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Webinar 7 | Addressing the Role of Language Comprehension in Word-Problem Intervention to Improve Outcomes for Children with Learning Disabilities

Early word-problem solving is a strong predictor of adult wages, and it supports advanced mathematics learning. Yet, word-problem solving difficulty is widespread, due in part to sub-optimal word-problem instruction. In this talk, Lynn Fuchs explains a randomized controlled trial testing the effects of word-problem intervention that treats word-problem solving as a form of text processing, by incorporating an explicit focus on language comprehension. In explaining this study, she also describes the core features of this innovative approach. She ends the talk by providing additional information on this intervention and the grade levels and types of word problems it addresses. 


Dr. Lynn S Fuchs
Research Professor & Institute Fellow, Vanderbilt University and American Institutes for Research

Lynn Fuchs is Research Professor of Special Education, Psychology & Human Development, and Pediatrics at Vanderbilt University as well as Institute Fellow at the American Institute for Research. She has conducted programmatic research on instructional methods for improving the mathematics and reading outcomes of students with learning difficulties, on assessment methods for enhancing teachers’ instructional planning, and on the cognitive and linguistic profiles associated with mathematics development. She has published more than 500 empirical studies in peer-review journals and has been identified as one of the most frequently cited researchers in the social sciences. Dr. Fuchs also has a long-standing track record in designing and providing effective technical assistance to states, districts, and teachers. She has received a variety of awards to acknowledge her research accomplishments and positive impact on teacher quality and the academic outcomes of children with and without disabilities. These awards include the American Educational Research Association’s Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award and the Council for Exceptional Children’s Career Research Award.

This webinar is part of the Distinguished Speaker Webinar Series on Special and Inclusive Education 2021-22. For more information visit https://www.unic.ac.cy/eduseries2021-22

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