Price List


General Practitioner Consultation €50 €40
Certification for Driving Licence €10
Health Certification €40 €25
Medical Report €30 €20


SPECIALIST Private Fee Student Fee
Cardiologist Consultation €60  €50
Cardiac Device Check €70
Cardiac Stress Test €120 €85
Blood Pressure Monitoring (24h) €120 €85
Echocardiogram (ECHO) €120 €85
Electrocardiogram (ECG) €30 €20
Holter Monitor (24h – 72h) €120 €100
Holter Monitor (96h – 168h) €150 €130
General Surgeon
General Surgeon Consultation €50 €40
Surgeon Biopsy €100 €70
Minimal Surgical Procedure €100 €70
Gynaecologist Consultation €50 €40
Gynaecologist Aesthetic €250
Gynaecological Procedure- IUD Copper €190 €110
Gynaecological Procedure- IUD Mirena €300 €250
PAP Test €50 €40
Biopsy €80 €60
Neurologist Consultation €75 €50
ABPI €40 €30
Annual Reviews €40 €30
Diabetic Foot Check €40 €30
Injection of Medication (I.M/S.C) €15 €15
Transfusion of Iron Supplement (Ferinject) €180 €170
I.V Infusion from €40 from €30
Wound Dressings €20 €20
Stiches Removal €10 €10
Mantoux Test  €30 €20
DTP Vaccine (Boostrix) €55 €45
Flu Vaccine €20 €20
HPV Vaccine (Gardasil 9) €180 €170
Men B Vaccine (Bexsero)  €120 €110
Men ACWY Vaccine (Ninmerix) €80 €70
Men ACWY Vaccine (Menveo) €75 €65
MMR Vaccine (Priorix) €50 €40
Varicella/Chickenpox Vaccine (Varilrix) €75 €65
Hep A (Havrix) €75 €65
Herpes Vaccine (Shingrix €200 €190
Herpes Vaccine (Zostavax) €170 €160
Pneumococcal Vaccine (Pneumonovax 23) €65 €55
Pneumococcal Vaccine (Prevenar 13) €100 €90
Pneumococcal Vaccine (Apexxnar) €100 €90

**The listed prices for nursing procedures apply to both GHS and private patients, with the exception of ABPI, Annual Reviews, and Diabetic Foot Checks.
ABPI, Annual Reviews, and Diabetic Foot Checks are offered free of charge to UNIC Medical Centre registered GHS patients.
For vaccinations, the cost varies based on eligibility. If you believe you qualify under GHS terms, please inform the nursing staff.


The University of Nicosia Medical Centre provides the prices herein solely for informational purposes. These prices are subject to change without prior notice and are contingent upon individual circumstances, specific medical prerequisites, and any supplementary services provided. Prior to pursuing any treatment or service, it is strongly advised to engage in direct consultation with the Medical Centre to acquire the latest and most accurate pricing details. The University of Nicosia Medical Centre disclaims responsibility for any misinterpretations or disparities arising from the quoted prices.