρευνας - Νέος Ερευνητής 2023» στη θεματική περιοχή των Ανθρωπιστικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστημών από το Ίδρυμα Έρευνας και Καινοτομίας Κύπρου (ΙδΕΚ).

Οι εκδηλώσεις του Τμήματος

Book Launch of “Advances in Second/Foreign Language Acquisition”

21 Φεβρουαρίου @ 12:00 - 13:30 EET

The Department of Languages and Literature cordially invites you to the book launch of Advances in Second/Foreign Language Acquisition, which will be held on Wednesday, 21 February 2024, from 12:00-13:30 in room M104.

The Department of Languages and Literature and PhD TESOL programme of the University of Nicosia would like to invite you to the 1st CyTesol Community Symposium, entitled 21st Century Skills in TESOL: Empowering the Local Community of Language Teaching Professionals.

The Department of Languages and Literature of the University of Nicosia invite you to the virtual Conference: Technology in ESOL: Empowering the Global Community of Language Teaching Professionals on Saturday, 25 November at 11:00 (GMT+3).

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