Quality Framework
At the Medical School, an over-arching Quality Framework sets out the areas of quality management that we are responsible for and how we achieve these through specific procedures and committees.
Through these formal processes we aim to satisfy our reporting obligations to the University of Nicosia; all conditions of our agreements with partner institutions; as well as any regulations as set by external bodies (for example, but not limited to, the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA)).
Overall, through these formal processes our goal is to:
- Improve outcomes for students through enhancing the quality of services delivered;
- Improve outcomes for staff through enhanced professional practice and through linking the framework to staff development plans;
- Ensure that findings from quality monitoring and review are dealt with appropriately; commending work that satisfies the framework conditions and dealing constructively with potential improvements; and
- Communicate effectively to all staff all outcomes from reviews.
On an operational level, senior staff, each responsible for their areas of expertise, meet regularly to ensure the effective implementation of the strategy and processes and their continual evaluation and review.
Programme management structures are in place to provide formal reporting lines for the relevant areas of the Quality Framework, and we have a range of committees that feed in to this structure. Cross-membership of committees by senior staff with responsibilities for quality management allows all groups to remain informed of key quality activities.
At the Medical School, operational responsibility for implementing the Quality Framework has been delegated to the Medical School’s Quality Assurance committee (Academic Affairs and Quality Management Committee). Reporting to the School QA committee are the Departmental Quality Assurance Committees. The QA committees of Departments each meet at least twice per year. Further details about these, their remit and their membership, can be found in the Quality Framework below.
The Role of Students
Students play an instrumental role in implementing the Quality Framework and in contributing to the programmes of external bodies; and thereby in ensuring the quality of education at the Medical School. Through feedback and committee representation students are integral to the evaluation of the course as a whole, as well as individual teaching sessions that are delivered. In addition, we encourage students to feedback on an individual level.
The processes and programmes of review we undertake are a healthy and constructive way to ensure that our medical school continues to provide educational excellence in line with local and internationally-recognised standards. They provide assurance that our programmes are thoroughly monitored, evaluated and improved.
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Jill Griffiths, Director of Quality Assurance, at [email protected].