
UFIT Fitness Centre to Reopen on 1 July 2020

June 12th, 2020|Categories: News|

Dear Members of the UFIT Family, We hope you have all been keeping safe during this challenging period of lockdowns and social distancing. UFIT has carefully studied the safety measures proposed by the Ministry of Health for the re-opening of gyms and would like to share with you that: a) we will be implementing all mandated measures and b) some additional safety measures (voluntarily) to raise the safety level of U-FIT even further. We are in the process of making the needed infrastructural changes and [...]


January 31st, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

No more rules of thumb and diets for everyone! With a DYNOSTICS metabolism analysis, you receive a training and nutrition recommendation tailored to you and your goals within a few minutes. The analysis tells you your personal calorie requirement per day and you find out how much % carbohydrates, fats and proteins you should consume. DYNOSTICS analyses are already available at many locations in over 28 countries. Start now with your first analysis at UFIT!

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