Arts and cultural practices towards inclusive societies symposium, Nicosia Municipal Art Centre, 27 April 2018.

This symposium focused on the potential of art and cultural practices as a tool for social change. In particular, the discussion addressed the possibilities of creating opportunities through the arts for bringing together migrants, refugees and host populations. It was realized as part of the project ‘Shaping Common Paths’ which was funded by the European Cultural Foundation.

Symposium speakers: Sarah Halqvist, Melissa Hekkers, Doros Polykarpou, Efi Savvides & Akid Hassan, Niki Sioki, Stefanos Spaneas, Nikos Trimikliniotis, Marina Tsekou, Evi Tselika, ‘Waves’ journal editorial team (Fadi A. Hamad, Ester Beatty, Mazen Beshtawe, Adi Atassi)