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Global Brand Strategist, Owner & Founder of Felix BNI

Peter is a former Executive Vice President and Worldwide Director of Client Services at global advertising agency McCann Erickson Worldwide and Head of Global Clients at TBWA\Worldwide.

Probably best known for the overall global management of the “Think Different” campaign following the return of Steve Jobs to Apple and for the fiery inspirational speeches he gave in Greece on how to rebrand the Greeks, in the mist of the Greek economic crisis!

Peter’s work is focused on change – on the strategic responses to shifting culture, consumer habits and behaviour, and the challenges of regional and global expansion.

Peter has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Hellenic Council of America and his work has been recognised by the US Congress. He has also served as the former Chairman of the Board at leading global charity, Make-A-Wish International, based in Phoenix, Arizona.

About The TALK

UNDER THE VOLCANO: Branding in a time of disruptive change

We live in disruptive times.

Driven by technology, and fueled by rapidly evolving consumer expectations, CEOs across industries are facing the urgent need to transform their businesses. Threats often appear where they are least expected; outside of traditional industry boundaries, often from startups.

Business needs to be flexible. But business needs consistency.

Consistency comes through culture. A motivating and engaging narrative, based on a strongly held belief and value system, expressed inside and outside the organisation. This is what a powerful brand provides; it guides internal behaviour whilst it establishes external expectations.

It creates alignment. It connects business with society. It enables change in the face of disruption.

Peter will draw on his considerable experience with some of the world’s leading corporations to share his thoughts on what it takes to build a powerful brand in these times of change.

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