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The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the University of Nicosia Medical School are celebrating the European Public Health Week from 22 to 26 May 2023.

This year’s European Public Health Week   aims to highlight the importance of public health and showcase how individuals and organizations across different sectors are working towards addressing “Public health: Global issues, local actions”.

The University of Nicosia Medical School is pleased to participate in this initiative and contribute to raising awareness about the critical role of public health in our communities. Through a series of engaging activities, we aim to demonstrate our commitment to promoting and advancing public health initiatives in Cyprus and beyond.

UNIC Health Human Resources Office invites all UNIC Health Staff, as well as Medical and Veterinary Faculty members to join an online Workshop focused on understanding how small daily strategies can improve their mental health and wellbeing.

During the Workshop Dr Memnia Theodorou will share her insights from her sailing adventure  and the lessons she learned,  which can be practically applied to promote  mental health and wellbeing.

Learning Objectives/Outcomes:

  1. Empower participants to take proactive steps to improve their mental wellbeing.
  2. Provide participants with practical tools and strategies to achieve this goal.

UNIC Health Staff, Medical and Veterinary Faculty will receive an invitation to pre-register for the workshop.

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