By Szilvia Toth
(Suggestion by Petros Petrikkos)
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a striking effect on our society, with more of our everyday life moving online. There has been a sharp increase in the use of digital services, from online learning and teleworking, to essential services like banking and healthcare.
However, this has not come without unique risks. While the required digital infrastructure may have been in place, the sudden need to move the majority of services online required many IT systems to accommodate the increased demand without proper testing.
Criminals were quick to adapt to our increased online presence. They have taken advantage of our need for information about the virus and used COVID-19 as a lure to infiltrate our systems, launch cyberattacks against private and public institutions, and spread harmful disinformation, putting the public’s health at risk.
Read more at source
Source: How COVID-19 will impact future cyberdiplomacy | OSCE