Our comprehensive training program is designed to adapt to the unique needs of our participants. While we maintain flexibility in duration and mode of delivery, our core objective remains to equip law enforcement agents, prosecutors, and financial crime investigators with the latest tools and knowledge to combat digital asset crimes effectively. Tailor-made courses ensure relevance and direct applicability to the varying challenges faced by professionals in the field.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will conclude the program equipped with a comprehensive set of skills, including a deep understanding of blockchain technology, the operations of the crypto-market, and the latest in regulatory responses to digital asset crimes. Through hands-on case studies and expert-led sessions, learners will master investigative techniques for tracing illicit crypto transactions, applying blockchain analytics, and conducting sophisticated financial investigations aimed at tackling money laundering, fraud, and other cybercrimes associated with digital assets.

Curriculum Overview

The curriculum, while flexible, covers a broad spectrum of essential topics ranging from the fundamentals of blockchain and crypto ecosystems to the intricacies of international regulatory landscapes and advanced investigative strategies. A critical component of the program is its detailed approach to the seizure of digital assets. Instruction on handling wallets and recovery seeds is provided, ensuring participants are well-versed in the confiscation processes for digital currencies. Moreover, the program offers in-depth guidance on creating and managing secure law enforcement wallets, a crucial aspect for the safekeeping and integrity of seized digital assets. This section not only covers the technical steps but also emphasizes the legal and procedural frameworks necessary for the establishment and operation of police accounts designed for cryptocurrency management.

Why Choose This Program?

This program stands out for its focus on practical applications, relevance to current market needs, and preparation for the future of financial investigations in digital assets. Led by experts in the field, the program offers unparalleled insights into the evolving landscape of digital currencies and blockchain technology. Participants will gain not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that can be immediately applied to their roles in law enforcement and financial regulation.


The “Financial Investigation on Digital Assets” program is under the expert coordination of Dr. Charis Savvides.

Are you ready to advance your skills in financial investigations involving digital assets? Apply now to take the first step towards becoming a leader in this critical area of law enforcement and financial regulation.