Decentralized science

Decentralized science (DeSci) denotes a fundamental transformation in the methodologies governing scientific research, its dissemination, and validation. While conventional scientific practices tend to be centralized within specific institutions or overseen by a limited cadre of specialists, decentralized science endeavours to diffuse these responsibilities across a network of contributors. By removing centralized authorities, it advocates for collaboration, transparency, and inclusivity as foundational principles. Expanding on its decentralized nature, this approach shows potential for reshaping collaboration dynamics, bolstering data integrity, and propelling the scientific community into a transformative era of exploration.

Indicative projects

DeSci promotes open access, enabling researchers from diverse backgrounds to contribute, collaborate, and build upon existing knowledge without being constrained by geographical or institutional barriers. The University of Nicosia, a staunch supporter of blockchain technology and decentralization, actively backs DeSci through its involvement in bloxberg. As a founding member of bloxberg, the University operates a bloxberg node to support various DeSci applications running on top of it. These applications include and are not limited to Peer View Aggregation, which empowers researchers, publishers, and stakeholders to integrate and access peer review information within a decentralized data structure, and OpenSci, aimed at creating a content-centered open-access publication ecosystem that connects scientists and publishers through the bloxberg blockchain.