Διαδικτυακές Πληρωμές

Οι φοιτητές μπορούν να κάνουν τις πληρωμές των διδάκτρων τους μέσω των πιο κάτω μεθόδων.

1.   Online at JCCSmart

To pay by credit/debit card, please take the following steps:

  • Go to https://www.jccsmart.com/e-bill/14170328
  • Click on Bill Payment
  • Enter your JCCSmart e-mail and password
  • Enter your student ID number (starting with letter T), last name, first name and the amount you wish to pay

2.  Bank Transfer

You can pay by bank transfer to Bank of Cyprus. The bank account details are as follows:

Bank of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
A/c No.:  0182-01-011619
IBAN:  CY52002001820000000101161900
Swift Code:  BCYPCY2N

You will need to provide your Student ID number (starting with letter T), when making a bank transfer. After you complete your transfer, please send the bank deposit document to [email protected]