Papers and Reports
The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions and views of either the Diplomatic Academy or those of the University of Nicosia.
Turkey`s aspiring hydrological hegemony: The impact on the regional political security developments
By Constantinos Adamides Turkey’s geopolitical importance is unquestionable; in the middle of three regional security complexes – the Balkan, the Caucasus and the Middle Eastern – it has the capacity to act either as an insulator state when it is advantageous, as with the case of the ongoing tragic refugee crisis, or in a non-insulator and hegemonic manner with the capacity to project its power over its weaker neighbors.
Why Russia is Fighting Qatar and Competing Iran
By Ioannis-Sotirios Ioannou An alternative perspective on the civil conflict in Syria is inevitably linked with energy and geostrategic implications.
Russians and the “Alawistan”
By Ioannis-Sotirios Ioannou With the situation in Syria entering into a new abyss regarding the ongoing diplomatic game, things are starting to become clearer in terms of Russia’s active support to the Assad regime.
Russia in Syria: Changing the Power Balances
By Zenonas Tziarras Back in 2012 it was argued that Syria has become an arena for conflicting regional and international interests. This reality is more salient today than any other time in the past.
Η Σημασία των Παγκόσμιων και Περιφερειακών Ενεργειακών Μεταβολών για την Κύπρο
By Zenonas Tziarras Η ενέργεια και κατ’ επέκταση η ενεργειακή πολιτική και ασφάλεια κατέχουν κεντρική θέση στις διεθνείς ανησυχίες αυτού του αιώνα.
Global Shifts and the East in Cyprus’ Foreign Policy – By Zenonas Tziarras: In Depth, Vol.12, no3, pp.20-22, June 2015
By Zenonas Tziarras Over the past ten years or so the foreign policy of Cyprus, more specifically the Republic of Cyprus, has improved significantly in that it has started, despite some persisting problems and dilemmas, to realize and utilize the island’s geostrategic role.
The Security Culture of a Global and Multileveled Cybersecurity
By Zenonas Tziarras This paper seeks to argue for the development of a global and multileveled management of cybersecurity. To do so we fi rst defi ne cybersecurity by situating it within the broader framework of the changing concept of security.
Turkey’s Syria Problem: A talking timeline of events
By Zenonas Tziarras This article analyzes the stages of the Syrian crisis’ escalation and the various Turkish reactions. Each stage of Turkey’s management of the crisis reveals certain features of its foreign policy.
Assessing the ISIS threat one Year Later
By Zenonas Tziarras A year ago the world witnessed the swift advances of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria.
Shifting the Balance against ISIS, or Why Turkey Changed its Mind
By Zenonas Tziarras When the international anti-ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) coalition was formed back in September 2014, Turkey was thought to be a pivotal participant.
The post-Referendum Greece: Between Challenges and Hope
By Zenonas Tziarras On Sunday, July 5, 2015, the Greek people gave a clear ‘No’ to a proposed bailout deal by the Troika (the European Commission, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank).
Turkey’s hot summer
By Evangelos Areteos Turkey in front of a dilemma: Nationalism vs Democratization
Turkey and Saudis in Syria
By Zenonas Tziarras In early May, 2015 it became known that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are supporting extremist Islamist groups in Syria against the regime of Bashar al-Assad.
Turkey on the Eve of Uncertainty
By Evangelos Areteos On the night of June 7th Turkey will enter a new and unmapped area where the main characteristics will be political tensions and uncertainty coupled with widespread feelings of defiance and change.
Political Manifestos and Social Change
By Evangelos Areteos The manifestos of political parties during elections may appear as rhetoric tools with plenty of promises, but in the context of the upcoming general elections in Turkey in 7 June, parties’ manifestos could prove to be sound indicators of unfathomable social and political changes.
The Iran-P5+1 Framework: Prospects and Implications
By Zenonas Tziarras & Ioannis-Sotirios Ioannou The historical provisional deal of Lausanne, between the P5+1 countries and Tehran for Iran’s nuclear program, merely concerns the definition of the framework of the two negotiating parties for a final agreement in coming June.
Turkish elections, June 7th 2015: Turkey back to the changing swing
By Evangelos Areteos The elections of June 7th have emerged as a crucial factor that will reshape Turkish politics and society. Whatever the results of the ballot box, mid-term or long-term turmoil should be expected after June 7th.
Lessons from Kobane
By Ioannis-Sotirios Ioannou The undoubtedly heroic opposition of the Kurds of Syria in Kobane who furiously have been fighting the Jihadists of the Islamic State is frequently compared to the stories of the women-amazons.
The External Security of Cyprus: Challenges and Potential Threats
By Ioannis-Sotirios Ioannou Whereas Operation Entebbe in Uganda on July 4th 1976 can be considered as an example of daring commando attempts to save victims of terrorism, the events that transpired in February 1978 during the intervention of Egyptian commandos in Larnaca can only be seen as a continuous historical reminder that Cyprus is also the easternmost part of Europe and the last “post” before the turbulent subsystem of the Middle East.
Lessons from Tikrit
By Ioannis-Sotirios Ioannou Watching the war evolve in Iraq, between the military forces of the country and the Shiite militias on one hand and the jihadists of the Islamic State on the other, one inevitably realizes the domination of Iranian policy in Iraq.
A Note on Greek Foreign Policy under Syriza
By Zenonas Tziarras Much has been said and written about the foreign policy that will be followed by the newly-elected coalition government in Greece that consists of majority Syriza and minority center-to-right wing ANEL.
Syriza’s Victory and Greek-Israeli Relations
By Zenonas Tziarras & Ioannis-Sotirios Ioannou The Coalition of Radical Left (Syriza) was the big winner of the Greek national elections of January 25, 2015, as expected. With 36.34% of the votes, Syriza and its leader (now Prime Minister) Alexis Tsipras won 149 seats, two seats shy of absolute majority.
Full of Gas, Full of Problems: The Eastern Mediterranean’s Hydrocarbon Showdown
By Zenonas Tziarras & Gabriel Mitchell In October of last year, Russia, Israel and Cyprus conducted a joint naval exercise in waters of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Full of Gas, Full of Problems: The Eastern Mediterranean’s Hydrocarbon Showdown
By Zenonas Tziarras & Gabriel Mitchell In October of last year, Russia, Israel and Cyprus conducted a joint naval exercise in waters of the Eastern Mediterranean.