The World Crisis and its Impact on the New Member States of the European Union (by Michael Sarris). The 2004 fifth wave of EU accession, the largest in terms of population and number of countries, was one of the most important events in the history of the European Union. It brought together countries which had experienced very different political, social and economic developments…more |
Greece: A new challenge for Papandreou (by Christophoros Christophorou). The outcome of the 4 October 2009 Greek elections is a rare example of a dramatic shift in people’s choices and, consequently, the fate of party leaders. Paradoxically, the difficult task that the winner is called to undertake makes its success less of a triumph…more |
New Trends in US Policy under Obama: Promises and Perspectives (by Shlomo Avineri). (1) On assuming office, President Obama signaled three main objectives regarding the Middle East: (a) Repositioning American policies and attitudes vis-à-vis the Arab and Muslim world; (b) Vigorously restarting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process; (c) Reorienting US policy vis-à-vis Iran from confrontation to engagement…more |
MULTILATERALISM: THE NEW DIPLOMACY (by Peter Millett). My theme today is diplomacy, the way it has changed over the years and the impact on the way diplomats operate. To simplify matters, let’s say that diplomacy has developed in three stages:
· bilateral contact by representatives of Sovereign States, often the personal representatives of the monarch · multilateral organisations in which states negotiated, set common standards and in some cases adopted laws · to a new development, which might be called “multi-stakeholder diplomacy” where non-State actors play a significant role in international affairs…more |
THE GRIM PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMON EUROPEAN SECURITY CULTURE (by Constantinos Adamides). Is it possible for all EU member (and candidate) states to have a common European security culture? No, is the obvious answer. At least this was the conclusion from the Cambridge University – European Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) conference that took place in Cambridge this last July…more |
The Legal Status of the Sovereign Base Areas in cyprus (by Achilleas C. Aimilianides). According to article 2 § 2 of the Treaty of Establishment, the Republic of Cyprus shall co – operate fully with the United Kingdom, in order to ensure the security and effective operation of such military Bases, as well as the full enjoyment by the United Kingdom of the rights conferred by the Treaty.…more |
The Obama Administration: Change for Cyprus? (by Odysseas Christou). Barack Obama campaigned for the Presidency of the United States on a platform of hope and change, and became the 44th person elected to that office amidst a climate of domestic and international euphoria and good will…more |
The Concept of ‘prevention’ applied to Cyprus (by Demetrios Theophylaktou). This essay attempts to share some insights (emanating from my ongoing research and readings of numerous scholarly works and case studies) on both the concept and practice of conflict resolution and/or prevention. The focus is on the ongoing UN-sponsored negotiations on Cyprus and efforts to break the seemingly stubborn stalemate…more |
A Reason for the Outrage (by Arda Jebejian). Recently, the President of Armenia, Serge Sarkissian, visited Lebanon to meet with the Armenian community. On this particular visit, though, instead of the usual open arms and bouquets of flowers, the President was welcomed with more than 20,000 demonstrators who held up banners with the word “Traitor” on them…more |