Turnitin Has Stated We Need To Move To The Turnitin Assignment Tool

TELC will help coordinate the migration from the Moodle Assignment Tool to the Turnitin Assignment Tool in 2023-2024.

Note: Students will therefore have to start using Turnitin DraftCoach to check their similarity before submitting their assignments.

Using the Turnitin Assignment tool rather than the traditional Moodle Assignment tool is much better for lecturers AND students.

If you change the “Number of parts” setting, you will be able to create a multi-part assignment where each student can submit a piece to each part.

Selecting “Anonymous Marking” is useful if you don’t want students to know who graded them, in the case of two-lecturer courses for example.

There are important settings to change in this part: Take note and see the image for more information.

  • Immediate generation + Resubmissions not allowed
  • Immediate generation + Resubmissions allowed until due date
  • Generation on Due Date + Resubmissions allowed until due date

Make sure to set the proper Repository setting. If you’re just testing things out, set it to No Repository just to be sure. For the final assignment, set it to Standard, but please be aware what that means (See image).

Do not use this area to create any rubrics, if you want to create a rubric, do so directly while in Feedback Studio, the workflow is better that way. Please note you can also Import/Export.