Faculty Recent Publications
Selected articles in journals indexed by Scopus
Chern T., Achilleos A., Tong X., […] Rosenblatt S. D. & Poché A. R. (2022). Mutations in Hcfc1 and Ronin result in an inborn error of cobalamin metabolism and ribosomopathy. Nature Communications, 13: Art. Num. 134 doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-27759-7
- Mantzouratou P., Lavecchia A.M. & Xinaris C. (2022). Thyroid hormone signalling in human evolution and disease: A novel hypothesis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(1): Art. Num. 43
- Perentos N., Krstulovic M. & Morton J. (2022). Deep brain electrophysiology in freely moving sheep. Current Biology. doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.12.035
- Ugarte M.P., Achilleos S., Quattrocchi A., […], Charalambous A. & Demetriou C.A. (2022). Premature mortality attributable to COVID-19: potential years of life lost in 17 countries around the world, January–August 2020. BMC Public Health, 22(1): Art. Num. 54
- Thrastardottir T.O., Copeland V.J. & Constantinou C. (2022) The Association Between the Gut Microbiome, Nutritional Habits, Antibiotics, and Gastric Cancer: a Scoping Revie. Current Nutrition Reports 10.1007/s13668-021-00391-z
- Hajj A., Chamoun R., Salameh P., […] Kattan J. & Rabbaa Khabbaz L. (2022). Fatigue in breast cancer patients on chemotherapy: a cross-sectional study exploring clinical, biological, and genetic factors. BMC Cancer, 22(1): Art. Num. 16
- El Ayoubi L.M., Abou Ltaif D., El Masri J. & Salameh P. (2022) Effects of night eating and binge eating disorders on general health in university students in Lebanon. Irish Journal of Medical Science 10.1007/s11845-021-02904-9
- Georgiou A. C., Lisacek-Kiosoglous A. B., Mariannis D., Christou S. & Hadjianastassiou V. G. (2022). A rare case of adrenal extramedullary haematopoiesis in a Cypriot woman with β-thalassaemia. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. doi: 10.1308/rcsann.2021.0298. Online ahead of print
- Sabbahi S., Ayed L.B., Trad M., Berndtsson R. & Karanis P. (2022). Parasitological Assessment of Sewage Sludge Samples for Potential Agricultural Reuse in Tunisia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3): Art. Num. 1657.
- Karaman U., Koloren Z. & Karanis P. (2022). Survey and first report of Acanthamoeba T4 genotype in natural spring water resources in the Black Sea, Turkey. Journal of water and health, 20(1): 193-204
- Davidson M., Saoud J., Staner C., Noel N., Werner S., […] Strauss G.P. & Luthringer R. (2022). Efficacy and Safety of Roluperidone for the Treatment of Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sbac013
- Bogdanova A., Andrawos C. & Constantinou C. (Apr 2022). Cervical cancer, geographical inequalities, prevention and barriers in resource depleted countries (Review). Oncology Letters, 23(4): Art. Num. 113.
- Posnakidis G., Aphamis G., Giannaki C.D., […] Samoutis G. & Bogdanis G.C. (2022). High-Intensity Functional Training Improves Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Neuromuscular Performance Without Inflammation or Muscle Damage. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 36(3): 615-623
- Quattrocchi A., Tsioutis C., Demetriou A., […] Kalakouta O. & Nikolopoulos G. (2022). Effect of vaccination on SARS-CoV-2 reinfection risk: a case–control study in the Republic of Cyprus. Public Health, 204: 84-86
- Hoque S., Mavrides D.E., Pinto P., […] Malas S., Gentekaki E. & Tsaousis A.D. (2022). High Occurrence of Zoonotic Subtypes of Cryptosporidium parvum in Cypriot Dairy Farms. Microorganisms, 10(3): Art. Num. 531
- Mahdi H. & Jovanović A. (2022). SUR2A as a base for cardioprotective therapeutic strategies. Molecular Biology Reports, 49 (7): 6717 – 6723
- Heer R.S., Sandhu P., Wenban C., Mandal A.K.J. & Missouris C.G. (2022). Vitamin D in the news: A call for clear public health messaging during Covid-19. Nutrition and Health. Article in Press.
- Hnin T., Mandal A.K.J., Smith E., […] Missouris C.G. & Baker C. (2022). Novel percutaneous strategy to chronic total occlusion of the native right coronary artery and associated vein graft aneurysm and giant pseudoaneurysm. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, 23(4): 275–277
- Voskarides K. (2022). An evolutionary explanation for antibiotics’ association with increased colon cancer risk. Evolution, Medicine and Public Health 10(1): 214–220
- Voskarides K., Koutsofti C. & Pozova M. (2022). TP53 Mutant Versus Wild-Type Zebrafish Larvae under Starvation Stress: Larvae Can Live Up to 17 Days Post-Fertilization Without Food. Zebrafish, 19(2): 49–55
- Parperis K., Kyriakou A., Voskarides K. & Chatzittofis A. (2022). Suicidal behavior in patients with systematic lupus erythematosus: Systematic literature review and genetic linkage disequilibrium analysis. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 54:Art. Num. 151997
- Voskarides K. (2022). SARS-CoV-2: tracing the origin, tracking the evolution. BMC Medical Genomics, 15(1): Art. Num. 62
- Constantinou C.S. (20220. Responses to Covid-19 as a form of ‘biopower’. International Review of Sociology, 32(1): 29–39
- Constantinou C.S. (2022). ‘SYMBOLIC POWER’ IN THE OFFICIAL COVID-19 FIELD AND LANGUAGE. Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades, 11(1)
- Kyrochristos I.D., Glantzounis G.K., Goussia A., […] Patsalis P.C. & Roukos D. (2022). Proof-of-Concept Pilot Study on Comprehensive Spatiotemporal Intra-Patient Heterogeneity for Colorectal Cancer With Liver Metastasis. Frontiers in Oncology, 2022, 12: Art. Num. 855463
- Achilleos S., Quattrocchi A., Gabel J., […] Charalambous A. & Demetriou C.A. (2022). Excess all-cause mortality and COVID-19-related mortality: a temporal analysis in 22 countries, from January until August 2020. International Journal of Epidemiology, 51(1): 35–53
- Quattrocchi A., Kolokotroni O., Demetriou C.A., […] Charalambous A. & Heraclides A. (2022). Social inequality in obesity in an Eastern Mediterranean population: evidence from a national health survey in Cyprus.Annali di Igiene Medicina Preventiva e di Comunita, 34(4): 293–317
- Tolan N.V., Terebo T., Chai P.R., […] Demetriou C.A. & Melanson S.E.F. (2022). Impact of marijuana legalization on cannabis-related visits to the emergency department. Clinical Toxicology, 60(5): 585–595
- Philippou E., Demetriou C.A., Loucaides G., […] Hadjisavvas A. & Kyriacou K. (2022). Relative validity and reproducibility of the CyFFQ semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire for assessing dietary intake in Cypriot adults. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
- Conway R., Nikiphorou E., Demetriou C.A., […] Grainger R. & McCarthy G.M. (2022). Temporal trends in COVID-19 outcomes in people with rheumatic diseases in Ireland: data from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance registry. Rheumatology (Oxford, England), 61(SI2): SI151–SI156
- Constantinou C. & Wijnen-Meijer M. (2022). Student evaluations of teaching and the development of a comprehensive measure of teaching effectiveness for medical schools. BMC Medical Education, 22(1): Art. Num. 113
- Schou C., Hasapis K. & Karanis P. (2022). Molecular identification of Cryptosporidium species from domestic ruminants and wild reptiles in Cyprus. Parasitology Research, 121(7): 2193–2198
- Wichianchot S., Hongsrichan N., Maneeruttanarungroj C., […] Nimsuphan B. & Rucksaken R. (2022). A newly developed droplet digital PCR for Ehrlichia canis detection: comparisons to conventional PCR and blood smear techniques. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 84(6): 831–840
- Tram N.T., Phuc P.D., Phi N.H., […] Canh T.Q. & Karanis P. (2020. Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Biogas Wastewater: Management of Manure Livestock and Hygiene Aspects Using Influent, Effluent, Sewage Canal Samples, Vegetable, and Soil Samples. Pathogens, 11(2), 174
- Javanmard E., Niyyati M., Taghipour A., […] Mirjalali H. & Karanis P. (2022). Isolation and identification of potentially pathogenic free-living amoeba in drinking, surface, and stagnant water sources from Alborz Province, Iran. Journal of Water and Health, 20(4): 620–629
- Taghipour A., Sharbatkhori M., Tohidi F., […] Bahadory S. & Javanmard E. (2022). Global prevalence of Giardia duodenalis in cattle: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 203: Art. Num. 105632
- Masangkay F.R., Manconi R., Milanez G.D., […] Tangpong J. & Karanis P. (2022). Sponges (Porifera: Spongillida) as ecological indicators for parasitic protozoans Cryptosporidium and Giardia infective stages in freshwater ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 139: Art. Num. 108895
- Masangkay F.R., Milanez G.D., Dionisio J.D., […] Alvarez A.V. & Karanis P. (2022). Well water sources simultaneous contamination with Cryptosporidium and Acanthamoeba in East-Southeast Asia and Acanthamoeba spp. in biofilms in the Philippines. Science of the Total Environment, 837: Art. Num. 155752
- Andalib S., Mohammad Rahimi H., Niyyati M., […] Mirjalali H. & Karanis P. (2022). Free-living amoebae in an oil refinery wastewater treatment facility. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 839: Art. Num. 156301
- Lass A., Kontogeorgos I., Ma L., […] Li X. & Karanis P. (2022). Investigation of Toxoplasma gondii in wastewater and surface water in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China using real-time PCR and multilocus genotyping. Scientific Reports, 12(1): Art. Num. 5428
- Moyoh W., Gondwe K.W., Andreou P., Philippou E. & Papageorgiou A. (2022). Allied health workers’ role in patient education in the United States: a narrative review. Journal of Health Sciences, 12(1): 1–9
- Chiappinotto S., Papastavrou E., Efstathiou G., Andreou P., […] Longhini J. & Palese A. (2022). Antecedents of unfinished nursing care: a systematic review of the literature. BMC Nursing, 21(1): Art. Num. 137
- Vasincu A., Luca S.V., Charalambous C., […] Skalicka-Woźniak K. & Miron A. (2022). LC-HRMS/MS phytochemical profiling of Vernonia kotschyana Sch. Bip. ex Walp.: Potential involvement of highly-oxygenated stigmastane-type saponins in cancer cell viability, apoptosis and intracellular ROS production. South African Journal of Botany, 144: 83–91
- Zavaliangos-Petropulu A., Lo B., Donnelly M.R., […] Thompson P.M. & Liew S.-L. (20220. Chronic Stroke Sensorimotor Impairment Is Related to Smaller Hippocampal Volumes: An ENIGMA Analysis. Journal of the American Heart Association, 11(10): Art. Num. e025109
- Zavaliangos-Petropulu A., Lo B., Donnelly M.R., […] Thompson P.M. & Liew S.-L. (20220. Chronic Stroke Sensorimotor Impairment Is Related to Smaller Hippocampal Volumes: An ENIGMA Analysis. Journal of the American Heart Association, 11(10): Art. Num. e025109
- Trubetskoy V., Pardiñas A.F., Qi T., […] St Clair D. & van Os J. (2022). Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia. Nature, 604(7906): 502–508
- Goldberger N., Bergman-Levy T., Haklai Z., […] Elhasid T. & Weiser M. (20220. COVID-19 and severe mental illness in Israel: testing, infection, hospitalization, mortality and vaccination rates in a countrywide study. Molecular Psychiatry, 27(7): 3107–3114
- Papatsoutsos E., Kalyvas A., Drosos E., […] Stranjalis G. & Georgalas C. (2022). Defining the limits and indications of the Draf III endoscopic approach to the lateral frontal sinus and maximizing visualization and maneuverability: a cadaveric and radiological study. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology.
- Tsetsos N., Poutoglidis A., Terzakis D., […] Oostra A. & Georgalas C. (2022). Primary Intracranial Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma: Report of Three Cases. Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull Base.
- Chow V.J., Tsetsos N., Poutoglidis A. & Georgalas C. (2022). Quality of life in sinonasal tumors: an up-to-date review. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 30(1): 46–57
- Fares K., Haddad C., Malaeb D., […] Salameh P., Obeid S. & Hallit S. (2022). Social Anxiety and Its Correlates Among Lebanese Adults: Role of Self-Esteem, Depression, Alcohol Use Disorder, Alexithymia, and Work Fatigue.The primary care companion for CNS disorders, 24(1).
- Obeid S., Hallit S., Sacre H. & Salameh P. (2022). Factors associated with the onset of smoking and alcohol consumption: A cross-sectional study among Lebanese adolescents in schools. Archives de Pediatrie.
- Iskandar K., Murugaiyan J., Halat D.H., […] Salameh P. & Van Dongen M. (2022). Antibiotic Discovery and Resistance: The Chase and the Race. Antibiotics, 11(2): Art. Num. 182
- Bazoukis G., Liatakis I., Vassiliou V.S., […] Sideris A. & Efremidis M. (2022). The role of late gadolinium enhancement in predicting arrhythmic events in cardiac sarcoidosis patients–a mini-review. Acta Cardiologica
- Kotsapas C., Nicolaou N., Haider S., […] Simpson A. & Custovic A. (2022). Early-life predictors and risk factors of peanut allergy, and its association with asthma in later-life: Population-based birth cohort study. Clinical and Experimental Allergy.
- Mroueh L., Al-Hajje A., Salameh P., […] Ratsimbazafy V. & Jost J. (2022). Management of epilepsy in Lebanon: Medication reviews and drug-related problems. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety.
- Jabbour D., Masri J.E., Nawfal R., Malaeb D. & Salameh P. (2022). Social media medical misinformation: impact on mental health and vaccination decision among university students. Irish Journal of Medical Science.
- Haddad C., Salameh P., Sacre H., Clément J.-P. & Calvet B. (2022). The use of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) screening tool to evaluate cognitive deficits in Lebanese in-patients with schizophrenia. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 70: Art. Num. 103029
- Nohra R.G., Morvillers J.-M., Sacre H., Salameh P. & Rothan-Tondeur M. (2022). Living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Lebanon: a phenomenological study. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 28(2): 114-120
- El Hage S., Chahine M.N., Sayde G., […], El Masri J. & Salemeh P. (2022). Competencies required for graduated physicians: the integration of Englander’s common taxonomy in a validated scale for the assessment of competency acquiring in undergraduate medical education. Irish Journal of Medical Science.
- Letsas K.P., Vlachos K., Efremidis M., […] Bazoukis G., Niarchou P., Hocini M. & Baranchuk A. (2022). Right ventricular outflow tract endocardial unipolar substrate mapping: Implications in risk stratification of Brugada syndrome. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 23(2): Art. Num. rcm2302044
- Bazoukis G., Hall J., Loscalzo J., […] Fuster V. & Armoundas A.A. (2022). The inclusion of augmented intelligence in medicine: A framework for successful implementation. Cell Reports Medicine, 3(1): Art. Num. 100485
- Nawfal R., Kassem J., Salame H., […] Salameh P. & Matar B.F. (2022). Challenges and perspective of cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Lebanese financial crisis: a multicentric cross-sectional study. ecancermedicalscience, 16: Art. Num.: 1359
- Kamaleddine A.N., Antar H.A., Ali B.T.A., […] Chung S. & Salameh P. (2022). Effect of Screen Time on Physical and Mental Health and Eating Habits During COVID-19 Lockdown in Lebanon. Psychiatry Investigation, 19(3): 220–228
- Chahine S., Wanna S. & Salameh P. (2022). Migraine attacks among Lebanese university medical students: A cross sectional study on prevalence and correlations. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 100: 1–6
- Bitar Z., Akel M., Salameh P., Obeid S. & Hallit S. (2022). Phubbing among Lebanese young adults: Scale validation and association with mental health (depression, anxiety, and stress). Current Psychology.
- Nohra R.G., Chaaban T., Sacre H., […] Makhlouf P. & Rothan-Tondeur M. (2022). Evaluating the Feasibility and Pretesting the Impact of an Educational and Telemonitoring Program for COPD Patients in Lebanon. International Journal of COPD, 17: 949–965
- Akel M., Sakr F., Fahs I., […] Salameh P. & Godeau E. (2022). Smoking Behavior among Adolescents: The Lebanese Experience with Cigarette Smoking and Waterpipe Use. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9): Art. Num. 5679
- Ververi A., Laidou S., Chatzidimitriou A., Gidaris D., […] Fidani L. & Zafeiriou D.I. (2022). Patient with recurrent mosaic KRAS variant: Rare oculoectodermal syndrome with severe neurologic phenotype. Journal of Dermatology.
- Fattouh N., Haddad C., Salameh P., […] Hallit S. & Obeid S. (2022). A National Study of the Association of Attachment Styles With Depression, Social Anxiety, and Suicidal Ideation Among Lebanese Adolescents. The primary care companion for CNS disorders, 24(3)
- Safi S., Mansour P.C., Kaady T., […] Mokled E. & Salameh P. (2022). Lebanese medical students’ knowledge on and attitude toward xenotransplantation and its ethical issues: A cross-sectional study. Xenotransplantation.
Selected books
Selected chapters in books
Selected articles in Journals indexed by Scopus
Zarzycki R, Morton S.M, Charalambous C.C, Pietrosimone B, Williams G, & Snyder-Mackler L. (2021). Athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction demonstrate asymmetric intracortical facilitation early after surgery. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 39(1): 147-153
- Kindred J.H., Cash J.J., Ergle J.B., Charalambous C.C., Wonsetler E.C. & Bowden M.G. (May 2021). Comparing cortico-motor hotspot identification methods in the lower extremities post-stroke: MEP amplitude vs. latency. Neuroscience Letters, 754: Art. Num. 135884
- Schubert M., Ausserhofer D., Bragadóttir H., Rochefort C.M., Bruyneel L., Stemmer R., Andreou P., Leppée M., Palese A., on behalf of the RANCARE Consortium COST Action – CA 15208. (Feb 2021). Interventions to prevent or reduce rationing or missed nursing care: A scoping review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77: 2 (550-564)
- Longhini J., Papastavrou E., Efstathiou G., Andreou P., Stemmer R., Strohm C., Schubert M., de Wolf-Linder S. & Palese A. (Apr 2021). Strategies to prevent missed nursing care: An international qualitative study based upon a positive deviance approach. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(3):572 – 583
- Constantinou C.S. (Mar 2021). “People Have to Comply with the Measures”: Covid-19 in “Risk Society”. Journal of Applied Social Science, 15(1): 3 – 11
- Mascara M., & Constantinou C. (2021). Global perceptions of women on breast cancer and barriers to screening. Current Oncology Reports, 23(7): Art. Num. 74 doi: 10.1007/s11912-021-01069-z.
- Toumazi D., El Dacacche S., & Constantinou C. (2021). An Unexpected Link: the Role of Mammary and Gut Microbiota on Breast Cancer Development and Management. Accepted by Oncology Reports, 45(5): Art. Num. 80 DOI: 10.3892/or.2021.8031
- Chua I.S., Ransohoff J.R., Ehrlich O., Katznelson E., Virk Z.M., Demetriou C.A., Petrides A.K., Orav E.J., Schiff G.D. & Melanson, S.E.F. (2021) Laboratory-generated urine toxicology interpretations: A mixed methods study. Pain Physician, 24(2): E191-E201
- Oostra A., Koutsarnakis C. & Georgalas C. (2021). Advances in vascularized flaps for skull base reconstruction. Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery, 29(1): 36-43.
- Georgalas C., Oostra A., Ahmed S., Castelnuovo P., Dallan I., van Furth W., Harvey R.J., Herman P., Kombogiorgas D., Locatelli D., Meco C., Palmer J.N. (Apr 2021). International Consensus Statement: Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea.
International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, 11(4): 794 – 803 - Zachariou M., Roberts M.J., Lowet E., De Weerd P. & Hadjipapas A. (2021). Empirically constrained network models for contrast-dependent modulation of gamma rhythm in V1. NeuroImage, 229: Art. Num. 117748
- Jian Y., Zhang X., Li X., (…), Ma L., Karanis P. (2021). Occurrence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in wild birds from Qinghai Lake on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Parasitology Research.120(2): 615–628
- Mahmoudi M.R., Zebardast N., Masangkay F.R. & Karanis P. (Apr 2021). Detection of potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae from the Caspian Sea and hospital ward dust of teaching hospitals in Guilan, Iran. Journal of Water and Health, 19(2): 278 – 287
- Taghipour A., Khazaei S., Ghodsian S., Shajarizadeh M., Olfatifar M., Foroutan M., Eslahi A.V., Tsiami A., Badri M. & Karanis P. (Jul 2021). Global prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. in cats: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Research in Veterinary Science, 137: 77 – 85
- Kolokotroni O., Mosquera M.C., Quattrocchi A., Heraclides A., Demetriou C. & Philippou E. (Dec 2021). Lifestyle habits of adults during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Cyprus: evidence from a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 21(1): Art. Num. 786
- Adams, D., Polydefkis, M., González-Duarte, A., Kyriakides T.,…Pedrosa, S., Do, T.H.T. (2021). Long-term safety and efficacy of patisiran for hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis with polyneuropathy: 12-month results of an open-label extension study. The Lancet Neurology, 20(1): 49–59.
- Fountzilas E., Eliades A., Koliou G.-A., Achilleos A. … Patsalis P. (2021). Clinical Significance of Germline Cancer Predisposing Variants in Unselected Patients with Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Cancers, 13(2): Art. Num. 198
- Zervides, C , Sassi, M., Sassis, L. ,Kefala-Karli, P. (May 2021). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on radiographers in the Republic of Cyprus. A questionnaire survey. Radiography, 27(2): 419 – 424
- Zervides C., Mahdi H., Staub R.A. & Jouni H. (Apr 2021). Prosthetic venous valves: Short history and advancements from 2012 to 2020. Phlebology, 36(3): 174 – 183
- Hadjianastassiou V.G., Soloukides A. & Prikis M. (Feb 2021). The Emergence and Development of Solid Organ Transplantation in the Republic of Cyprus. Transplantation, 105(2): 267-270. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000003386
- Georgevici A.-I., Kyprianou T., Herzog-Niescery J., Procopiuc L., Loganathan S., Weber T.P. & Bellgardt M. (2021). Negative drift of sedation depth in critically ill patients receiving constant minimum alveolar concentration of isoflurane, sevoflurane, or desflurane: a randomized controlled trial. Critical Care, 25(1): Art. Num. 141
- Philippou E., Petersson S.D., Rodomar C. & Nikiphorou E. (2021). Rheumatoid arthritis and dietary interventions: systematic review of clinical trials. Nutrition reviews, 79(4): 410 – 428
- Hallit S., Sacre H., Kheir N., Hobeika E., Hallit R., Waked M. & Salameh P. (2021). Hygiene hypothesis: association between hygiene and asthma among preschool children in Lebanon. Allergologia et immunopathologia, 49(1):135-145
- Obeid S., Haddad C., Fares K., Malaeb D., Sacre H., Akel M., Salameh P. & Hallit S. (2021). Correlates of emotional intelligence among Lebanese adults: the role of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, alcohol use disorder, alexithymia and work fatigue.BMC Psychology, 9(1):Art. Num. 18
- Dib J.E., Haddad C., Sacre H., Akel M., Salameh P., Obeid S. & Hallit S. (Dec 2021) Factors associated with problematic internet use among a large sample of Lebanese adolescents. BMC Pediatrics, 21(1): Art. Num. 148
- Abbas Z., Eiden C., Salameh P. & Peyriere H. (Aug. 2021). Substance use among refugees in three Lebanese camps: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Drug Policy, 94: Art. Num. 103204
- Awad E., Haddad C., Sacre H., Hallit R., Soufia M., Salameh P., Obeid S. & Hallit S. (Dec 2021) Correlates of bullying perpetration among Lebanese adolescents: a national study. BMC PediatricsOpen Access, 21(1): Art. Num. 204
- Haddad C., Salameh P., Hallit S., Obeid S., Haddad G., Clement J.P. & Calvet B. (Dec 2021). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Arabic version of the BACS scale (the brief assessment of cognition in schizophrenia) among chronic schizophrenic inpatients. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1): Art. Num. 223
- Iskandar K., Roques C., Hallit S., Husni-Samaha R., Dirani N., Rizk R., Abdo R., Yared Y., Matta M., Mostafa I., Matta R. & Salameh P. (Dec. 2021). The healthcare costs of antimicrobial resistance in Lebanon: a multi-centre prospective cohort study from the payer perspective. BMC Infectious Diseases, 21(1): Art. Num. 404
- Akiki Z., Saadeh D., Farah R., Hallit S., Sacre H., Hosseini H. & Salameh P. (Dec 2021). Asthma prevalence and associated factors among lebanese adults: the first national survey. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 21(1): Art. Num. 162
- Vyrides N., Douka V., Gavriilaki E., (…), Anagnostopoulos A., Kokoris S.I. (2021). Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and myelodysplastic syndrome: Disappearance of cytogenetic abnormalities. Cancer Genetics, 250-251:1-5.
- Stella S., Andrew B. & Gidaris D. (Feb 2021). Beware the inhaled steroids or corticophobia? Swiss Medical Weekly, 151(5-6): Art. Num. w20450
- Stabouli S., Chrysaidou K., Chainoglou A., Gidaris D., Kotsis V. & Zafeiriou D. (2021). Uric Acid Associates with Executive Function in Children and Adolescents with Hypertension. Hypertension, Art. Num. 16761: 1737-1744
- Haddad C., Salameh P., Sacre H., Clement J.-P. & Calvet B. (2021). General description of cognitive deficits in schizophrenia and assessment tools in Lebanon: A scoping review. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 25: Art. Num. 100199
- Kasrine Al Halabi C., Obeid S., Sacre H., Akel M., Hallit R., Salameh P. & Hallit S. (2021). Attitudes of Lebanese adults regarding COVID-19 vaccination. BMC Public Health, 21 (1): Art. Num. 998
- Economou M., Kolokotroni O., Paphiti-Demetriou I., Kouta C., Lambrinou E., Hadjigeorgiou E., Hadjiona V. & Middleton N. (2021). The association of breastfeeding self-efficacy with breastfeeding duration and exclusivity: longitudinal assessment of the predictive validity of the Greek version of the BSES-SF tool. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21 (1): Art. Num. 421
- Lourbopoulos A., Mourouzis I., Xinaris C., Zerva N., Filippakis K., Pavlopoulos A. & Pantos C. (2021). Translational Block in Stroke: A Constructive and “Out-of-the-Box” Reappraisal. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15: Art. Num. 652403
- Zeenny R.M., Dimassi A., Sacre H., […] Hallit S., Salameh P. (2021). A cross-sectional survey on community pharmacists readiness to fight COVID-19 in a developing country: knowledge, attitude, and practice in Lebanon. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 14(1): Art. Num. 51
- Haidar L., AlHarfany H., Cherri S.G., [….] Salameh P. & Hosseini, H. (Jul 2021). Evaluation of hypertension treatment in acute ischemic stroke. Clinical Epidemiology and Global HealthOpen AccessVolume 11: Art. Num. 100776
- Malaeb D., Hallit S., Al Harfany H., […] Salameh P. & Hosseini H. (2021). Effect of Sociodemographic Factors, Concomitant Disease States, and Measures Performed in the Emergency Department on Patient Disability in Ischemic Stroke: Retrospective Study from Lebanon. Stroke Research and Treatment, 2021: Art. Num. 5551558
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- Loizou L., Demetriou A., Erdman F., Borkhardt A., Brozou T., Sharp L. & McNallye R. (2021). Increasing incidence and survival of paediatric and adolescent thyroid cancer in Cyprus 1998–2017: A population-based study from the Cyprus Pediatric Oncology Registry. Cancer Epidemiology, 74: Art. Num. 101979
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- Merhy G., Azzi V., Salameh P., Obeid S. & Hallit S. (2021). Anxiety among Lebanese adolescents: scale validation and correlates. BMC Pediatrics, 21(1): Art. Num. 288
- Fteropoulli T., Kalavana T.V., Yiallourou A., Karaiskakis M. […] Hadjioannou A., Nikolopoulos G.K. (2021) Beyond the physical risk: Psychosocial impact and coping in healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Open Access
- Souheil H., Clara R., Hala S., Mirna W. & Pascale S. (2021). The Preschool Asthma Risk Factors Scale: A Predictive Tool For Asthma And Respiratory Symptoms Among Preschool Children In Lebanon. Allergologia et Immunopathologia, 49(4): 38-46
- Chadjikyprianou A., Hadjivassiliou M., Papacostas S. & Constantinidou F. (2021). The Neurocognitive Study for the Aging: Longitudinal Analysis on the Contribution of Sex, Age, Education and APOE ɛ4 on Cognitive Performance. Frontiers in Genetics, 12: Art. Num. 680531
- Haddad C., Zakhour M., Siddik G., Haddad R., Sacre H. & Salameh P. (2021). COVID- 19 outbreak: Does confinement have any impact on weight change perception? Nutrition Clinique et Metabolisme, 35(2): 137 – 143
- Hallit S., Obeid S., Sacre H., Akel M., Khoury A. & Salameh P. (2021). Adaptation of the Young Adults’ Cigarette Dependence (YACD) Scale for the development and validation of the Adolescent Cigarette Dependence Scale (ACDS). Environmental Science and Pollution, 28(22): 28407 – 28414
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- Nicolaou P.A. (2021). Sex differences in heart failure medications targeting the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. European Journal of Pharmacology, 897: Art. Num. 173961
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- Spernovasilis N., Ierodiakonou D., Spanias C., Mathioudaki A., Ioannou P., Petrakis E.C., Kofteridis D.P. (2021). Doctors’ perceptions, attitudes and practices towards the management of multidrug-resistant organism infections after the implementation of an antimicrobial stewardship programme during the covid-19 pandemic. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 6(1): Art. Num. 20
- Pinnawala N.U., Thrastardottir T.O. & Constantinou C. (2021). Keeping a balance during the pandemic: the important role of micronutrients in preventing infection and reducing the complications of COVID-19. Current Nutrition Reports, 10(3): 200 – 210
- Davidson M., Levi L., Park J., Nastas I., Ford L., Rassnick S., Canuso C., Davis J.M. & Weiser M. (2021). The effects of JNJ-39393406 a positive allosteric nicotine modulator on mood and cognition in patients with unipolar depression: A double-blind, add-on, placebo-controlled trial. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 51: 33 – 42
- Constantinou C.S., Mavromoustakis C., Philippou A. & Mastorakis G. (2021). Piloting Intelligent Methodologies for Assisted Living Technology Through a Mixed Research Approach: The VINCI Project in Cyprus. Internet of Things, 501 – 511
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- Malaeb D., Akel M., Sacre H., […], Hallit S. & Salameh P. (2021). Association between cumulative cigarette and Waterpipe smoking and symptoms of dependence in Lebanese adults. BMC Public Health, 21(1): Art. Num. 1583.
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- Hallit S., Obeid S., Sacre H. & Salameh P.(2021). Lebanese Waterpipe Dependence Scale (LWDS-11) validation in a sample of Lebanese adolescents. BMC Public Health, 21(1): Art. Num. 1627
- Zakhour M., Haddad C., Sacre H., Fares K., Akel M., Obeid S., Salameh P. & Hallit S. (2021). Suicidal ideation among Lebanese adults: scale validation and correlates. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1): Art. Num. 100
- El Othman R., Touma E., El Othman R., Haddad C., Hallit R., Obeid S., Salameh P. & Hallit S. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic and mental health in Lebanon: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 25(2): 152 – 163
- Malaeb D., Hallit S., Sacre H., Rahme C., Malaeb B., Hallit R. & Salameh P. (2021). Preconception exposure to over-the-counter medications and antibiotics and the risk of childhood asthma in Lebanon: A cross-sectional study. Allergologia et immunopathologia, 49(2): 104-112
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- Ramia E., Zeenny R.M., Hallit S. & Salameh P. (2021). A population-based study of self-reported adverse drug events among Lebanese outpatients. Scientific Reports, 11(1): Art. Num. 7921
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- Nassar C.M. & Salameh P. (2021). Association between type 2 diabetes mellitus and health literacy, behavioral and environmental risk factors in Lebanon: A case-control study. Journal of Health and Social Sciences, 6(1): 103 – 114
- Haddad C., Salameh P., Hallit S., Sacre H., Clément J.-P. & Calvet B. (2021). Self-assessment of social cognition in a sample of Lebanese in-patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 26: Art. Num. 100207
- Sacre H., Akel M., Zeenny R.M., Hajj A., Hallit S. & Salameh P. (2021). Pharmacy education, workforce, practice, and sciences in Lebanon: Benchmarking with the fip development goals. Pharmacy Education, 21(1): 105 – 120
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- Bowcut J., Levi L., Livnah O., […] Davidson M., Davis J.M. & Weiser M. (2021). Misreporting of Results of Research in Psychiatry. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47(5): 1254 – 1260
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- Kossenas K. & Constantinou C. (2021) Epidemiology, Molecular Mechanisms, and Clinical Trials: an Update on Research on the Association Between Red Meat Consumption and Colorectal Cancer. Current Nutrition Reports.
- Gountas I., Quattrocchi A., Mamais I. […] Fokianos K. & Nikolopoulos G. (2021) Effect of public health interventions during the first epidemic wave of COVID-19 in Cyprus: a modelling study. BMC Public Health, 21(1): Art. Num. 1898
- Liu T.F.D., Philippou E., Kolokotroni O., Siakallis G., Rahima K. & Constantinou C. (2021) Gut and airway microbiota and their role in COVID-19 infection and pathogenesis: a scoping review. Infection, Open Access.
- Weiser M., Davis J.M., Brown C.H. […] Davidson M. & Kreyenbuhl J. (2021). Differences in Antipsychotic Treatment Discontinuation Among Veterans With Schizophrenia in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The American journal of psychiatry, 178(10): 932–940
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- Obeid S., Al Karaki G., Haddad C., […] Salameh P. & Hallit S. (2021) Association between parental divorce and mental health outcomes among Lebanese adolescents: results of a national study. BMC Pediatrics, 21(1): Art. Num. 455
- Mansour S., Youness M., Cherri S., Salameh P. […] Malaeb D. & Hosseini H. (2021) Assessment of the incidence and risk factors of early poststroke seizures in Lebanese patients. Brain and Behavior.
- Zakhour M., Haddad C., Salameh P. […] Obeid S. & Hallit S. (2021) Association Between Parental Divorce and Anger, Aggression, and Hostility in Adolescents: Results of a National Lebanese Study. Journal of Family Issues.
- Haddad C., Bou Malhab S., Malaeb D. […] Mourtada V. & Salameh P. (2021) Stigma toward people with COVID-19 among the Lebanese population: a cross-sectional study of correlates and mediating effects. BMC Psychology, 9(1): Art. Num. 164
- Bou Malhab S., Sacre H., Malaeb D. […] Haddad C. & Salameh P. (2021) Factors related to autonomy among Lebanese women: a web-based cross-sectional study. BMC Women’s Health, 21(1): Art. Num. 369
- Cunningham C.V., Mandal A.K.J., Hoque T., Chauhan R. & Missouris C.G. (2021). Splenic rupture masquerading as pulmonary embolus in the context of acute Epstein-Barr virus infection and secukinumab therapy. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 82(10).
- Baktash V., Hosack T., Rule R., Patel N., Kho J., Sekhar R., Mandal A.K.J. & Missouris C.G. (2021) Development, evaluation and validation of machine learning algorithms to detect atypical and asymptomatic presentations of Covid-19 in hospital practice. QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 114(7): 496 – 501
- Heer R.S., Mandal A.K.J., Szawarski P. & Missouris C.G. (2021). Procalcitonin is a biomarker for disease severity rather than bacterial co-infection in COVID-19. European Journal of Emergency Medicine. doi: 10.1097/MEJ.0000000000000882. PMID: 34560701.
- Hnin T., Mandal A.K.J., Smith E., Iyengar S., Missouris C.G. & Baker C. (2021). Novel percutaneous strategy to chronic total occlusion of the native right coronary artery and associated vein graft aneurysm and giant pseudoaneurysm. JJournal of Cardiovascular Medicine (Hagerstown, Md.) doi: 10.2459/JCM.0000000000001279. PMID: 34860199.
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- Morris N.B., Levi M., Morabito M., Messeri A., Ioannou L.G., Flouris A.D., Samoutis G., Pogačar T., Bogataj L.K., Piil J.F. & Nybo, L. (2020). Health vs. wealth: Employer, employee and policy-maker perspectives on occupational heat stress across multiple European industries. Temperature, 8(3): 284 – 301
- Hallit S., Obeid S., Sacre H. & Salameh P. (2021). Factors associated with sexual intercourse initiation: a retrospective cohort of Lebanese adolescents in schools. Archives de Pediatrie, 28(8): 652 – 657
- Haddad C., Salameh P., Sacre H., […] Clément J.-P. & Calvet B. (2021). Subjective cognitive complaints and relations to objective cognitive performance among Lebanese patients with schizophrenia. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1): Art. Num. 549
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- Baltas I., Mandal A.K.J. & Missouris C.G (2021). Pneumococcal prosthetic joint infection – A challenging diagnosis. Clinical Infection in Practice, 12: Art. Num. 100091
- Ionescu C. & Jovanovic A. (2021). Rates, variability and associated factors in polypharmacy in nursing homes in Cyprus. Aging Medicine and Healthcare, 12(4): 125-130
- Nicolaou S. A., Heraclides A., Constantinou C. S., Loizou S. & Gillott D. J. (2021). One size doesn’t fit all: PBL tutor training and development. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning (IJPBL), 15(2). doi.org/10.14434/ijpbl.v15i2.30267
Selected books
- Georgalas C. & Sama A. (Nov 2021). The Frontal Sinus Surgical Approaches and Controversies. Thieme Medical Publishers.
Selected chapters in books
- Constantinou C.S., Gurung T., Motamedian H., Mavromoustakis C., Mastorakis G. (2021). New Ambient Assisted Living Technology: A Narrative Review. In N. Magaia, G. Mastorakis, C. Mavromoustakis, E. Pallis, E.K. Markakis (Eds.), Intelligent Technologies for Internet of Vehicles. Cham: Springer. 487-499.
- Constantinou C.S., Mavromoustakis C., Philippou A. & Mastorakis G. (2021). Piloting Intelligent Methodologies for Assisted Living Technology Through a Mixed Research Approach: The VINCI Project in Cyprus. Internet of Things (Technology, Communications and Computing). Springer, Cham.: 501 – 511
Selected articles in journals indexed by Scopus
Constantinou C., Charalambous C. & Kanakis D. (2020). Vitamin E and cancer: an update on the emerging role of γ and δ tocotienols. European Journal of Nutrition, 59(3): 845-857 doi.org/10.1007/s00394-019-01962-1.
- Constantinou C., Charalambous C., Kanakis D., Kolokotroni O., Constantinou I. A. (2020 Jul). Update on the Anti-Cancer Potency of Tocotrienols and α-Tocopheryl Polyethylene Glycol 1000 Succinate on Leukemic Cell Lines. Nutrition and Cancer, 22:1-7 doi: 10.1080/01635581.2020.1797128.
- Constantinou C., Kolokotroni O., Mosquera MC., Heraclides A., Demetriou C., Karayiannis P., Quattrocchi A., Charalambous A. (Jul 2020). Developing a holistic contingency plan: Challenges and dilemmas for cancer patients during the COVID-19. Cancer Medicine, 9(17): 6082-6092 doi.org/10.1002/cam4.3271
- Toumazi D. & Constantinou C. (2020). A Fragile Balance: the important role of Intestinal Microbiota in the Prevention and Management of Colorectal Cancer. Oncology, 98: 593-602 doi: 10.1159/000507959.
- Raptopoulos Z. & Constantinou C. (2020). The Effect of Exercise on the Alleviation of Side Effects Induced by Aromatase Inhibitors in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer patients. Current Oncology Reports, 22: Art. Num. 110 doi.org/10.1007/s11912-020-00971-2.
- Vasincu A., Neophytou C.M., Luca S.V., Skalicka-Woźniak K., Miron A. & Constantinou A.I. (2020). 6-O-(3″, 4″-di-O-trans-cinnamoyl)-α-l-rhamnopyranosylcatalpol and verbascoside: Cytotoxicity, cell cycle kinetics, apoptosis, and ROS production evaluation in tumor cells. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 34(3): Art. Num. e22443 doi.org/10.1002/jbt.22443
- Levi L., Bar Haim M., […] Davidson M., […] Kahn R. & Weiser M. (2020). Duration of untreated psychosis and response to treatment: an analysis of response in the OPTiMiSE cohort. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 32:131-135.
- Strauss G.P., Zamani-Esfahlani F., Sayama H., Kirkpatrick B., Opler M., Saoud J.B., Davidson M. & Luthringer R. (2020). Network analysis indicates that avolition is the most central domain for the successful treatment of negative symptoms: Evidence from the roluperidone clinical trial. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 46(4): 964–970.
- Davidson M. & Gabos C. (2020). Do DSM classifications help or hinder drug development. Dialogues in Clinical Neurosciences, 22(1): 73-79.
- Chua I., Petrides A.K., Schiff G.D., Ransohoff J.R., Kantartjis M., Streid J., Demetriou C.A. & Melanson S.E.F. (2020). Provider Misinterpretation, Documentation, and Follow-Up of Definitive Urine Drug Testing Results. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35(1):283-290 doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05514-5
- Vineis P., Demetriou A. C. & Probst-Hensch N. (2020). Long-term effects of air pollution: an exposome meet-in-the-middle approach. International Journal of Public Health, 65(2): 125-127.
- Chairta P., Psarelis S., Michailidou K., Demetriou C., Symeonidou S., Nicolaou, P. & Christodoulou K. (2020). Genetic Susceptibility to Systemic Sclerosis in the Greek-Cypriot Population: A Pilot Study. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers, 24(5): 309–317.
- Nicolaou O., Sokratous K., Makowska Z., Morell M., De Groof A., Montigny P., Hadjisavvas A., Michailidou K., Oulas A., Spyrou G.M., Demetriou C., Alarcón-Riquelme M.E., Psarellis S., Kousios A., Lauwerys B. & Kyriacou K. (2020). Proteomic analysis in lupus mice identifies Coronin-1A as a potential biomarker for lupus nephritis. Arthritis Research and Therapy, 22(1): Art. Num. 147.
- Bassiouni A., Paramasivan S. […] Georgalas C., Harvey R.J., Hwang P.H., Luong A.U., Schlosser R.J., Tantilipikorn P., Tewfik M.A., Vreugde S., Wormald P.J., Caporaso J.G. & Psaltis A.J. (2020). Microbiotyping the Sinonasal Microbiome. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 10: Art. Num. 137 doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.00137
- Georgalas C., Terzakis D., Tsikna M., Alatzidou Z., De Santi S., Seccia V. & Dallan I. (2020). Ecchordosis physaliphora: A cautionary tale. Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 134(1): 46-51 doi: 10.1017/S0022215119002512
- Nasta M.S., Chatzinakis V.A. & Georgalas C.C. (2020). Updates on current evidence for biologics in chronic rhinosinusitis. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 28(1): 18-24 doi: 10.1097/MOO.0000000000000594
- Mitsis G.D., Anastasiadou M.N., Christodoulakis M., Papathanasiou E.S., Papacostas S.S. & Hadjipapas A. (2020). Functional brain networks of patients with epilepsy exhibit pronounced multiscale periodicities, which correlate with seizure onset. Hum Brain Mapp., 41(8):2059-2076 doi:10.1002/hbm.24930
- Delatycki M.B., Alkuraya F., Archibald A., Castellani C., Cornel M., Grody W.W., Henneman L., Ioannides A.S., Kirk E., Laing N., Lucassen A., Massie J., Schuurmans J., Thong M.-K., van Langen I. & Zlotogora J. (2020). International perspectives on the implementation of reproductive carrier screening. Prenatal Diagnosis, 40(3): 301–310.
- Martinelli S., Pannone L., Lissewski C., Brinkmann J., Flex E., Schanze D., Calligari P., Anselmi M., Pantaleoni F., Canale V.C., Radio F.C., Ioannides A., Rahner N., Schanze I., Josifova D., Bocchinfuso G., Ryten M., Stella L., Tartaglia M. & Zenker M. (2020). Pathogenic PTPN11 variants involving the poly-glutamine Gln255-Gln256-Gln257 stretch highlight the relevance of helix B in SHP2’s functional regulation. Human Mutation, 41(6): 1171–1182.
- Zhang X., Lu Z., Abdul K.S.M., Ma C, Tan K.S, Jovanovic A. & Tan W. (2020). Isosteviol sodium protects heart embryonic H9c2 cells against oxidative stress by activating Akt/GSK-3β signaling pathway. Pharmazie, 75: 36-40.
- Jovanović A. (2020). SUR2A: How to exploit this protein to treat ischaemic heart disease? [SUR2A: Kako iskoristiti ovaj protein za terapiju ishemijske bolesti srca?. Arhiv za Farmaciju., 70: 1-9.
- Sudhir R., Du Q., Sukhodub A., Jovanović S. & Jovanović A. (2020). Improved adaptation to physical stress in mice overexpressing SUR2A is associated with changes in the pattern of Q-T interval. Pflugers Archiv (European Journal of Physiology), 472: 683-691.
- Masangkay F.R., Milanez G.D., Tsiami A., Hapan F.Z., Somsak V., Kotepui M., Tangpong J. & Karanis P. (2020). Waterborne protozoan pathogens in environmental aquatic biofilms: Implications for water quality assessment strategies. Environmental Pollution, 259: Art. Num. 113903 doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113903. PMID 32023789.
- Koyun İ., Kolören Z., Karaman Ü., Tsiami A. & Karanis P. (2020). Acanthamoeba spp. in river water samples of Black Sea, Turkey. Journal of Water and Health, 18 (2): 186–199.
- Masangkay F.R., Milanez G.D., Tsiami A., Somsak V., Kotepui M., Tangpong J. & Karanis P. (2020). First report of Cryptosporidium hominis in a freshwater sponge. The Science of the Total Environment, 700: Art.Num. 134447
- Mahmoudi M.R., Mahdavi F., Ashrafi K., Forghanparast K., Rahmati B., Mirzaei A., Atrkar Roshan Z. & Karanis P. (2020). Report of Giardia assemblages and giardiasis in residents of Guilan province-Iran. Parasitology Research, 119(3):Art.Num. 1083-1091.
- Milanez G., Masangkay F., Hapan F., Bencito T., Lopez M., Soriano J., Ascaño A., Lizarondo L., Santiago J., Somsak V., Kotepui M., Tsiami A., Tangpong J. & Karanis, P. (2020) Detection of Acanthamoeba spp. in two major water reservoirs in the Philippines. Parasitology International, 18 (2): 118–126.
- Li X., Zhang X., Jian Y., Wang G., Ma L., Schou C. & Karanis P. (2020). Detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in vegetables from street markets from the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau Area in China. Parasitology Research, 119(6): 1847–1855.
- Sakkas H., Economou V., Bozidis P., Gousia P., Papadopoulou C. & Karanis P. (2020). Detection of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in foods of plant origin in North-Western Greece. Journal of Water and Health, 18(4):574-578.
- Mahmoudi M.R, Hasani H., Tsiami A., Ashrafi K., Johnson P., Sharifdini M. & Karanis P. (2020). Intestinal protozoan and helminthic infections among hemodialysis and cancer patients. Parasitol Research, 119(9): 3053-3059.
- Saadat F., Mahmoudi M.R., Rajabi E., Roshan Z.A., Shad B.M. & Karanis P. (2020). Seroepidemiology and Associated Risk Factors of Toxoplasma gondii in Hemodialysis Patients. Acta Parasitologica, 65(4): 906-912.
- Pazoki H., Niyyati M., Javanmard E., Lasjerdi Z., Spotin A., Mirjalali H. & Karanis P. (2020). Isolation of N. philippinensis and N. americana strains from irrigation waters of farmland soils in Iran. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(19): 24568-24573.
- Javanmard E., Mirsamadi S. E., Olfatifar M., Ghasemi E., Saki F., Mirjalali H., Zali R. M. & Karanis P. (2020). Prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in vegetables in Iran: a nineteen-years meta-analysis review. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 18(2): 1629-1641.
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- Kyriakides T., Angelini C., Vilchez J. & Hilton-Jones D. (2020). European Federation of the Neurological Societies guidelines on the diagnostic approach to paucisymptomatic or asymptomatic hyperCKemia. Muscle & Nerve, 61(2):E14-E5.
- Dardiotis E., Andreou S., Aloizou A.-M., Panayiotou E., Siokas V., Ioannou M.N., Vounou E., Christodoulou K., Tanteles G.A., Michaelides D. & Kyriakides T. (2020). The frequency of central nervous system complications in the Cypriot cohort of ATTRV30M neuropathy transplanted patients. Neurological Sciences, 41(5): 1163-70.
- Christoforou S., Christodoulou K., Anastasiadou V. & Nicolaides P. (2020). Early-onset presentation of a new subtype of beta-propeller protein-asssociated neurodegeneration (BPAN) caused by a de novo WDR45 Deletion in a 6 year-old female patient. European Journal of Medical Genetics, 63(3):103765.
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- Stefani S., Kousiapa I., Nicolaou N., Papathanasiou E.S., Oulas A., Fanis P., Neocleous V., Phylactou L.A., Spyrou G. M. & Papacostas S. S. (2020). Neurophysiological and Genetic Findings in Patients With Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. Front. Integr. Neurosci., 14: Art. Num. 45 doi.org/10.3389/fnint.2020.00045
- Kong E., Nicolaou N. & Vizcaychipi M.P. (2020). A systematic review of haemodynamic stability of closed-loop anaesthesia systems. Minerva Anestesiologica, 86(1):76-87.
- Barchitta M., Quattrocchi A., Maugeri A., La Rosa M.C., La Mastra C., Basile G., Giuffrida G., Rinaldi F.M., Murolo G. & Agodi, A. (2020). The “obiettivo antibiotico” campaign on prudent use of antibiotics in Sicily, Italy: The pilot phase. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9): Art. Num. 3077 doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17093077
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- Pallari E., Samoutis G. & Rudd A. (2020). Re-engineering the Cypriot healthcare service system. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1): Art. Num. 293.
- Mourouzis I., Lavecchia A.M. & Xinaris C., (2020 Jan).Thyroid hormone signalling: from the dawn of life to the bedside. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 88(1):88-103.
- Brizi V. & Xinaris C. (2020 Jan). Lymphotoxin-Beta Receptor Signaling Is Crucial for the Vascularization of Transplanted Metanephros. American Journal of Pathology, 190(1):33-36.
- Zervides C., Sassis L., Kefala-Karli P., Christou V., Derlagen A., Papapetrou P. & Heraclides A. (2020). Assessing radiation protection knowledge in diagnostic radiography in the Republic of Cyprus. A questionnaire survey. Radiography (Lond), 26(2):88-93 doi: 10.1016/j.radi.2019.11.003
- Nicolaou, P.A. & El Saifi, M. (2020). The impact of using virtual patients in preclinical pharmacology teaching. Advances in physiology education, 44(3): 363-369.
- Mohammed Abdul K.S., Rayadurgam J., Faiz N., Jovanović A. & Tan W. (2020). Cardioprotection by isosteviol derivate JC105: A unique drug property to activate ERK1/2 only when cells are exposed to hypoxia-reoxygenation. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 24: 10924- 10934.
- Kodesh A., Sandin S., Reichenberg A., Rotstein A., Pedersen N.L., Ericsson M., Karlsson I.K., Davidson M. & Levine S.Z. (2020). Antidepressants and the Risk of Dementia: Appropriate Consideration of Confounding by Indication. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28(4):499-500.
- Romero-Guevara R., Ioannides A., Xinaris C.(2020). Kidney Organoids as Disease Models: Strengths, Weaknesses and Perspectives. Frontiers in Physiology, 11: Art. Num. 563981.
- Lass A., Ma, L., Kontogeorgos I., Xueyong Z., Li X. & Karanis, P. (2020). Contamination of wastewater with Echinococcus multilocularis – possible implications for drinking water resources in the QTP China. Water Research. 170: Art.Num.115334.
- Ahmed S.A. & Karanis P. (2020). Cryptosporidium and cryptosporidiosis: The perspective from the gulf countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18): 1–34. Art. Num. 6824.
- Milanez G.D., Masangkay F.R., Scheid P., […] Tangpong J. & Karanis P.(2020). Acanthamoeba species isolated from Philippine freshwater systems: epidemiological and molecular aspects. Parasitology Research, 119(11): 3755–3761.
- Masangkay F.R., Milanez G.D., Somsak V., […] Tangpong J. & Karanis P. (2020). Multi-spatial contamination of environmental aquatic matrices with Cryptosporidium: a climate, health, and regulatory framework for the Philippines. Environmental Sciences Europe, 32(1): Art. Num. 121.
- Wu S.-J., Nicolaou N. & Bogdan M. (2020). Consciousness detection in a complete locked-in syndrome patient through multiscale approach analysis. Entropy., 22(12): 1–14. Art. Num. 1411
- Stylianou N., Samouti G. & Samoutis G. (2020). Mental Health Disorders During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Cyprus. Journal of medicine and life, 13(3): 300–305.
- Nikitara M., Constantinou C.S., Andreou E., Latzourakis E. & Diomidous M. (2020). Views of People with Diabetes Regarding Their Experiences of the Facilitators and Barriers in Type 1 Diabetes Inpatient Care: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.Behavioral Sciences, 10(8): Art. Num. 10080120.
- Christodoulou C.C., Zachariou M., Tomazou M., […] Demetriou C.A., Zamba-Papanicolaou E. & Spyrou G.M. (2020). Investigating the transition of pre-symptomatic to symptomatic huntington’s disease status based on omics data. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(19): 1–26. Art. Num. 7414.
- Christodoulou C.C., Zamba-Papanicolaou E. & Demetriou C.A. (2020). Dietary intake, mediterranean diet adherence and caloric intake in Huntington’s disease: A review. Nutrients, 12(10): 1–25. Art. Num. 2946.
- Sotiriou S., Pervana S., Chondromatidou S., Efstratiou I. & Kanakis D. (2020). A 55-year old male with a right fronto-parietal lesion. Brain Pathology, 30(2): 411–412.
- Mantzouratou P., Lavecchia A.M., Novelli R. & Xinaris C. (2020).Thyroid Hormone Signalling Alteration in Diabetic Nephropathy and Cardiomyopathy: a “Switch” to the Foetal Gene Programme. Current Diabetes Reports, 20(11): 58.
- Zervides C., Kefala-Karli P. & Sassis L. (2020). Importance of ultrasound education in undergraduate medical curriculum: A survey study based on 1st-year medical students’ perception in the six-year M.D. program of the University of Nicosia Medical School in Cyprus. Ultrasound Quarterly, 36(4): 328–332.
- Al Abdi T., Andreou E., Papageorgiou A., Heraclides A. & Philippou E. (2020). Personality, Chrono-nutrition and Cardiometabolic Health: A Narrative Review of the Evidence. Advances in Nutrition, 11(5):1201–1210.
- Kindred J.H., Wonsetler E.C., Charalambous C.C., […] Kautz S.A. & Bowden M.G. (2020). Individualized Responses to Ipsilesional High-Frequency and Contralesional Low-Frequency rTMS in Chronic Stroke: A Pilot Study to Support the Individualization of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14: Art. Num. 578127.
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- Zoja C., Xinaris C. & Macconi D. (2020). Diabetic Nephropathy: Novel Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 11: Art. Num. 586892.
- Konstantinou P., Kassianos A.P., Georgiou G., Panayides A., Papageorgiou A., Almas I., Wozniak G. & Karekla M. (2020). Barriers, facilitators, and interventions for medication adherence across chronic conditions with the highest non-Adherence rates: A scoping review with recommendations for intervention development. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10(6): 1390-1398.
- Michaelides A. & Constantinou C. (2020). Integration of Psychoeducation Programmes in the Survivorship Care of Breast Cancer Patients. Journal of Cancer Policy, 23: Art. Num: 100214.
- Hopayian K. (2020). Correspondence: Practitioners may need to change too if we are to reduce inappropriate imaging. Journal of Physiotherapy, 66(1): 65.
- Angeli S., Kousiappa I., Stavrou M., Sargiannidou I., Georgiou E., Papacostas S. S. & Kleopa K.A. (Oct 2020). Altered Expression of Glial Gap Junction Proteins Cx43, Cx30, and Cx47 in the 5XFAD Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14: Art. Num. 582934
- Constantinou C.S., Andreou P., Papageorgiou A. & McCrorie P. (2020). Critical reflection on own beliefs for cultural competence in medical education: An analysis of tutors’ reflective narratives. Qualitative Research in Education, 9(3): 273 – 299
- Koniali L., Hadjisavvas A, Constantinidou A., Christodoulou K., Christou Y., Demetriou C., Panayides S. A,, Pitris C., Pattichis S.C, Zamba-Papanicolaou E. & Kyriacou K. (2020). Risk factors for breast cancer brain metastases: A systematic review. Oncotarget. 11 (6): 650-669.
- Constantinou C.S (2020) A reflexive GOAL framework for achieving student-centered learning in european higher education: From class learning to community engagement. Societies, 10(4): Art. Num. 75
Selected books
Arulkumaran S., Ledger W. & Denny L. (2020). Oxford Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. London: Oxford University Press.
Selected chapters in books
Neophytou C.M, Gregoriou Y. & Constantinou A. I. (2020). Pro-apoptotic Properties of Chemopreventive Agents (Chapter 16). In J. M. Pezzuto & O. Vang (Eds), Natural Products for Cancer Chemoprevention. Switzerland AG: Springer Nature.
Demetriou C. A., Kakkoura M. G., Hadjisavvas A., Loizidou M. A., Sacerdote C., Vineis P. & Kyriacou K. (2020). The Mediterranean Diet and Breast Cancer. In V.R Preedy (Ed), The Mediterranean Diet: An Evidence-Based Approach To Disease Prevention, 2nd Edition. London: Academic Press.
Demetriou C.A. & Vineis P. (2020). Biomarkers and OMICS of Health Effects associated with Traffic-Related Air Pollution. In H. Khreis, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, T. Ramani & J. Zietsman (Eds), Traffic Related Air Pollution, 1st Edition. London: Elsevier Publishers.
Ioannides S.A. (2020). Placental and fetal growth and development.In I. Symonds & S.Arulkumaran (Eds), Essential Obstetrics and Gynaecology (pp.41-55.), 6th Edition. London: Elsevier Publishers.
Ioannides S.A. (2020). Genetics for the obstetrician and gynaecologist. In S. Arulkumaran, W. Ledger, L. Denny & S. Doumouchtsis (Eds), Oxford Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (pp.55-71). London: Oxford University Press.
Arulkumaran S., Ledger W. & Denny L. (2020). Fetal Monitoring during labour. In S. Arulkumaran, W. Ledger, L. Denny & S. Doumouchtsis (Eds), Oxford Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. London: Oxford University Press.
Selected articles in journals indexed by Scopus
Vasincu A., Ababei D.C., Miron A., Neamţu M., Vasincu I.M., Charalambous C., Neophytou C.M. & Constantinou A.I. (2019). Assessment of the potential antitumor effects of Glinus Oppositifolius (L.) Aug. DC. Extracts. Farmacia, 67: 656-661.
- Nikitara M., Constantinou C., Andreou E. & Diomedous M. (2019). The Role of Nurses and the Facilitators and Barriers in Diabetes Care: A Systematic Literature Review. Behavioural Sciences, 9(6): Art. Num. 61.
- Neophytou C. M., Mesaritis A., Gregoriou G. & Constantinou A. I. (2019). da-Tocopheryl Polyethylene Glycol 1000 Succinate and a small-molecule Survivin suppressant synergistically induce apoptosis in SKBR3 breast cancer cells. Scientific reports, 9 (1): 1-10.
- Kodesh A., Sandin S., Reichenberg A., Rotstein A., Pedersen N., Ericsson M., Karlsson I., Davidson M. & Levine S.Z. (2019). Exposure to Antidepressant Medication and the Risk of Incident Dementia. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27(11): 1177-1188.
- Reichenberg A., Velthorst E. & Davidson M. (2019). Cognitive impairment and psychosis in schizophrenia, linked or independent conditions? Word Psychiatry, 18(2):162-163.
- Weiser M., Levi L., Burshtein S., Chiriță R., Cirjaliu D., Gonen I., Yolken R., Davidson M., Zamora D. & Davis J.M. (2019 Apr). The effect of minocycline on symptoms in schizophrenia: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Schizophrenia Research, 206:325-332.
- Lambrianides S., Demetriou C.A., Tillyris A., Kkolou E., Gaglia E., Agkastinioti E. et al. (2019). Prevalence of Anti-JC Virus (JCV) Antibodies in the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Population in Cyprus: A Retrospective Study. Neurology Research International, Art. Num. 3741260.
- Demetriou A.C., Hadjivasiliou M.P., Kleopa A.K., Christou P.Y., Leonidou E., Kyriakides T. & Zamba-Papanicolaou E. (2019). Retrospective longitudinal study of ALS in Cyprus: Clinical characteristics, management and survival. PLoS One, 6:14(9): Art. Num. e0220246.
- Georgiou A., Demetriou A.C., Christou P.Y., Heraclides A., Leonidou E., Loukaides P., Yiasoum E., Pantziaris M., Kleopa A.K., Papacostas S.S., Loizidou A.M., Hadjisavvas A. & Zamba-Papanicolaou E. (2019). Genetic and environmental factors contributing to Parkinson’s disease: a case-control study in the Cypriot population. Front Neurol., 17(10): Art. Num. 1047.
- Hopayian K., Papageorgiou A., Hadjipapas A., Charalambous A. & Kolokotroni O. (2019).Teaching Family Medicine Online: the experience in Cyprus. The British journal of general practice: the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 69(682): 244.
- Deligiannidou G.E, Philippou E., Vidakovic M., Berghe W.V., Heraclides A., Grdovic N., Mihailovic M. & Kontogiorgis C. (2019). Natural Products Derived from the Mediterranean Diet with Antidiabetic Activity: from Insulin Mimetic Hypoglycemic to Nutriepigenetic Modulator Compounds. Curr Pharm., 25(15):1760-1782.
- Hileti D., Vichas C., Singhal A., Heraclides A., Iasonides M. & Lanigan J. (2019). Developmental factors and risk of obesity in infants living in Cyprus ‐ a prospective longitudinal study. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 32(S1): 38-45.
- Chen Y., Beng H., Su H., Han F., Fan Z., Lv N., Jovanovic A. & Tan W. (2019). Isosteviol prevents the development of isoprenaline-induced myocardial hypertrophy. Int. J. Mol. Med., 44: 1932-1942.
- Du Q., Jovanovic S., Tulic L, Tulic I. & Jovanovic A. (2019). Pregnancy-induced hypertension is associated with down-regulation of Kir6.1 in human myometrium. Pregnancy Hypertens, 18: 96-98.
- Sinha S., Du Q., Jovanovic S., Sukhodub A. & Jovanovic A. (2019). Pyrazinamide may possess cardioprotective properties. Journal of Antibiotics, 72: 714-717.
- Tang S.G., Liu X.Y., Wang S.P., Wang H.H., Jovanovic A. & Tan W.(2019). Trimetazidine prevents diabetic cardiomyopathy by inhibiting Nox2/TRPC3-induced oxidative stress. J. Pharmacol. Sci., 139: 311-318.
- Burgess K., Jovanovic S., Sudhir R. & Jovanovic A. (2019). Area under the curve analysis of blood pressure reveals increased spontaneous locomotor activity in SPAK knock in mice: relevance for hypotension induced by SPAK inhibition?. Physiological Reports, 7(3): Art. Num. e13997.
- Lass A., Ma L., Kontogeorgos I., Xueyong Z., Li X. & Karanis P. (2019). Contamination of wastewater with Echinococcus multilocularis – possible implications for drinking water resources in the QTP China. Water Research, 170: Art. Num. 115334.
- Lass A., Ma L., Kontogeorgos I., Zhang X., Li X. & Karanis P. (2019). First molecular detection of Toxoplasma gondii in vegetable samples in China using qualitative, quantitative real-time PCR and multilocus genotyping. Scientific Reports, 9 (1): Art. Num. 17581.
- Javanmard E., Rahimi H.M., Niyyati M., Aghdaei H.A., Sharifdini M., Mirjalali H., Zali M.R. & Karanis P. (2019). Molecular analysis of Blastocystis sp. and its subtypes from treated wastewater routinely used for irrigation of vegetable farmlands in Iran. Journal of Water and Health, 17 (5): 837-844.
- Dardiotis E., Panayiotou E., Siokas V., Aloizou A.M., Christodoulou K., Hadjisavvas A. et al. (2019). Gene variants of adhesion molecules predispose to MS: A case-control study. Neurology Genetics, 5(1): Art. Num. e304.
- Nicolaou P., McCrorie P. & Nicolaou A. S. (2019). Using virtual patients to integrate physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology in pre-clinical teaching. Advances in Physiology Education, 43(3): 277-281.
- Nicolaidou V., Nicolaou P. & Nicolaou A. S. (2019). Transforming a cookbook undergraduate microbiology laboratory to inquiry-based using a semester-long PBL case study. Advances in Physiology Education, 43(1): 82-92.
- Ardissino M., Nicolaou N. & Vizcaychipi M. (2019). Non-invasive real-time autonomic function characterization during surgery via continuous Poincaré quantification of heart rate variability. J Clin Monit Comput, 33 (4): 627–635.
- Fisher J. J., Kaitelidou D. & Samoutis G. (2019). Happiness and physical activity levels of first year medical students studying in Cyprus: a cross-sectional survey. JBMC Medical Education. 19(1): Art. Num. 475
- Samoutis G., Samouti S. & Aristodemou A. P. (2019). Cultivating a Therapeutic Compassionate Relationship: The 3S Approach. Journal of Medicine and Life, 12 (4): 449-452
- Davidson M. (2019). Cognitive impairment as a diagnostic criterion and treatment target in schizophrenia. World Psychiatry, 18(2): 171–172.
- De Bacquer D., De Smedt D., Kotseva K., Jennings C., Wood D., Rydén L., Gyberg V., […] Nicolaides E. et al (2019). Incidence of cardiovascular events in patients with stabilized coronary heart disease: the EUROASPIRE IV follow-up study. European Journal of Epidemiology, 34(3): 247-258
- Weiser M., Levi, L., Zamora D., Biegon A., Sangiovanni J.P., Davidson M., Burshtein S., Gonen I., Radu P., Slobozean Pavalache K.l, Nastas I., Hemi R., Ryan T. & Davis J.M. (2019 Oct). Effect of Adjunctive Estradiol on Schizophrenia among Women of Childbearing Age: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 76(10): 1009-1017.
Selected books
Burriesci G., Seifalian A.M. & Zervides. C. (2019). Heart valve prosthesis (US Patent 10,357,358)
Selected chapters in books
Athanasiou G. & Bachtsetzis C. (2019). The importance of Patient Repoted Outcomes in shapping Healthcare System. In T.P Cotrim, F. Serranheira, P. Sousa, S. Hignett, S. Albolino & R. Tartaglia (Eds), Health and Social Care Systems of the Future: Demographic Changes, Digital Age and Human Factors (pp. 365-372). Springer.
McCrorie P. (2019). Learning in Small Groups in Understanding Medical Education: Evidence, Theory and Practice. In T. Swanwick, K. Forrest, & B.C. O’Brien & W. Blackwell (Eds), Understanding Medical Education: Evidence, Theory, and Practice (pp.123-137), 3rd Edition. Wiley.